Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Jeffrey Dean Morgan And A Ukulele.

     I was listening to Howard Stern this morning, and he had Jeffrey Dean Morgan on. If you don't know who he is, he is an actor who currently plays the role of Negan on The Walking Dead. He's really good at it too. Despite the fact that I've seen him in a few different things, I despise him as Negan. That is actually a compliment to his acting. He plays the role so well, that I don't like him at all. If you are a fan of the show, and feel the same way about him, I wanted to tell you a couple of things I learned about him. He grew up in Seattle Washington, and had his eye on being an artist. He would sell his paintings at his friends rock shows. Those friends just happened to be the guys in Alice in Chains, and Mother Love Bone (who later became Pearl Jam). He even tried his hand at music, but found that he was terrible at it. He began acting, by chance. He accompanied a friend to L.A. and while he was there, he met a casting director that helped him land his first role. After that, it was history. He was an actor now, and I'd have to say that it has worked out so far.

     With all his fame and fortune you'd think he would be living in Hollywood and being part of the glamorous life, but you would be wrong. He lives with his wife and son on a farm in upstate New York. He bought the land and uses it  as a rescue shelter for alpaca, cattle and other animals. He also bought a candy store that was kind of a cultural center of this little town that he calls home with Paul Rudd. They bought it in order to save it from going under or being bought out from someone that would change it to something else. The previous owner was a man that Jeffrey and his wife met when they first visited the town. He died a few years ago, and Jeffrey and Paul wanted to keep his legacy alive, which was that candy store. He is a great actor and a pretty remarkable man. So you can hate his character, but know that he is a pretty good dude.

     I just checked Mya-Moe, so that I could get the link ready for you to see the latest update, and I was surprised to see a new update posted. I honestly expected nothing to be done today, but they got the top glued on and began working on the neck. This new ukulele is coming along faster than I thought it would, and I'm loving it. Here is the link UkeTracker to check out the progress. The top picture is of course the latest shot of the ukulele, but you can go down and click on the other pictures to see everything that has been done so far. The second to last picture is one of the best. It shows the bracing that is inside the bottom and sides. That bracing, which is more detailed on the top piece, is what gives the ukulele a lot of it's intonation. The wood itself does a lot of work there as well, but when they put those braces in, and start shaping them, they tap the wood to hear the tone, and shave little pieces off at a time until the wood sounds just right. It's an incredible process, and if you get the time, you can go on their YouTube channel and watch a series of videos they did called "The Making Of A Mya-Moe". It's really good, and they take you through every step, from ordering to when they send it out to you. It takes some time to watch them all, but you don't have to do it all in one day. Now, that won't help you if you want a custom made ukulele from therm. They have stopped taking orders on custom builds, but they are going to build pre-configured ukuleles. If you have something in particular that you want, you can give them your configuration, and they can see if one that they are going to build comes close to it, and they will give you the option of first choice on buying it. NO, it's not a custom, but it's still a Mya-Moe Ukulele, and they put the same pride in a pre-configured as they do a custom. They are fantastic little instruments and if you want to hear one of them, here is a video of Eddie Vedder playing his Mya-Moe, that he named Clarence.

     Great song, and a great sounding ukulele. If you thought that was the Favorite Song of the Week, you would be mistaken. I'm going to take you back for this one. This is a band that a found out about because of the Purple One himself. Prince put these guys on the map, and wrote a lot of their songs. The were a big part of that Minneapolis sound, that Prince made famous. He put them in his movie Purple Rain as the foils. They played the villains pretty well too. That is still one of my favorite movies, and I can watch it anytime it is on, or I put the dvd in. Here is Morris Day and The Time with The Bird.

     I for one, can't listen to that song and not want to dance. For those of you who are fans of The Time, I'm suer you were expecting me to play Jungle Love. Listen, that's a great song too, but for me, The Bird is the best song that they ever did. The bird caws are what makes it for me.

     That is all I have for you tonight. I'm keeping its short and sweet. Oh wait, I do have one more thing. I did happened to stumble across a location for the model/Saki photoshoot. I told the photographer about it, and he went and checked it out today. He loved it, so we might have something soon. If I am abled to, I try to get permission to use one of the shots for this. It won't be easy either, he prides himself on not putting pictures out there for everyone to see. These shots are for his private use, and the models portfolio, so I'm not making any promises. With that I bid you, peace in and goodnight.

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