Sunday, May 12, 2019

It's All About The Food

     Let's get this started and over with, so that I can relax and wait on laundry to be done. I'll start with a Keto update, and quite frankly this is mostly going to be about food. I weighed in yesterday, and I hit 175.5 lbs. Technically you could say that I hit my goal since I'm in the 175 range, but I don't see it that way. I have to hit 175 for it to be official. Then and only then can I say I hit my goal, so I still have a half a pound to go.

     I have been always wanting to make changes in the way that I eat, and making moral changes in the way that I eat as well. Going Keto and OMAD (One Meal A Day) has been a big step in that final goal. Before I started all of this, I thought it would be impossible for me to go more vegetarian and even possibly vegan. I have been slowly making choices in what I buy that gives me a chance to move from so called "normal" eating to a more plant based eating. Today I bought a vegan cheese from a company called Daiya. I tried it side by side with real cheese, and flavor wise I could not tell the difference. The only thing that would give it away, was the melt point. The Daiya cheese melted at a much higher temperature, so you didn't get that creamy coverage that you got from normal cheese. I also went for a butter substitute as well. The butter is from a company called Pure Blends, and they have two options. You can go with a coconut oil based butter, or the one I chose, which is avocado based. I don't have a taste for coconut, so even if there is a thought that that flavor will shine through, I won't eat it. Anyway, the avocado based butter is fantastic, and tastes just like real butter. It is softer than normal butter, which is a giant plus in my book. Ever have to butter toast and the butter rips it to shreds because it's not melting? You won't have that problem with this avocado oil based butter. I still have to check fat content from that butter versus real butter, since I'm still keeping my fat intake high. Once I hit my goal weight and begin maintaining my weight and still regaling what I eat, I will be going away from the grass fed butter I have been using and staying strictly with this new plant based butter. I will be doing the same with the cheese as well.

     Before you even ask, yes you can do Keto on a plant based diet. It's just not as easy. I don't know if I will ever be able to go fully plant based, but I'm definitely moving towards a more plant based diet. I've said it before, but my body is changing, and I am feeling great eating the way that I am. If you need a recommendation on wether you should change your eating habits, let me be the first to give you one. Do it, and don't wait. Find one that works with you and your lifestyle, and try it for 28 days. If it doesn't work the way you want it to, tweak it until it does, but stick with the basics of what you chose. Keto works for me, and it works very well, I have lost 20.5 pounds so far on Keto, and 34.5 pounds over all, since my heaviest.  If I can do it, you can do it as well, but you will have to make sacrifices. When it comes down to it, how much do you really want that candy bar? If the answer is; more than feeling better overall, then have that candy bar. So far, I haven't given that answer, and I don't think I will again. Yes, I'm still going to have my garbage day (snack day, not a full meal), and I will have that candy bar, but I already know that it's going to cost me, and that cost will more than likely be me felling terrible for a few hours. Sugar definitely has an affect on me that I didn't realize was there when I was eating the old way. It was always a part of my diet, so the miserable feeling that I had was something I didn't know I was living with. I know now, and I don't like that feeling, but I will use it as a reminder of how I used to feel all the time, so that I don't feel that way again.

     Let's cover a comment, since Blogger won't let me comment on my own comments. The van that was the temp van was one that had been in the parking lot for some time. The NY van still hasn't made it to Florida yet. I also found out a little more information about how the fan ended up in that shape. Since it was parked in the lot for a long time, someone came by and cut the filler line to syphon gas directly out of the tank. Thieves are crazy little buggers. I have been told that the new van should be here this week, but as you know, I'm not expecting it to actually be here. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

     One last thing before I go. I actually don't remember how long it has been since I've been on Facebook. I don't miss it, but I guess I will have to go back on soon. If you haven't spent a prolonged time off of Facebook, one of the things they do to try and get you back is, to send you email telling you what you are missing. So and so commented on so and so's post. So and so posted a new picture. So and so made a new post. I don't bother to read any of these emails, The ones I do read, are the ones that tell me how the TPR page is doing. It gives me numbers on interaction, visits, and likes. I got the latest weekly update, and was astonished at how low the numbers were. That can only mean one thing. My partner has neglected his duty of positing on a daily basis to keep the followers engaged. I knew that this was coming. He was slowly taking more and more days off. The original agreement was that he was to come up with a daily post. That quickly became I take Tuesdays off. Then it was Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. Last time I was actually on there, it seemed like he took Monday through Thursday off. I left it all to him to see if he could succeed. It seems that he is failing again. Remember that page is the reason I went back on Facebook. He wasn't interacting with the followers and he wasn't growing the page. History has a habit of repeating itself when those who experience don't learn from it. So, in summary. I will probably be back on Facebook soon to take control of the page again to get it going in the right direction again. This is more work that I don't need on my plate. I have long enough days as it is. We still need to get out and film the third episode of the new season, but he had to work yesterday, and he wants to do it this evening, and that just isn't going to happen. I have things that I have to get done on Sundays, so we are going to have to do it sometime in the next two weeks. Episode 2 of season 2 goes live on Thursday, so we have a full two weeks from Thursday to have it done. I saw this coming, and told him of my availability before my schedule got real hectic, but he didn't take advantage of it. This is not how successful people act. Learn from this, always seize the opportunities that are given to you. If you let them pass you by, you will never move forward.

     I'm out of this so that I can wash my clothes and wait for them to dry. Peace in and goodnight.

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