Thursday, November 10, 2016

You Want It Darker.

     I was correct in thinking that I would have Friday off. I was incorrect in thinking that I would be working today. I would have preferred to work today, but, it wasn't in the cards. Let's get back to Friday. So with Friday off, I am able to go with plan B for riding to Destination Florida. We are leaving the brewery tomorrow around noon. I guess from there, it is about 100 miles, so it should take  us a couple hours to get there, and then a couple back. I think we will go the slow route up US 1 because it will be far more scenic than just riding up I 95. Once we are up there, we will check out some Ducatis and Harleys. It should be a fun day trip. Not to mention, it will get me closer to my goal of hitting 1500 miles on Saki. I'm just over 1200 right now, so I have a little less than 300 to go, I should be able to hit that easily by Saturday. Although I do think I will take some time and see Doctor Strange, since I haven't seen it yet. Don't spoil it for me, I'll watch it early Saturday, we can talk about it on Sunday night.

     Speaking of Saki, I got a couple of little things in the mail for it yesterday. My swingarm spools and valve stem caps arrived, and I immediately put them on. I took a couple of pictures of them to show you, so you can see how well the reds match up. I thought they were going to be quite a bit off, and I was just going to live with it, but they look almost exactly the same.

     You can see the stripe on the wheel in both pictures to some extent, that is the matching color of the paint on Saki, and you can see, that they match up really well. I was quite amazed and pleased by this. Now, you may be asking, "what use are these little things?". I'm glad you asked that question. Let's take them in order. The swingarm spools, are useful in, that when I get my new rear tire stand, it will fit in the gap of those spools and lift the bike up, and I will be able to do work on the back end of Saki, such as removing the tire or chain tightening. Things like that. Also, the offer a little protection to the swingarm, if the bike goes down. The damage will be mostly to them, which are very easily and somewhat cheaply replaceable. They only got $20. The valve stem covers, give a little bit of a better seal to the valve stem than the normal plastic ones do. These metal ones, have a rub gasket inside that helps keep the air from slowly leaking over time. I won't have to air up my tires as often. Which reminds me, I need an air compressor, so if anyone has one that they like, and would like to recommend it, please do. The last thing that makes these two little things useful, is that they just add a little pop of color, and dress Saki up a bit. You gotta look good. After all, Saki is going to have to keep my attention tomorrow after I look at Italian precision, and American muscle. Those are just things to look at, my heart belongs to Saki.

     Should we talk about my bartender? Maybe just briefly. I do plan on going to my favorite watering hole, in hopes of seeing her, and yes, possible finally asking her out. I'm not sure if it will be Friday or Saturday night yet. I'm up for any suggestions that you may have, on which day would be better.

     Just before sitting down to write this, I got a notification across my phone, that Leonard Cohen had died at the age of 82. For those of you who don't know who he was, he was a poet, a songwriter, and a singer. He was wildly influential in the 60's and 70's. He was only out done by Bob Dylan, you know, that guy that just won the Noble prize for literature. Cohen was sought after by many of the great artist of that time, to have him write them a song, and these people were no slouches at songwriting themselves. James Taylor and Willie Nelson were two of them. He released his latest album this year. He was always writing. He had a haunting sound to his songs, which was heavily evident in his most recognizable song "Hallelujah". Like David Bowie's "Dark Star", Leonard's song "You Want it Darker", eludes to his knowing of his impending death, and his acceptance of it. Tonight Leonard is spiraling in then ether and joining the greatest concert lineup in history. I'm sure they can find an open spot for him. 

     I'm going to leave you with "You Want it Darker", so that you can see that even at 82, Leonard could still lay down some deep, heavy, poetic songs for everyone to enjoy.

     Peace in and goodnight.

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