Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Eating Normal Sucks

     Ok, the week of "normal" eating, is coming to an end. I can't take it anymore. The first day, which was Sunday, was a good old fashioned free for all. I ate nearly 4000 calories, in only two meals. Monday was kind of a clean out day, and I went pure Vegan for the day. Calorie consumption was just a little over 1300 for 3 meals. Today was supposed to be a somewhat healthy approach, but the TPR turned into grazing day, and I'm bloated as anything and ready to jump back on the Keto wagon and get my OMAD going. I can't eat like a "normal" person anymore, and I couldn't be happier about that. I have already started my intermittent fasting timer for my next meal in 22 hours. I will do a 24 or 36 hour fast early in next week, and be back to myself in no time. Eating like a "normal" person is for the birds.

     I will say this though. My Vegan day had some unusual results. I had this overwhelming sense of invincibility. Not that I was invulnerable and couldn't be killed, but an over general sense of positivity. I felt like I could do anything. I've had moments like that in the last few months, but not so complete. I talked to a Vegan friend of mine about that, and she explained something that made some sense. It is all about the spirit of what you eat. You eat something that died horribly, and you get those feelings. Plants don't die horrible deaths, so there is no sense of that. That feeling was great, and I had been doing a once a week Vegan meal during my Keto run. I'm now upping that to a full Vegan day from now on. I was close before, but the Quest bars that I eat are not Vegan, so I know have some Vegan bars to supplement in on those days.

    If you would have told me a few days ago, that I would have lost a total of 45 pounds, I would have told you that it was impossible, I don't have that much to lose. If you would have told me that I would have a full day of Vegan meals, I would have told you that you were out of your ever-loving mind. I was the guy that would say vegetables are rabbit food. Not any more though. Give them to me, just make sure they are Keto friendly.

     I worked more on my latest wood project, and right when I was packing things up so that I could get ready to go do that TPR today, a catastrophe happened. The stain I was working with exploded all over the piece when I tried covering got lid. I was heartbroken. When I finally show you the finished piece (after my friend gets it first), you will see just how much work I have put into it, and how devastating the situation was. I somehow managed to save the whole thing with a lot of extra work, and the pieces is coming out even better than I had hoped. I'm looking forward to showing you the finished piece, but that won't be until Sunday. I'm giving it to her on Friday.

     Time for a Baby Girl Gauge update. Look at that face. I took that just a couple of hours ago. I have some great news about BGG. In the last few days, she has had no desire what so ever to lick the wall in that obsessive behavioral way. She hasn't dug any holes in the past few days either. She is calm, cool, and collected. She is a happy content pup, and I'm over the moon about it. I thought that it would take months before that behavior would start to subside, but it only took a week. She is incredible. I take her for her ear appointment on Thursday, and we find out what the next step in that process is. Her first heart worm treatment is next week, and that will be a sad day. She has to stay at the shelter overnight, so she will be deeply missed on that day.

     The love my mom has for BGG, and that she has for my mom is unparalleled. I don't have a picture of it, but the caregiver showed me a picture she took of BGG sleeping on the couch and my mom sleeping on BGG. It was one of those TOO MUCH CUTENESS moments, that you hope you will see one day in real life. It was just too much, so I think my mom will be the one that is missing her the most. 

     Her and Morty get along great, and there have been no issues around feeding time at all. That brings me to a little PSA moment. Hey, if you are looking for a dog, or a pet of any kind, go check out your local SPCA or Humane Society, Remember to adopt, don't shop. Then you can answer the question of, Who really saved who? This message brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Counterfeit Squirrel.

     It's been a while since I did a Favorite Song of the Week. Not that I didn't have any for you, I just let it slip my time around the time I was writing this piece each week. I got a good one for you today, from my all time favorite artist. If you don't know who I'm going to share, then shame on you. You really haven't been paying attention to anything I write. Anyway, a little over a week ago, a new album was released by the Prince Estate. It is full of Originals, that he wrote for other people, or songs that were covered by other people. Some I'm sure you know, but most you probably don't. The thing that will shock you when I play this, is just how close the artist covering the song stayed to the original that he wrote. These are the demo tracks that he sent out for them, and in some cases, they just used the track and sang over them. This is one of those cases. This is Prince with the original version of Shelia E's The Glamorous Life

     I've been listening to this album and a demo album that was released by David Bowie non stop. I recommend getting both of them. They are incredible.

     I'm out of here, I got some intermittent fasting to do so I can get back on the Keto train. Peace in and goodnight.

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