Sunday, July 28, 2019

Keto And Dirty Dogs

     Alright, here are the numbers after the first week of the next 28 days. I weighed in this morning at 166, which is down 2 pounds from my starting weight, and my ketone levels were at 2.5. I'm pretty sure that I've been in the 2's all week, just by the way I've felt. I've had some trouble sleeping, some of that was the dogs waking me up by coming in my bed in the middle of the night though. My energy levels have been very high, and I've been feeling really good. 

     I would be lying if I said I was happy with that weight. Don't get me wrong, 2 lbs in a week is a good deal of weight loss, and a healthy weight loss at that, but I have 16 lbs to go in the next 21 days. The second week starts tomorrow, and that means I'm throwing in a 36 hour fast into the mix. I completed two 24 hour fasts and two 20 hour fasts this past week. I will be starting the 36 at 8 pm tonight. That will take me through to Tuesday morning. I will have another 24 hour fast starting Thursday afternoon after I do a TPR. Trust me, doing these TPR's are not ideal for what I want to do. Having all those carbs totally and completely sucks, but I made a commitment to doing it, so I will suffer through a couple of slices of pizza. I have had the thought of only having 1 slice. That would only be around 300 calories and 30 carbs. Still puts me over my carb limit, but it shouldn't kick me out of ketosis. Although I bounce into ketosis really fast now.

     That reminds me, I have been putting a lot of thought into a new blog and video channel about my journey into Keto. I have a name, and it isn't taken, and no I'm not going to tell you what it is yet. Instead of doing the blog here on blogger, I'm really thinking about creating a website. I have lost the ability to comment on any comments on here, and it's bothering me to no end. I have tried everything to fix that. I think a website is the way to go. When I'm ready to launch everything I'll let you know. The video channel will be more of a talking head type of channel, where I will talk to you about what I'm doing, give out some recipes, that I've been doing, and maybe show some workouts. It's still in the early stages of trying to figure it out, but I have been thinking a lot about it the past few days.

     I do want one thing before I start it, and that is part of my next woodworking project. I'm going to build my own pull-up bar in the backyard. I just have a few problems. The Lowe's I go to, doesn't have 10 foot 4x4's, which is what I need to get it right, and I don't have anyway to get said 4x4's home. They won't fit in my car. I may have to strap them to the roof of my car once I find the right size. They have 8 foot, but I would only be able to bury 2 feet in the ground and that would leave the bar at around 5 and a half feet off the ground. Not much of a hanging bar. I want 7 feet sticking out, so that I can have the bar around 6 and a half feet. That would leave my feet dangling off the ground and great for doing good unassisted pull-ups. Oh, and don't think for a minute this will be just your standard square posts. I plan on doing some designing to them. I want them to look really cool as well as functional. I just have to find that way to get the posts home.

     I needed to share this picture with you. This is what goes on now in the backyard. Baby Girl Gauge is still a digger, but not to the extent she was when she first arrived, but Morty is no help what so ever. He usually lies down behind where she is digging, and then gets buried. He has no ability to shake himself off, so I have to try and get him to run around the yard before coming in the house, to get the majority of the dirt off of him. He is such a butthead.

     That isn't even the worst he has been covered. I missed when he was unseen from his mid back to tail. This was the second go around that day. I love them to pieces, but sometimes, they just frustrate me. I can still laugh about it though, because it is pretty funny.

     Keep a look out for news of the website and new video channel. I may even make a Facebook fan page, but I haven't gotten my mind set on that. I gots some clothes to fold, so peace in and goodnight.

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