Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkey Day Edition.

     Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you ate your fill, and reflected on the things you were thankful for. Among many things, I was thankful that I got to ride Saki today. We went out for a short little ride, and then I cleaned Saki up. Saki has a big day tomorrow. Saki is going to be getting it's picture taken in maybe different locations. This isn't the photo shoot with the model, I'm still looking for a location for that. This is going to be a very dear friend of mine, that I have been waiting to ride with for months now. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday night, and I just might have some pictures for you as well. We will have to wait and see on that last part.

     There is no new update on the ukulele, which I expected. They will surely have something new done by Sunday though. The next step is to glue the top onto the sides, and a few other things. I'll post a link to it if there is anything new.

     I texted my bartender today, and I happened to tell her that if she was up for going out for a drink to let me know. She seemed like she was up for it, but things weren't exactly going her way today, so I knew there was a very good chance that drinks would not happen. Like I said, she seems open to the idea. It may only be as friends, but I'll take that. I might have mentioned it before, that I move very slow, and because of that, I have a tendency to lull women into liking me. They don't see it coming, and then they just sort of always see me there, so they figure "why not". I really don't know if that is true, but I do kind of stick around long enough for them to finally see me. I might finally be breaking her down.

     I have no other plans for this weekend other than trying to ride as much as I can. I may even ride before my ride tomorrow. Get in a morning ride and then a noon time ride. That is when my friends is supposed to arrive at my place. I do know, that I am staying away from stores and sales. I don't want anything to do with Black Friday, and I have no reason to even be involved in it. I do plan to go have a drink or two at my favorite watering hole, but other than that. my weekend is up in the air, and that has me a bit concerned. Why? you ask. Because I am making a conscience effort to distance myself from 3W for a little while. It appears that 3W is in town, so he may or may not contact me to go out for drinks. I will have to try and make plans that he will not want to be a part of. I know the right people to call up, so that he won't want to be around them.

     I do want to see the new Harry Potter film, that really has nothing to do with Harry Potter, but I'm not sure of the name. I think it is Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. I'm always up for a Wizarding World film. They are magical (yes, pun intended), and fantastically fun. Who wouldn't want to possess the power to perform magic? I'm sure there are people out there, but I'm not one of them. At some point, I will buy my very own wand at Universal Studios.

     I think I'll leave you with a picture I took of Saki today after I cleaned it up. Here it is, Saki basking in the sun.

     Pulling this picture up reminded me, that I have another picture for you. I took a shot so that you could see the RAM mount and where it is on the handlebars. It looks a little bulky, but it is definitely out of the way where it sits on the bars. So one more picture and then I sign off.

Peace in and goodnight.

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