Sunday, November 27, 2016

Friday Was A Great Day.

     Friday was a blast. I finally got to ride with a friend of mine. She was a very cautious, I might even say a tad bit overly cautious, but I am also very comfortable on a bike. I'm beginning to see that I might be too comfortable on a bike. By saying that, I'm not saying that I go to extremes with my riding. I always keep both wheels on the ground, and I always make sure that I'm in the clear when changing lanes or overtaking another vehicle. All that in mind, it was a great ride. We basically rode back and forth up the Space Coast of Florida. We even did a short two runs on Airport Rd. It gives you a chance to lay the bike on it's side. Then corners are tight enough that you can get your lean on, but not so tight that you have to be nervous about going in too fast. You still have to watch your speed when entering the corners though, but you have to go by feel. I've heard some motovloggers talk about a formula for how fast you should enter a turn. I don't know anything about that, it all comes down to feel and comfort. If you aren't comfortable going into a corner fast, then slow down. Make sure you do all your braking going into the turn, and not during it.Braking in the middle of the turn, is a great way to put the bike down, or cross the center lane, and that is a big no no.

     I do have a few pictures for you of the bikes. We had a couple of chances to pull off the side of the road for some pretty nice shots. Get ready for some pictures.

     This first one, was pretty early on in the ride. This was on the south end of what we call River Road. It's a very slow ride, the posted speed limit is 20-25 MPH. It varies between those two throughout that stretch of road. This was the first spot we saw that we could pull over and not be on someone's private property. The property parcels there, stretch to across the road for private docks. We snapped a few pictures  here, and dodged traffic, running back and forth across the road. It was  great spot under some shade trees near the water.

     These two here, were on the north end of River Road. Most of the ride, I was looking for places that we could park the bikes without really being on the road. this was the best location for such a thing, and it had that wonderful bush behind us that really added to the shots. The top one is one that I took while the second is from my friend. I've mentioned her before. She is the amateur photographer that is usually snapping great pictures of wildlife, but Friday was an exception. You can check out more of her work right here Elie Wolf 

     It was great riding with her, and I'm sure we will do it again soon. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you what it is she is riding. She has a beautiful Yamaha Bolt that is named Opie Jr.. If you didn't know better, you could probably make the argument that Saki and Opie Jr. are siblings. They are both red heads, with a lot of power, but the look just different enough to not be twins.

     With the ride over, I headed to my favorite watering hole for a bite to eat, and really see my bartenders last day. I got there a little before 5 and the bar was open. It was a fun night. I met a lot of new people, and a few drinks, and got to pick up a friend of mine's tab. He wasn't supposed to know it was me, since he hadn't seen me with no beard yet, but he figured it out, and came over to thank me. I was going to try and let him get out without talking to him that night, so that I could pull off the surprise RAK, and then talk to him the next time I saw him. I guess I wasn't as incognito as I thought I was. Sometimes plans work out, sometimes they don't.

     My bartender told me when I sat down, that she could have gone out for drinks on Thanksgiving night, but she was exhausted from stress. She was having to deal with a roommate issue. I understood, and simply said, some other time. I knew what she was going through, so it's ok. She really did seem interested in having drinks, and that is all that counts.

    While I was sitting at the bar having my dinner. I got a text. It was from someone that I didn't expect to hear from again. Remember the woman that 3W had me meet? The one that I went ahead and asked out on his prompting? Yep, she texted me. I was drinking and my day was going so great, that I didn't want to look at it. Last weekend was so miserable that I didn't want it tainting the great day I was having. I did text a friend for advice on what I should do. In the end, she told me that I would do the right thing, which I'm pretty sure I knew that, I just needed someone to tell me that, and when it comes from someone that you really trust, it holds more of an impact than your own inner voices. So, I didn't even bother reading the text from that woman, until Saturday morning. I'll give you the summary of what she said. Basically she admitted to lying about having a boyfriend, and apologized for doing so. I did respond to her, accepting her apology, and that was pretty much all of it. I didn't ask her out again, and I don't plan on it. I pretty much just threw her the ball to do with what she wants. I am 100% sure that 3W was behind her texting me. Based on the time she texted me, he was probably at the place she works at at the time. That was another reason I didn't look at the text until the next day. If he was there, and she told him my response, he would tell her how to answer. In the end, I was the nice guy. I could have been a dick and railed on her for lying, but why? I wouldn't get anything out of that. She got scared for some reason, and I accepted that, and I am now moving on. Besides, I am solely focusing on my bartender.

