Sunday, July 7, 2019

You Wanted Results, I Give You Results

     Ok, before we get deep into the 28 day challenge and all that good stuff. I wanted to share this picture Morty. I showed the picture of him in this chair last week, and I mentioned the other way I find him each morning. This is that other way. Cracks me up every morning when I walk out to this.

     The other reason I wanted to post this first is, that I have the side by side before and after pictures of myself, and quite frankly, I didn't want those to be in the thumbnail on Facebook. Morty is much better looking than I am. Now let's get into the 28 days.

     As you may remember, I did this in hopes that I would hit 165 lbs. I did that, and I will get to the numbers soon. The other reason is, that I wanted to do that 72 hour fast in the middle of it. I hit 84 hours. Then for the final week, I decided to do something I had never heard of, and went a little crazy, but it worked.

     The final week I did something I'm now calling Calorie Deficit Fasting. I set a goal of only having 500 or fewer calories each day. That would put my total calories for the week at 3500 calories. I added at first a single 36 hour fast into it, which went 40 hours. I then added another 36 hour fast which was supposed to be 44 when all was said in done. My friend caved after 30 hours, and I was soon to follow. I only made it 33 that day. I was bummed, but not broken. I did exceed my calorie goal on two different days. One day I hit 507, the other I hit 585, but I was still in the green zone, on my calorie due to the two fasting days. I finished my week with 3,055 calories. That is what most people eat in a day, and I'm going to prove that by eating the way I used to for today and today only. I've already blown through my net carb goal of 21, and my normal calorie goal of 1700, is very much in peril, in only breakfast and a snack.

     Ok, here are the numbers. In the 28 days, I fasted for 157 hours , not including normal intermittent fasting. I lost 12 pounds. My Ketones fuctuated, but the final reading was at 4.9. That wasn't the high that I measured, that would be 5.6. I did not go into Ketoacidosis. That was my main reason for taking multiple readings for my Ketones. I wanted to monitor the very closely and keep an eye out for any symptoms. My final weigh in was this morning at 164 lbs. I hit goal and passed right through it. Just as I hoped. The final week was an 8 lbs loss, which put me over the top. I still have a lot of work to do, and you can see that from the pictures. This is the 28 day and 12 lbs difference. I was shocked. I didn't feel like there was this big of a change in my appearance, but the camera doesn't lie.

     If it's not obvious. Left is the before and right is the after. I tried to get the pictures exactly the same so there wasn't any crazy angles or anything like that, and I think I did a pretty good job. I definitely have some much needed areas to improve. Chest, stomach, and legs are the primary needy areas, but the rest will fall in line with those. I will hit my ultimate goal, and I will post pictures when I hit it. I just don't have any projected time for that yet. I'll let you know.

     This next week, I will eat like a "normal" person. Three meals a day, but I will be following some specific rules, so that things don't get out of hand. I will keep my fats and my carbs separate, so that they don't combine and fight for superiority. It's a whole science thing. I will be doing an entire vegan day, and I already have that planned out. Plenty of protein, and way too many carbs, so that will be a definite carb day. I will limit my calories somewhat, around the 2000 range, and I will be eating clean other than today.

     As I said earlier, today is going to be me eating like I used to, just to show you how much of an atrocity it was. I'm keeping track of my caloric intake, and I will have the final numbers for you on Tuesday. I expect to be in the 3000 to 3500 calorie range, but I may even exceed that. The idea of this entire blog is honesty, and I will honestly give you those numbers no matter who gross they are. This is to just show you the massive difference in a clean vs. a normal, yet dirty diet. This will also show you how easy it is to put up giant numbers in a very small amount of food. It is important to watch what you eat, and I know that now. I always knew it, I just didn't pay as much attention as I should.

     One final word before I take off for the day. The last week was tough, real tough. It was also very dangerous. I can't recommend doing it, unless you pay very close attention to what you are doing, and how you body is feeling. Last night, the final night was horror. I felt miserable and in an in between state. I pushed through only because I checked my ketones and I was at a level I decided was safe for me. Know your body before you do anything like this. I feel amazing today, so the benefits are great, but you have to push through some very tough times for them. Know thy self. Peace in and goodnight.

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