Thursday, July 11, 2019

Let's Hear It For Ears.

     This one is going to be a short one. I don't have much to say tonight. I do have a Baby Girl Gauge update. She went to the vet today to see the dermatologist about her ears. They said that she has a bacterial infection and is on some mild medication to see if that will start to clear it up, and bring the swelling down. They sent a swab out to find out just what type of bacteria it is, so that they can have a more direct approach with the antibiotics. If this treatment isn't enough, she will need surgery and it will be very invasive. They explained a little to me, and mention that she would have to have her ear canals removed. Not sure if that is a permanent thing, and she will lose her hearing, or if it is an easier way to clean them out. Like I said, they only explained a little at this point.

     She had one of her anxiety attacks on the way there in the car, and began licking the rear windshield and couldn't stop. It is pure anxiety driven, I know this now. On the way home, she made it about 2/3rds of the way before that anxiety kicked in. I think it was just her wondering if she was having to leave her comfortable new home. That isn't the case, and she will learn that over time. I do have to take her back to the shelter on the 15th. That is when she begins her heart worm treatments. I will be able to pick her up later that day, it isn't until the second treatment that they have to keep her overnight. I will be throughly bummed on that day.

    Oh yeah, the vet techs and the doctors all fell in love with her, and were amazed out how relaxed she is. Nothing phases her in the slightest. At one point, the dermatologist was  checking out her ears, and she had her ear canal probe fall out of her pocket. The doctor and the tech both jumped expecting Gauge to jump as well, but they laughed out how she just stood there real chill like. Once again. I instinctually dislike the person that owned her before, but I'm thankful for them for doing it. They gave up a great dog, just like with Morty.

     It has been great being back on the Keto train, and doing my intermittent fasting. I've gone 22 and 23 hours consecutively now, and I'm feeling great. All the bloating that I was experiencing is gone, and I'm heading back to ketosis. I predict I should be back in it by tomorrow. I'm looking forward to those further gainful losses.

     I do have a new TPR video for you. This one was put together on short notice. I had to finish it today, and Baby Girl was not helping. She kept jumping in my chair so that I couldn't work. It was funny and adorable. I had to wait for the video to upload anyway, before I could embed it in the blog. Anyway, here is the video. I hope you enjoy it.

     Just saw the numbers as I was getting the code to embed that, and it's doing really well. Better than 90% of our other videos at this point. Someone shared it to a pretty big crowd. That's what I like to see. Looks like there is also a comment I need to reply to. I'll do that right after I wrap this up.

     I'm handing over my latest wood working project tomorrow. I'll share the pictures with you on Sunday. Recipient of the work gets to see it first in all. You understand. I will tell you, that this came out better than I thought was possible. I will always see ways that I can improve, but that's just the way I am. Nothing is ever really finished in my eyes, and there is always room to make it better. I just hope she likes it. I'll find out tomorrow morning. Until next time peace in and goodnight.

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