Friday, July 26, 2019

I Was Freaking Fat

     I shared this little video to my Instagram story, but just in case you didn't see it, I'll share it here.

     When I give Baby Girl Gauge her pills, the best way to do it is peanut butter bread. I of course have to give some to Morty as well, which creates a lot of hilarity for myself. I love watching them try to get the bread unstuck from the roof of their mouths. I'm nearly in tears every morning from laughing so hard at that.

     I'm full in on the 28 days, and I'm feeling great. I will do my official weigh in on Sunday, which will be day 7. I will also check my ketones, as well. I'm feeling my ketones are rather high right now, because I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping at night, my body wants to go go go. That is a pretty good sign that I'm very high in the ketones, and that puts me in that risky area, but I'll get through this. Despite only getting a few hours of sleep each night, I'm feeling full of energy and ready to go in the morning, to get my cardio in and a brief workout. I save the bigger workouts for the evening. No scientific reason for that, I've just always preferred to work out at night. I'll have all those updated numbers for you on Sunday.

     I got something delivered today, that I've been waiting for, and it's going to take my calisthenics at home to a whole other level, but I had to put it on this morning to size everything up and get the straps in place. Here is a picture of it.

     Looks like a life vest right? It is in a way, but not really. It's a weighted vest for when I do my calisthenics exercises. It weighs in at 35 lbs, but the weight is adjustable. I put it on at it's full weight, and am wearing it now as I write this, just so I can get accustomed to wearing it. It was a shock to have it on. This is nearly as much weight as I lost, and it is uncomfortable to say the least. This morning I was tired after just 10 minutes. I can't believe I was carrying around this much weight plus 10 lbs. I'm truly astonished at how I was able to function with that much weight on me. I'm of course not going to start out using it with the full weight in it. I'm going it to only 5 lbs to start out and then work my way up as I get stronger in the movements. I'm pretty excited about the fitness aspects that this is going to hold, and I'll tell you all about them.

     Which reminds me, I've been thinking about starting a fitness blog and possibly YouTube channel. It would be more about my day to day journey through Keto, and what it is like living a ketogenic diet, so the question to you is, would you be interested in reading a blog where that is all I talk about, and possible watch videos of just me talking about my fitness highs and lows? What do you think?

     Oh yeah, don't forget that I have been posting the Violet Dahlia series on here as well as Medium. It goes up here every other Saturday, so the Saturday after this one is the Part 4. It goes up on Medium the following Monday. Go check it out, I'm kind of excited about this, since I've always wanted to do a noir crime type of story. It has some throwback language and that noir feel with a little bit of campy humor in it. I also have a video for you to watch from TPR. This was a weird one, to say the least. If I would have stopped after my first bite, I would have trashed this pizza for having absolutely no flavor, but as I got into, the flavor started coming out in spades. Take a look at it and see how it all went down.

     I have more I could talk about tonight, but I'm going to hold back for right now. It's not great news, so I want to make sure I have everything in the proper perspective for when I talk about it. Don't worry, no one or any animal is injured. It's more of a personal failing kind of thing. I'll get to it when the time is right, it's just not right yet. Peace in and goodnight.

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