Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Let's Plan A Ride.

     Here it is, election night. What am I doing you ask? Not watching election coverage. I've been waiting for tomorrow for about a year now, and yes I know that the campaigning has gone on for 16 months. The longest campaigning in American history. This election has been a terrible ugly thing for this country, and the sooner it is over the better. I have not posted anything here about what candidate that I'm for, and I'm not starting now. I sill support and question whomever becomes president, because that is what you do. I don't say stupid things like, that person isn't my president. I instead support the good things, and question the bad. I'm hoping for the best, but only time will tell if the best is what happens.

     On to better and less political a things. I have a plan for this weekend (oh no, here we go again). It's a good plan, and a plan that involves riding Saki. Here is the plan. I want to ride to Destination Florida, which is about 80 miles or so from my house. There is an enormous Harley-Davidson dealer there, as well as a Ducati dealer. I want to look at bikes, and more importantly, bikes that I can't afford. I already have someone that is up for the ride, but it all depends on timing. Here is where it gets dicey. The plan is for Saturday morning. We ride out early in the morning, and get there around the time that everything opens, and then head back to get home somewhere around early afternoon. The person that is going along with me, has an event to go to on Saturday, but he isn't sure of the time he has to be there. He is going to find all that out. There may be another option though. It is looking very strong that I will have Friday off. If that happens, all those timing issues go away. If I'm off, I will meet him at the brewery early Friday morning, to help him brew, and then we will ride out from there when we are done. Problem solved. I just have to wait and see if I do have Friday off. A memo should go up tomorrow, but sometimes it holds until Thursday. I'm pretty sure that I'll see something tomorrow though.

    I keep forgetting to get a picture of the new Funko Pop vinyls that i've gotten. I will try to get it for you on Thursday. I can however tell you about them. I picked up a Harley Quinne from Suicide Squaed, a White Canary from Legends of Tomorrow, and an Atom from Legends of Tomorrow. I'm not a very good collector anymore. I only get the characters that I like, so complete sets aren't in the cards for me anymore. Speaking of Characters that I like. I noticed that the Star Wars Rogue One Pop vinyls are out. I plan on getting the lead character, whose name that I do not fully know. Ok, "fully know" is my way of saying, that I've seen the name, but can't for the life of me remember it. Without watching the movie, I already know that I'm going to like that character. Why? You ask. Because she is strong female character. I've always loved strong female characters, I think more movies should have strong female leads, and not just as co leads. I've always tried to write strong females in the stories that I've written. I have yet to create a lead female character, but that is the idea I have been trying to press lately, and it's just not coming. I need to just take a break from the thought process, and let it happen. Everything I try to come up with, I realize has already been done. Now, I could rewrite a character as female, but I think that is taking the easy way out, and I don't want her to be a reprocessed character, I want her to be organic and genuine.

      That brings us to Favorite Song of the Week. I said last Thursday, that I was going to put a focus on Walk Off The Earth, and I'm not backing down from that. The song I have for you, is one of the latest covers that they have done. It is from a band called then Chainsmokers. I have not heard the original one, so I can't compare the two, I can only point out the talent of Walk Off The Earth. I'm pretty sure that everyone in the band, plays multiple instruments, and sometimes at the same time, as you will see in this video. They love to take kids toy instruments, and turning them into something that brings an amazing and unique sound to what they are doing. Don't forget to pay attention to Beard Guy, He is the most unusual member of the band, but he has some pretty amazing talent of his own. It sneaks up on you. I hope you enjoy this one, it's pretty fun.

     Kazoos, come on. That's just great stuff right there. Next week, I'll post one of their originals, and then the week after I'll put of one of their truly incredible ones. They do things, that most people would be afraid to try, and that is something that I love about them. Check into them a little more, you might find that you like what you hear, and see. Peace in and goodnight.

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