Sunday, November 20, 2016

Oh The Rage.

     For the better part of the day, I've been thinking about how to start this. Do I let all the anger that is in me out about today's events, or do a take a more calm and content demeanor to it. As you can see, i chose the latter. I'll get to today, but we have to start with Friday.

     Friday wan't unusual for the most part. I got on Saki and rode around with a bit of a purpose. I needed to find a location for a friend of mine to do a photo shoot. The shoot is going to involve Saki, and a model. We need a location that will have contrasting imagery. The problem I am finding, is that places that are like that around here, are high traffic areas. There are no secluded rundown areas, that don't have a bunch of people moving through in one way or the other. More than likely, wherever we find will be a place that we don't belong, and will have to be able to move out of there in a moments notice. The search is on, but we are running out of time, because we want to do it before it gets cold out. WE have to think about the models comfort as well as safety.

     After that, I went and closed my account with my stock broker. I wasn't seeing any change in my account, well I was seeing a change, the change was going the wrong way. It was a little at a time, but after a while, that  adds up. I'm just going to sit on the money for now, I have another account with someone else, that does much better, so I really don't need this particular money just going for a loss, when I could just put it in the bank and use it for emergency funds.

     I hear ya, "let's get to the part where you go and ask your bartender out.". Ok, I'll get to that part, but you are going to be disappointed. I did go, but it was a bit later than I usually do. There was a reason for that. The crowd would be gone, and I wouldn't have to drink as much, because they would be closed in only 2 hours. I was wrong about both of those things. The place was kind of packed, and I still managed to drink my fill in only those 2 hours. Since it was busy, I didn't get to talk to her much, so the night was a total loss, in the asking her out portion of it. I went home feeling a bit dejected, but knowing that on Saturday, I would be riding Saki over to Orlando for a baby shower.

     The ride over was nice, but windy. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky and a little cooler temperature, so that my jacket didn't feel too hot. I even brought my highway hanky with me. Oh by the way, let me talk briefly about this highway hanky. It is fantastic. It's made by Icon and it's made out of a fleece type of material. It's designed so that you where it like a old west bandit, but it has snaps on the ends, so that you don't have to tie it. That is great, because you can still get a helmet over it, because there isn't a bulky knot in the way. It was only $20 bucks too. I didn't need it for the ride over, but I should have worn it on the way back. I'll get to the return trip in a little while.

     I didn't know exactly where this place was at, so I had the phone in the new RAM mount. It worked great by the way. It comes with a little  rubber part, that you can use to strap it down. It's a little added insurance so that your phone doesn't go flying. I had a plan, so that I wouldn't drain my phone battery by using the gps on it, by only turning that on, when I knew I was close. I simply pulled over, and plugged in the address, and away we went. I did move that mount a little closer to my grip on my clutch hand. It sat the phone up a little higher, which meant it was going to take some wind coming over the windshield, but I think the wind flow took most of the wind over it, so it didn't even budge the slightest. I could see it clearly and it didn't disturb the display on Saki. I think that is where I'm going to leave it. If I remember, I will get a shot of where it is on the handle bars so that you can see it on Tuesday night.

    Anyway, I arrived at the location without a problem, and it was a very nice area. It was sort of like a residential neighborhood, that had their own private market and restaurant. It was unique to say the least. It sat on a small lake, that was surrounded by cattle land, with cows wandering the bank of the lake, lazily drinking from it. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and it was great. You can tell how good a friendship you have with someone, if you can just pick up a conversation like you've never spent any time apart. That is how it is with all the people I saw on Saturday. Great people that have great memories with.

     The party lasted for 3 hours, and then it was time to leave. I got on Saki, and headed out. This is where I made the poor decision to not where the highway hanky. I thought the weather wasn't cool enough for it, forgetting that when I'm going 70MPH the wind chill is pretty great. We are talking about a 56 degree temperature feeling like 32 degrees. That wouldn't be too bad, since I had my riding jacket, and thicker shoes on, if I was only going 70MPH. That is the speed limit on the road I was on. I planned to stick to that, and the ride back was smoother because the wind was at my back. Well, I got to a point on the way home, where the traffic opened up, and I still didn't now what Saki's top speed was. I gripped the throttle and rolled it back. Saki's muffler came to life, and growled it's approval for what was happening. I quickly passed 100MPH, then 120MPH. I had only gone 115MPH up to this point. I still had more throttle to open up. I rolled back a little more, and shot up to 130MPH. That was when I saw a clutter of traffic ahead of me. I had about 300 yards to slow down, so I had to let off the throttle. Was it stupid to go that fast? Absolutely. Was it exhilarating beyond anything? You bet it was. I loved every short moment of it, and Saki's top speed still remains unknown. I had quite a bit of throttle left, and I was nowhere near the redline. I will find out Saki's top speed some day. Oh, something unusual happened after that. Saki started sounding a bit more burly. It was like howling the pipes for as long as I did, at a high rev range opened up Saki's throat. It had some deeper notes to it. Still not the notes that I will get from a different exhaust, but Saki sounds much better now.

