Thursday, November 17, 2016

Life On Four Strings.

     I got some great news today. I checked my email around lunch time, and saw that I had one from Mya-Moe. They were informing me, that they had begun work on my new ukulele. They are two weeks ahead of schedule. Work was scheduled to begin on December 1st, so I was surprised an elated to learn that they had begun so soon. I don't think that means that I will get it early though. They do have planned time off during the holidays, so they could be getting the early start, just to guarantee that they keep it on schedule. Either way, I'm still excited. The best part is, that I can watch the progress of the build on their UkeTracker. It's a little feature they have on their website so that you can follow along with each step of the build process, and yes, I'm going to share it here with you, so that you too can follow along. Today's step, was to bend the sides and glue in the neck block.

     It takes them about 30 days to build a ukulele. The projected completion date is January 10th, but as I said before they have time off scheduled for themselves (oh, themselves, are the three people that do all the building of the ukuleles), so they also have a "Committed Completion" date, which is February 9th. That is when I'm assuming that they will send me the email telling me that it is done and ready to ship. It will take about 7-10 days to arrive, and then I will be playing my new Mya-Moe Low G Tenor Ukulele. Enough about that, here is the link so that you can follow the progress. I'll post this with each of my posts, so that you can see the latest progress. UkeTracker

     The first picture you will see each day on the top of the page, is the latest shot of what has gone on with the ukulele. Just to give you an idea of how it will look when it is done, here is a link to the first ukulele I had built by them. Cindy Lou, my first Mya-Moe ukulele , yes, Cindy Lou is the name of that particular ukulele, The full name is Cindy Lou Uke, which is a play on Cindy Lou Who, from Dr. Seuss. I don't have a name for the new one yet, that will come when I get it in my hands. You have to see it in person, and hear the way it sounds and the way it feels, before you can name it. It will have a name, it is just a matter of what it says to me.

     I'm off tomorrow, so it's another 4 day work week, and next week will be a 3 day work week with Thanksgiving falling on Thursday of that week. All this time off, is going to give me plenty of time to ride Saki, and that is just what I plan on doing. Speaking of Saki, I got a RAM Mount for my phone. It clamps on the bar, so that I can put my cell phone where I can see it, and use it as a GPS. It's going to come in handy on Saturday, cause I'm riding over to Orlando for a friends baby shower. I have no idea where the place is that we are all meeting at, so I will get to test it out in action then. I rode to work with it on today, and it seemed to work really great. The only problem is, that it does cover part of my display. not anything important, but it will take some getting used to. I may play around with it a bit, to see if I can move it completely out of the way, and still keep it behind my windshield. I'll let you know if I change anything or just leave it the same. Saturday will be the true test, although I'll be riding around tomorrow with it on as well.

     Since tomorrow is Friday, I should get to see my bartender. let's see if I can muster the courage to ask her out finally. She has my number, and no she hasn't texted or called me yet. I did say that it was for when that guy came in, so that I can pick up his tab, and I was stupid and didn't tell her to use it "whenever". That was of course a failure on my part. I do feel, that if I go in and tell her to use it "whenever" now, it would just go over as somewhat desperate, or stupid. This is how I paint myself in a corner, and can never find a way out of it. I doubt the plan that I had now, and I don't know how to make it better or right. I'll just have to see tomorrow.

     That's all I got for tonight. It should be a busy weekend, so I should have a good deal to tell you on Sunday. Peace in and goodnight.

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