Tuesday, November 15, 2016

We Rode Like The Wind (Part 2)

     That's right. It's part 2. I didn't even get finished with Friday, so I guess we better just jump right in where I left  off. Where did I leave off? I remember. I kind of rushed the end of the ride without telling you the most important part about the ride at night. The fact that it was cold. I mentioned a chill during the ride early on, but when you get up to highway speeds at night, when the temperature is dropping, the wind chill becomes excessive. That was the case on Friday night. I do remember at one point passing a bank sign that had the current temperature on it, and it read 66 degrees. We passed that sign at about 70 MPH, which if what my buddy said was true, that meant the temperature we were feeling on the bikes was near freezing. I have to believe his math on this one, because I was frozen when I finally got home. I got home at about 7:30 at night and didn't thaw out until around 8:30.

     After I got home, I was going to stick with a plan that I was running through my head all day, and that was to go to my favorite watering hole, and see my bartender. I walked in and right past the other bartender that I know there. She hadn't seen me the week before and everyone kept quite about me shaving the beard off. She gave me an awkward smile, and then went about her business. My bartender came up and said hi, and that's when the other bartender had feeling that it was me. I could tell that she still wan't completely sure about it though. She came up and asked tentatively if I wanted a Jack & Coke. I said absolutely. That is when she told me that she wasn't sure if it were really me. Keep that last thought in mind, because we will make a return to that a little later.

     This is when we get into the news about my bartender. At some point in the evening, when the crowd had shrunk to a few tables, she walked up to me, and told me to keep what she was about to say quiet. This was a little strange for me, because she was confiding in me something personal, which is something she hasn't really done before. She told me that she was putting in her two weeks notice, and that she was leaving the bar. I was a little bummed to hear this news, but then a revelation occurred to me. She wasn't going to be my bartender anymore. My rule could stay intact. Then something else occurred to me. I only had two weeks to gather the courage to ask her out, and at that time, she would still be my bartender. Oh, how Fate's fickle finger dances over our lives. I thought of a way to make this work. Remember me telling you about the guy that picked up my tab a few weeks back? He has done that several times, so I hatched a plan to pay him back a little, and get her number at the same time. I asked her, that if I gave her my number, would she text me the next time he came in, and she would hold his tab, and I would come in and pay it after he left. She was in, but it only works, if he comes in within the next two weeks. That being said, and I know it sounds like a completely blew it, and didn't take charge of the situation, and it is all in her hands. Here is the thing though, she reiterated wanting to go to Universal with me, and that we were definitely going to do that, and that she had my number now, so that she could get in touch with me. I realize that I'm only a genius if she texts or calls me, and I can live with that. I've already gone through the rollercoaster of my own mind, in giving up, and not giving up, and panic attacks, and trying to drink enough liquid courage to get the job done, and then knowing that I've had too much to get the job done, so I can live with a chance, and a chance is all I need.

     Remember that thought I told you to keep in mind? That comes into play near the end of the night. I was once again, the last patron of the bar there. The two bartenders, mine and the other one, sat at the other end of the bar, and began to share a meal. That is when the other bartender said that I should come down and join them. I made a witty comment about how I'm a "that side of the bar" person, and that I shouldn't be at the end with them. I said this as I was walking with my drink over to them of course. I sat down in the seat next to my bartender, but she had to get up and get something from the kitchen area. That is when the other bartender mentioned again how she wasn't sure if it were me, or a twin. Then she said that if she had my number she was going to text me to ask if I had a twin. I know she heard me give my number to my bartender, and there is a bit of history between me and the other bartender. Is this getting confusing with my bartender and the other bartender yet? Here is a brief look at the history. My drinking buddy, asked the other bartender out a long time ago. She accepted, but on the night they were supposed to go out, she said she had too much homework to do (college homework). That left my buddy wanting to (he wouldn't admit this in a million years) go out and drown his sorrows. We ended up barhopping that night, and the last place we went, guess who was there? If you said,  the other bartender, you would be right. Even though she had stood him up, he tried everything to get her to go home with him. It was a little awkward and sad to watch. I finally had my fill of drinking for the night, and said that I was leaving. He finally accepted his failure and said he was going to. He hugged her goodnight, while I hugged even another bartender that I know from my favorite watering hole, and then we switched. I said goodnight to the other bartender (the original other bartender) and as I hugged her she leaned in and whispered something to me. I'm not going to give he exact words, but let's just say, that it eluded to her being interested in me. She's attractive and I like talking to her at the bar, but she just stood up my buddy, and I wasn't going to do that to him. That's my loyalty kicking in. We have never spoken about that part of that night again. Even at times when that night has come up in conversation, that part has always been eliminated. Because of the final words of that night, and her mentioning not having my number, and me having just gave my number to my bartender, left me feeling like there might be some weird triangle thing going on. That could all be on my though. I could be reading everything horribly wrong, but I just got this weird feeling.

     Just in case you are wondering, this doesn't not create any confusion on my part. I still want my bartender, and although I enjoy the other bartender, I'm not going there. I can hear you, "Oh, you are an idiot. You are passing up a sure thing." Here is the problem with a sure thing, it is often not a "real thing", and that is what I want. Will my bartender be a "real thing"? I would hope so, which is why the only way I can find that out, is if I go out with her. I would much rather take the chance on a "real thing" than a sure thing. That may sound crazy, but I never said I was sane.

     With that in mind. I decided that I would go up there on Saturday night as well. This was the night, that even though I had given my bartender my number the night before, I was going to just roll the dice, and ask her out. Have you ever heard of Murphy's Law? Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. My bartender wasn't working that night. My daring plan to finally give into my desire and avoiding anything that is normally me, so that I could ask her out, was foiled by her absence. Such is my life. The plan is still in effect, and I'm sure I will see her on Friday night when I go in there, but will I have the same courage that night that I found on Saturday? Only time will tell.

     That was pretty much my weekend. I did wrap it up, by getting the final few miles on Saki to cross 1500, so I hit that goal, and watch Doctor Strange. It was good, not great, but good. I enjoyed the opening two scenes, but the rest of the first act, and the second act were a bit dull, The third act made it all worth while though. Marvel is still setting up the Infinity Crisis. which if they do right will be fantastic. The actors were really good in the movie, the real problem I had, is that there was seemingly no passage of time. Maybe that was the point though. It was a movie about a guy altering time and space, so maybe Strange learning how to do magic in what seemed like a matter of weeks, makes sense when you look at it that way.

     Let's get to Favorite Song of the Week. I'm sticking with the Walk Off The Earth theme that I mentioned a few weeks ago, and tonight brings you an original song by them. This is one of my favorite songs by them, and it has a folksy, poppy, cool vibe to it. I hope you enjoy it. This is "Gang of Rhythm".

     Next week will wrap-up my little tribute to WOTE. That one will be one of their crazy talent videos. It's wild what they can do and how they put it all together. Peace in and goodnight.


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