       Later Saturday evening, I got a text from my bartender. She was working at her other job and wanted to know if I wanted to come up and have a shot with her. My phone was on about 3% battery life, so I needed to charge it before going anywhere, so I told her it would take me an hour or so to get up there. I didn't want to pass up the opportunity, even though I would be breaking a huge rule of mine to do so. You see, my bartenders other job, si bartending at a strip club, and the rule is, never go to a strip club alone. There are many reasons for this rule, but the main reason is that you need someone else there to push the dancers onto, when you don't want a dance. Plus, I think it's a little creepy to go to a strip club alone. I'm not there to pick up a dancer, I understand the whole fantasy of the place, but going in alone, is saying that you don't bnecesarrrily get that. 

     I finally get there close to 10, and I find a spot at the bar, that is right next to a wall, so I don't have an open area for dancers to come up and hang out. I did have a couple of stools next to me free, but those got filled pretty quick. I was in the clear, I wouldn't have to tell dancers that I didn't want any dances. I could just talk to my bartender when she had a brief moment to do so. The strip clubs are smokey inside, so I wasn't planning on staying long. I figured I would have two drinks and do a shot with my bartender and then I would be home and to bed in no time. You know me and plans like that though. I was there long enough that the bar stools next to me opened back up, and dancers began to arrive. I would talk to them, and then eventually tell them that I was just there to drink, but then one noticed my Twenty One Pilots tattoo. She mentioned that there was another dancer there that loved that band. She called her over, and showed her my arm and then the conversation began. We sat and talked about TOP and how much we loved them, then it went into other things. I mentioned that I have an extra ticket for Panic! At The Disco, and she quickly asked me for my number. Sure, I knew where this was going anyway. I'd give her my number and that would be it. It's all part of that fantasy. She makes me believe that she wants my number and will text or call about the show, and then I think she is really into me, and I get a dance from her, because we now have this connection, and I will have the number of a dancer. That's how it is supposed to go. Here is the way it did go. She immediately texted me, so that I had her information. I was shocked. I actually have a dancers number. I don't have an actual bucket list, but if I did, get a dancers number, would be on it. Here is the thing though, this wan't about that "fantasy" she really doesn't enjoy that music, and loves going to shows. It wasn't a sexual we can hook up thing. I really think I made a friend, that just so happens to be a dancer. I still wan't going to get a dance. She then tells me, that she dances to TOP songs all the time, and she would get the DJ to play one for a dance for me. I couldn't pass that up. i could get a dance from a TOP fan while a TOP song was playing. I needed that experience. Once again, it wasn't sexual at all. She was very attractive, but that had nothing to do with it. The whole time, she is giving the lap dance, we are having a blast singing the song at the top of our lungs. It was great.

     The night ended, and the dancer, who I'm not using her name, because she never gave me her stage name. I only know her real name, and as you know. I don't use anyone's real name on here, to protect their privacy. Mine, I don't care about. What I do is open game for these posts. That is the whole reason behind writing this, but other people should have the right to be able to deny they were ever involved. Anyway, she came up to me, and gave ma a huge hug and thanking me for the most fun dance she has ever given. I thanked her as well. It was fun. That brings me back to my bartender, who looked gorgeous by the way. That was the other reason that it was so easy to turn those dancers down. She came around the bar and gave me a hug goodnight as well, and it was the best hug I've ever gotten. Maybe it was because it was something that I've wanted to do for a very long time now, or maybe it was just that it was her, either way, it was the best.

     I can't help but have a feeling, that this could happen, and we could date. No I haven't asked her officially out, but I feel that she would be up for it. That could be me just reading way more into it than what is really there. I am known to do that, but I really do feel like there is a possibility. I said it before, I only need a chance, and I think that is what I have. I'll keep you informed. For now, I can only say, peace in and goodnight.

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