Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Results Of The Latest Fast

     This one is going to be full of updates. Let's start off with the fasting update. I got through the 36 hours, and it wasn't easy this time. At the 24 hour mark I was struggling, and thought for sure I was going to cave and eat something, but I had a plan. I went to sleep, and woke up ready to break fast, and it was good. I did my cup of chicken bone broth, with some turmeric, and salt. It was magnificent. If you haven't gone without food for any lengthy period of time, you truly don't know how good food really tastes.

     I had a whole two paragraphs here, and my fumbling hands slid across the track pad and erased everything, and there is no way I will be able to write it word for word, so I'll, just give you the cliff notes. I was taking about how my body is continuing to change, and look better physically. I will reach my goal of being complete shredded, and I believe it will happen within the next month. I'm going to have to put in a lot of work though to make it happen.

     I was also talking about fasting and how you should give it a try, but make sure you do your research and know and understand what it takes to do it properly. I did lose another 4.5 lbs on this last fast, and I have another 24 hour coming up on Thursday-Friday. Don't just do a water fast and think its all going to be hunky dory. You need to prepare yourself mentally and physically for it, and there are some things you need to do during the fast, like making sure you are taking in the proper minerals. Minerals don't count against a fast, so it's ok to take them in while you are fasting. In fact it is important to take them in, in order to get the results that you want. If you want some pointers I can give them to you, but it is always best for you to find your own path.

     Like I said above, I didn't feel good during this fast. I was weak and woozy, and just all around feeling bad, but I pushed through. The result though is days of feeling phenomenal. There are a lot of benefits to fasting, and that is the most noticeable one. Here is the thing. If I can do this, so you can you. Oh yeah, I also mentioned how I had to do a TPR today, and it just throughs my whole lifestyle in the dumpster. 3 slices of pizza runs everything for a few days. My carb intake is normally 20 grams or less. Those 3 slices have over 50 carbs in them. It's terrible for what I'm trying to do, but I committed to the TPR and I have to work it in, so I ate insanely clean around the pizza, and tomorrow I'm doing another all vegan day. That will be more insanely clean eating. I already have my game plan to have a keto vegan day. The first time I did it, I did what most would call traditional vegan. This time it is about keeping the carbs down, and the fats and proteins up. I know it sounds impossible, but it isn't, I just have to find the proper way to do it, and I'm going to get help from meat substitutes and a protein power made from pea protein. If you didn't know, pea protein is actually a very good source of protein, and it digests in the body differently than animal protein. It actually digests at a slower rate, which allows you to utilize more of the essential amino acids from the protein. That means you get more muscle building properties from it. So much for that whole weak vegan myth.

     I  have only told this to one person, but I'm going to let the cat out of the bag right here. My ultimate goal, is not only to be shredded, but it is to also switch over to a  full vegan keto diet. I don't know if I will ever truly be able to do it, but that is the end game for me. That is why I'm doing these all vegan days, and why I'm constantly looking for meat substitutes. I will find the proper way to do this so that I'm not overloaded in carbs while eating a plant based diet. I will take you along this journey with me, and give you every bit of information I come across in the event that you want to lean towards more of a plant based diet yourself.

     Now onto the important stuff. Baby Girl Gauge's bacterial test results came in today. She has 3 kinds of highly resistant strains of bacteria in her ears. The good news is, that they found a medication that they believe will take care of it. I have to go pick it up tomorrow morning and start her on it as soon as possible. The shelter, after conferring with the dermatologist decided to postpone her heart worm treatment until her ears were taken care of. She has her follow up appointment with the dermatologist in 3 weeks. She has already showed improvement with the mild/general treatment that she has been on. Her ears look a little better, and she has only had one manic type episode with her ears bothering her, and that was on a day that I think I applied her medication into her ears wrong. She has been much more relaxed and happy without having her ears causing her a fit.

     Time to get to bed and wake up to get BGG's medication in the morning. I'm having my first vegan meal at around 11 after polishing off a 19 hour fast. Just a tiny one tonight, and then it should be another 1300 calorie day, right before a 24 hour fast. Big plans and putting the work in to get them done. Peace in and goodnight.

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