Sunday, December 4, 2016

Saturday Was A Blast, But It Brings Forth A Whole Bunch Of Questions.

     There are no new updates on the new ukulele front. Even with that, they are still 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I'm sure there will be something by Tuesday though, so I'll let you know then. In the meantime, I can tell you about this weekend.

     Did I mention on Thursday, that my dancer friend texted me? I don't remember. Anyway, she texted me saying that she would be working on Friday. Oh wait, she texted me on Friday that she was working that night, but I was already out having a few drinks, and couldn't make it over there to see her. I asked her if she was working on Saturday, and she was, so we will get to that later.

     Friday afternoon, I went to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It was very good. It had everything you want from a movie. Drama, intrigue, action, a love story, humor, and a little surprise at the end. I'm not going to tell you what it is, you will just have to go see the movie yourself. You will know the surprise when it happens. As I walked out of the theater, I looked at my phone, and I  had gotten a text from 3W. I knew what he was wanting, before he even asked. He was wanting to go have a couple of drinks. I wanted to see how he was going to play the whole wingman thing, so I was up for hanging out. I really wanted to see if he would mention the woman he winged for me. I really have no other way to put that. He only apologized for her lying to me. I know he put her up to texting me last Friday, but he didn't say anything about that. I never mentioned to him, that she had texted me either. I think he was waiting for me to tell him a big story about how she texted me, but he wasn't going to get it. He left early that night, and it was soon after he left, that my dancer friend texted me, saying that she was working

     As I stated earlier, I was already a few drinks in, and there was no way I was going to head over to where she worked. She told me that she would be working on Saturday, so that I could stop by and see her then. I got her stage name from her, so that I could introduce her properly to friends of mine. I didn't want to give out her real name, if she didn't want it out there. I'm not going to use either of her names here, so I have to come up with something to call her. She does have a Donnie Darko tattoo on her leg, but nothing comes to mind off of that. Oh, I know, she has teal colored hair, so from now on, she will be referred to as Teal. I contacted a friend of mine, that I hadn't seen in some time, to see if he wanted to hit the club with me, he was up for it, and mentioned another buddy wold be up for going as well. We were going to be a rambunctious Three Musketeers. Oh, but we still aren't done with Friday night yet.

     There was a new bartender working on the watering hole, she was nice, but she wasn't my bartender. I did speak to her, to get to know her, and allow her to know me, so that we can start the training process for her getting my drinks right. It will take some time, but she'll get it down. I was on my last drink, when I ran into one of the women that 3W was chatting up there, the night that he introduced me to Lying Woman. It was the one, that he made the mistake of introducing me to, and then she wanted very little to do with him after that. I think it was because he was definitely hitting on her, and wouldn't listen to what she was telling him, which was that she has a boyfriend. I wasn't hitting on her, and we just had a good time talking. Anyway, she told me that she ran into 3W last week at the place he likes going, and she told me how annoyed she was with him. I found that to be very funny. She then asked me if I go to the watering hole often, I told her that I was there most Friday's. She said she would see me around, and we would talk again. I have a feeling that this is going to get very awkward for 3W.

     Finally on to Saturday night. I met up with my buddies at a bar that was a few doors down from the strip club where Teal works. We had a couple of beers there and then walked over to the club. I had no idea if Teal would even recognize me, or if I would recognize her, but as soon as we walked in the door, I saw her at the front desk. She lit up with a smile. I was shocked. It was so noticeable that my buddies knew it was her, and said, "here's your boy". She came around the desk and gave me a hug, and then said that she had to change. She was in normal jeans and a hoody, not really what you would wear as an erotic dancer.

     We worked our way around the bar, and found a few seats at the bar near the main stage. Teal came out a few minutes later and I introduced her to my buddies. Here is how things are different with them as opposed to 3W. They didn't try to take over the conversation with her, and talk about themselves. They were just there to hang out and have a good time. Teal stayed with us the entire time we were there. She had to dance on the stage a couple of times. Each time she did, we hit the chairs by the stage, and tipped her generously. Half way through the night, a couple of things happened. First, one of the bouncers came up to us, and said that we were the most fun, and funniest trio in the place. That was in part to every time the DJ would finish a song, he would call out, "Let's make some noise!", so we did. We started out making duck sounds, then it went to wolf howls, and finally settled on the Tarzan call. People thought we lost our mind, but every time that bouncer came by, he would high five us. Even some of the dancers started doing it with us. The second thing that happened is that we met Marilyn. That isn't her name, and not even her stage name, but that is what we nicknamed her. She looked like a goth version of Marilyn Monroe. She was gorgeous, and one of my buddies was in love. She began hanging out with us as well. We became the party in that place. We were having a great time, and so where the people around us. I'm sure the ladies could have made more money if they were walking the floor, but the didn't care, Teal even told me that. Actually she said that it was a lame crowd, and she was sure that she wasn't going to make any money that night. So she was fine with just having a good time with us.

     I almost forgot something. There was a third thing that happened, 3W stopped in. This is why I mentioned the difference with my two buddies and him. As soon as he got there, he zeroed in on Teal. I didn't tell him that I knew her, or how I knew her, but he started directing the conversation to him, and all the things he has, and she wasn't having any of it. She listened to him politely, and as soon as he took a breath, she pulled me closer to her, and started talking to me. I'm sure he was confused by the whole thing. When he finally got that she wan't having any of it, he moved in on Marilyn, I'm not sure how she reacted to him, because I was talking to Teal, and really couldn't care about what was going on over there. 3W left soon after that, and we had pretty much had our fill of drinks. Teal had to do something in the back, so she wasn't out on the floor when we were getting ready to leave. I told my buddies that I would meet them back at the other bar we had walked from, I just needed to say goodnight to Teal. They were like, "sure thing, get her number". I already had her number so I was ahead of the game on that one. While I was waiting for her to come out, I began talking to a lady that was sitting next to us. She told me that she thought one of my buddies was cute. I told her where we were going, and that she could get cheaper drinks there, but she was with a group of people, so I couldn't convince her to head over there for my buddy. I tried. Teal finally came out after a few minutes, and I gave her a big hug goodnight, and told her that I would see her again.

     This is a very weird situation for me. I think that she genuinely likes me. I got a dance from her earlier in the evening, and we pretty much just talked the whole time. Once again, it wasn't a sexual thing. She is very easy to talk to, and I learned quite a few things about her life. I always say, that everyone has a story, they are only waiting for someone to tell it to, and I am normally that person. With her though, it was a little different. It wasn't her just telling it, she really wanted me to know these things about her. It was a deep conversation. I don't know, I'm a little confused right now, because I met her, because I was there originally to see my bartender, who I want to date, but now I'm thinking I could have a chance dating Teal. Like I said, this is weird for me. This is something that never happens, which probably means that it's all going to blow up in my face.

     With all that in mind, I needed a course of action, so today, I texted my bartender, and asked her out. I have not heard back from her. You can look at that a few ways. On one hadn't, maybe that is fate telling me that she isn't the one. On the other hand, she is thinking it over, and want's to turn me down in a very nice way. On an even other hand, and this little bit of information is a little important for the choices, is that she hasn't read the message. She and I both have iPhones, and iMessage let's you know when someone has read your text. It will say read below the text you sent. It still only says delivered. This last thing brings up a whole other list of concerns. She lost or misplace her phone. Something has happened to her so that she can't get to her phone. She saw the preview on the home screen and wants nothing to do with it. Only time will tell on this one. I'll keep you up to date on everything that happens, but for now, I will just say, peace in and goodnight.

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