Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Then Fate Walked In.

     Well, I chose the heater in my car for the ride to work on Monday. It was in the lower 40's when I went to work, and Saki just needed to stay in the garage in stay warm. I did however ride in this morning, and it really wasn't much warmer. It made it to the mid 40's for the ride in, and I was cold. My gloves are for more summer and spring riding, so mid 40's at 45 MPH makes for some frozen fingers. It looks like my next gear purchase will be some warmer gloves.

     Not much happened today, but something did happen on Monday. I was miserable all day, and by miserable I mean that I was spiraling downward, because of everything that happened this weekend. I just kept running everything through my head over and over again, and how 3W was being, well we know what he was being. About midday, I remembered something, and that memory gave me hope for redemption. "What was the memory", you ask? It was that my bartender happened to mention that Monday would be her last day. I pulled up y big boy pants and made my way to the watering hole. I walked in, and she had a pretty big smirk on her face for me. "You're here", she said. I told her that I didn't get to say goodby yesterday, and that I wanted to make sure I came in today to do just that. She told me that she was glad I came in. Her saying that she was glad the I came in, was a big deal to me. After she said that, her smirk turned into a grin, and that was an even bigger deal to me.

     I was still feeling pretty low, and was spending all of my time sitting there, trying to figure out the right things to say. I was comping up blank, and that was making me feel even worse. There weren't a whole lot of people there, so she had time to come over to where I was sitting and talk a bit with me. Turns out, that I didn't have to come up with any "right" thing to say, I just followed her lead. She mentioned that she was going to be alone for the holidays, and I told her that if she wanted to do anything, that she could text me. When I said that, she said she would, not, I don't have your number. You may remember form Sunday, 3W was saying that she told him that she didn't have my number and I never gave it to her. There was nothing like that when I spoke to her. That means that my feelings about who was lying to me, were correct. I don't know why he was lying, although I have an idea. It's not worth sharing though.

     During our short conversations, we talked about a few reasons to get together to go to Universal. That's when I go to thinking, that no matter what, I needed to walk out of there with her phone number. This is where Murphy's Law kicks in, and my phone dies. Hey spiral, remember me? Good to see you again in the same day, only moments from when I was starting to climb back up. Could my luck possibly get any worse? I was scrambling in my head, on what to do. I could ask her for pen and paper, or a napkin, something. I would wait until I was ready to leave in that case. I could make this happen. I should mention, that when my phone died, it still had 23% battery life left on it. My phone does that from time to time, and it is usually at the most inopportune times that it does.

     Everyone that was left at the bar was watching Dancing With The Stars. and my bartender told me to move around to a better area to see the TV. I had never watched the show, but I was up for seeing how good these people could dance. It was the finals. I have no idea who won, but there was some talent. I know I'm getting away from what I should be talking about but this is all part of it. A very good friend of mine, when I told them that I had blown it on Sunday with my bartender, said, that if she texted me it was fate giving me a nudge. I told her that fate has never been on my side. I have to amend that statement now, because fate definitely showed up last night. Because that show was on, and I didn't really care about it. I pulled out my phone and tried it out to see if it would turn on. Lately when it shuts down, with extra life still on it, it shuts down for good. It will make an effort to restart, but it will always shut down just before it turns on. Last night, it turned on, and it stayed on. My bartender walks over to me, and I say to her, "My phone came back to life.", and then I spun the phone to her, with a new contact up, so that she could put in her info. It worked, and I got her number. It's a small victory, but it is a victory non the less. Now I have to come up with a really good reason to text hers o that mental battle field should be fun. Oh, and it turns out, that she has one more day of work there, it will be this Friday, so she will be my bartender one more night.

     That brings us to Favorite Song of the Week. This will be the last of the mini highlight series of Walk Off The Earth videos. This is the one, that really shows off their talent. They are paying an instrument called a Harpejji, and they are all playing it at once, and getting some great sounds out of it, and the other little props that they have. I should also point out, that Sarah was in labor during the filming of this song. I guess that's one way to bring a little joy to the world while you bring a bundle of joy into the world. Just becasue this is the last video of this series, it doesn't mean that they won't show up in FSOTW again. Without further adieu though, here is "Can't Feel My Face", which is a cover originally done by The Weeknd.

     I'm sure you noticed that the font changed a bit up there, I tried to fix it without luck, so I'm hoping ash it doesn't bother you too much.  Ok, just previewed what the page will look like, and there is nothing different, so you are probably thinking that I lost my mind, but I can tell you, the box I"m writing this in, looks wonky. With that in mind, I only have one more thing to talk about tonight, and that would be my ukulele. There wasn't any update on Sunday, but they have since did two more things in the process for it. Yesterday they glued in the tail block, and today the braced the top, and glued the back to the sides. You can go here UkeTracker to check out the progress. It may not seem that exciting to you, but to me, it is one of the greatest things ever.

     I hope that anyone that is celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday, has a wonderful one with friends and family, and I will talk to you that night after all the festivities. Peace in and goodnight.

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