Friday, December 2, 2016

It Could Be An Early Christmas For Me.

     I was driving to my ukulele class tonight, when it hit me, I felt confined and caged in. I wanted to be on Saki. I wanted that freedom of the open air. I love my car, it's a great little car, but I couldn't help but feel like a cager. Barring Monday, I rode Saki to work every day this week, and even on an errand. If I could figure out a way to transport my ukulele while I'm on the bike, i would. It just doesn't seem like there is a safe way to carry the ukulele while riding.

     Speaking of ukuleles, I have a couple of updates for you on the new ukulele. I was sure, that the update I got yesterday would be the last one for the week, but I was pleasantly mistaken. I looked a little while ago, and they had a new update with the fretboard and neck attached, and boy does that red cedar top look gorgeous. You can see the current update, and the one form yesterday right here UkeTracker. They are now, more than half way finished, and they were originally supposed to begin building this ukulele today. That's right, the original start date, was December 1st. If they keep going at this pace, I may receive this new ukulele before Christmas. I don't expect that to happen, but I didn't expect them to be half way finished on the first scheduled build day either. As you can see from the UkeTracker page that is my ukuelele, the next step is the first coat of oil, and that is scheduled, as is based on the original schedule, to happened December 15th. I think they might get it done a bit sooner than that. The oil coats are when the ukulele really begins to come to life, at least that is my opinion on it. The oil brings out different layers of depth in the wood. What it looks like in the picture now, is not what it will look like after 4 coats of oil. If you want an example of what I'm talking about you can go here Cindy Lou Uke. This is the UkeTracker build page for my first ukulele built by Mya-Moe. If you look at the picture in step 6, you can see what the Bearclaw Spruce top looked like before they applied any oil to it. After doing that, take a look at the picture in step 12. They are very similar shots, so you can see how the wood was transformed. 2125 is going to do the same thing, and I can't wait to see what that Chocolate Heart Myrtle looks like after the oil is applied.

     I was listening to Greg Proops "Smartest Man in the World" Vodkast today, and he recited a gem by President Jimmy Carter. It was about his wife Rosalynn. There was one particular line in it, that to me was so profound. It leapt at me, and the image just grabbed a hold. That simple line, told me everything you could want to know about how much he loves his wife. I have a link for you to read the poem, and take a guess at the line. I of course, am going to share with you the line after the link, but I would like you to read it first, and see if anything jumps out at you. Here is the link Rosalynn by Jimmy Carter. The line that stood out to me, was the third verse. "I'd pay to sit behind her, blind to what was on the screen, and watch the image flicker upon her hair.". That line is simply beautiful.

     A couple of things about Jimmy Carter. He was commissioned into the Navy as an ensign in 1946, that was after 3 years at the Naval academy. He was discharge as a Lieutenant in 1953, but served in the Naval Reserves until 1961. That leaves Jimmy Carter with the longest military service record of any President. Most people know that he had a peanut farm, but what many don't remember, is that when he ran for President, he put the farm in a blind trust so to not have any conflict of interest while doing the job of President. He was still investigated by Congress because of that, and it was a lengthy process. When he went back to the farm after his Presidency, he found that the farm was mismanaged and left him in debt. President Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 due to his charitable work with the Carter Center. I only bring this up, as food for thought, at how our democracy has changed since President Carter was in office.

     I have a video for you to watch, which could give you a chance to be in a music video. It's by one of my favorite artists, Danielle Ate The Sandwich. She wants you to send in video of what you think of as "Your America". Now, this isn't some political rant, she wants to see the beauty that you see in your part of the country. The landscapes, the sights, the landmarks. Here is the video, and if you feel like doing it, please do, and then tell me what your clip is about, so that I can look for it when I watch the video.

     That's all I have for tonight (wait, you haven't given any update on your bartender). That's right, I haven't given any updates on my bartender. There is a very good reason for that. That reason is, that I have no updates on my bartender. I haven't talked to her since Monday, and there really hasn't been any good reason to. If I hear anything, you will be the first to know. Well, I'll be the first to know, but I'll tell you about it as soon as I can. Peace in and goodnight.

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