Saturday, July 20, 2019

Violet Dahlia (Part 3)

     My next stop was the docks. You know the place? It's where all the nefarious types like to congregate so that they can dash out in a moment and be back the next. My guess, is there is plenty of news around the docks, especially news about killers for hire. I better grab a cup of joe before I hit the dirty planks of the dock. Jimi's made the best coffee in town, and I was right around the corner.

     It was your typical greasy spoon. Polished aluminum outside with chrome accents and bright lighting. It was saying that it was the only oasis in this dark hole of a town, and they served anything you wanted.

     "Sly, what's hip?"

     "Hey Paulie. I can tell you what's not hip, and that's me being up late on a Tuesday night."

     "But, you're a night owl Sly. You up every night."

     "You got me there Paulie, can I get a cup?"

     "I'm already pour'n it."

     "Tell me something Paulie. Have you heard any news about someone looking for a hitman."

     "I can't say that I've heard something directly, but I have overheard a little something."

     "You care to spill?"

     "Now, you didn't hear this from me, but it seems our notorious gangster in town is looking to kill his wife. He wants someone reliable and expendable."

     "So, he doesn't want to leave any evidence."

     "That's what it sounded like to me. Not your typical hit, get paid, and run kind of deal."

     "That just made my job a little easier then. It clearly won't be on of those dark lads from the club."

     "I'd check the docks If I was you Sly. Lot's of expendable types around them parts."

     "I was heading that way next, I only stopped in here for a cup before I went. I need that magical elixir to keep my head on straight and my eyes focused."

     "They don't call you's the preeminent private eye for nothing."

     "They call me the preeminent private eye?"

     "You never heard that before?"


     "I musta just made it up then. Ha ha ha ha!"

     Paulie had a strange sense of humor sometimes, but he always had his ear to the ground and was good for free information. As long as you bought a cup that was."

     "Thanks for the info Paulie."

     "See ya tomorrow Sly?"

     "I guess that depends on how things go down at the docks."

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