     You know what, mixing up my days a bit. I was just getting ready to tell you about Saturday night, but I realized that that was on Friday, so we are going to have to go back in time a bit. So much for chronological order. I forgot that it was Friday night that I met my drinking buddy up at my favorite watering hole where my bartender works. When I got there, he announced to me, right in front of my bartender, that he has a woman that he wants me to meet, at the place that he likes going. I tried to let it go, and talked to my bartender to find out when her last day was. I was assuming that it would be next Friday, but it turns out, that it si Monday. That severely limited my time to ask her, and since as I already stated, that Friday was busy and I didn't get to talk to her much. I needed to find out when she was working again this weekend. She was off Saturday, but on Sunday, until 2. I give you the time, because that is important to know for later. My drinking buddy, who will from now one, be referred to as, the worlds worst wingman, or 3W for short, tells me that we have to go to that place tonight to see her since she is working. He gives me all this info on how he showed her my picture, and that she said I was cute, and she like my body type. I should have known right there, that something was up. I did ask him, "How does she even know my body type? What picture do you have of me that shows my entire body?" He couldn't answer that. He then went on to tell me, that she has no boyfriend and three kids. She asked if I liked kids, he said that I like everyone. Not far from the truth. After he is done chatting with another woman at the bar, we finally head over to this place to meet this woman.

     I was a little shocked. She was actually attractive. He usually picks out rather homely women for me, which is another reason why he has earned the name of 3W. We got there late, near closing, and she had to do paperwork and count money. It appears that she is a manger. He finally browbeats her into comping over to meet me, and she seems very nice. I try to talk to her a little, but 3W can't stay out of it, and tells her that I am going to plan her birthday for her, that is coming up in January. He tells me to get my phone out, so that she can put her number in, I do, and she does. I text her right in front of her, so that when she gets her phone, she will have my number as well. After a couple of drinks there, we finally leave, and I head home.

     This will get us back to Saturday. 3W texts me Saturday morning, saying that I need to follow up with that woman, and ask her to lunch and talk about her birthday party plans. I was planning on doing that, but I really didn't have any intention of going out with her any time soon. I needed to see how things worked with my bartender first. I've never dated multiple women at one time, and I wasn't really ready to do that now. I texted her, apologizing for 3W's behavior, and then I do ask her if she wants to go to lunch or dinner some time. Some time, could be a couple weeks from now, after I find out if there is anything with my bartender. As I'm riding to the baby shower. I get a return text from her saying that she is sorry, but she has a boyfriend. That was really no problem for me, since I wasn't going to go out with right away anyway, but I did have to rub it in to 3W for picking a woman that was dating someone, that he swore didn't have a boyfriend.

      This finally brings us to today, which was a miserable day. I had drank with a buddy of mine on Saturday night, and was a little bit hungover. The only reason I'm not telling you about that, is that there really sin't anything to tell. We drank beer, and talked until 3 in the morning. The day started out good, other than the slight hangover. I got on Saki and took a short ride. When I got home, I switched vehicles so that I could hit my favorite watering hole, to see my bartender for that last time as my bartender, and then I was off to run my errands. I walked in, sat down at my end of the bar, and one of  the other bartenders comes up to me, and looks shocked. I forgot that she hasn't seen me yet, since I shaved the beard. She complimented me and asked if I wanted my usual, but my bartender was already making it. The place had a good number of people in it, but it wasn't very busy. This was my opportunity. I would have the time to finally ask mer out. She stayed at the other end of the bar most of the time. So I didn't have much time to talk to her, and when my order came up, and I was right at the pick up window, I just said, "hey, that my order" and reached across the bar and got it from the lady on the other side. Another possible interaction denied.

     This is when 3W texts me saying that his lady friend followed up with the other woman that I asked out, and she said that she doesn't have a boyfriend, and that she was shocked that I asked her out so fast. Then he told me about how I should have gone slow like foreplay, and asked her about her job or how her day was. Now, do you remember the text he sent me Saturday morning, telling me how I needed to ask her to lunch and talk to her about her birthday party? Yeah, I do, and I was growing tired of listening to his conflicting advice. I told him that it didn't matter, she lied to me and I was done. As you can see this is when everything starts to turn in a not so positive way.

     I finish my food, and am nearly done with my drink. I had to go run my errands, so I was looking around for my bartender so that I could catch her eye, and talk to her before I left. She was having a conversation with a couple at a table. I tried to drink as slow as I could, but it wasn't slow enough. I was out of time. I had to go, and she was deep in conversation. I left, and that was the end of my dream, but she still has my number and maybe she will text me. That is my last hope at this point. I was bummed, I had completely blew it, and it was all my fault, so I went off and ran my errands.

     When I got home and started doing my laundry, I get a text from 3W telling me that my bartender is upset with me because I left without saying goodbye. I tell him that I had to leave, because I have things that I have to do. He tells me that she wants me to come back, but he isn't supposed to be relaying this information.. I tell him that I can''t come back because I'm too busy. Apparently he told her that, and then said that she should text me. He then tells me that she doesn't have my number. She has my number I gave it to her the Friday before last. I watched her put it in her phone. He then says that he offered to give her my number and that she didn't want it unless I gave it to her. I already gave it to her. He's telling me that i'm blowing it, and that I should come back up there. I reiterate that I can't go back up there, because I was too busy, and that if she doesn't have my number it's because she either didn't save it, or deleted it, and that there is nothing I could do about that. I was getting really angry at this point, because someone is lying, and I'm not sure who it is, but since I'm only hearing from one person, I have to lean heavily on that that is the person that is lying. I was fuming at this point, and I was done. I didn't want to hear form him anymore with his advice on women, because he is a complete disaster when it comes to me. I don't need his help, and I wish he would have stayed out of it. I really don't want to see him for a while. I'm going to have to come up with excuses or make plans with other people so that I'm not free.

     Got that off my chest. I have a decision to make tomorrow. It's going to be in the upper 40's temperature wise tomorrow morning, so here is the decision. Do I ride Saki in to work, and freeze, or do I take the car and sit with the heater on? I think ti's going to e a game time decision on this one. I'll let you know on Tuesday what I chose. In the meantime, peace in and goodnight.


  1. It's always good to see you Bob. I feel the same way about our group. We need to get together more often.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree. We do need to get together more often.
