Sunday, December 18, 2016

Day By Day, And A Treehouse Restaurant.

     I got everything I wanted to accomplish, accomplished. I had the lasagna at my favorite watering hole, and I got to see Star Wars Rogue One. So, the bout with depression is over right? Wrong, I'm still full entrenched in it, and will be more than likely until the new year. As I said before, I don't like this time of year, and this is the very reason why. I do know one thing though, in order to stay invested in life, I have to participate in it. It may seem like color by numbers at time, and it kind of feels that why, but it keeps me involved. That was the point of setting such a small goal for this weekend.

     Even though I was off on Friday, I didn't go see Rogue One on that day, I was saving that for Saturday. Instead, I took Saki out for some quality time. It was a good temperature for riding. I didn't need the jacket, all though I kinda of wish I had it as the day got longer. It did start to get a bit chilly, but the scenery of the ride was fantastic. I did my North Tropical Trail ride, which is my favorite part of that road, because it is where the old houses are and it's a bit more winding. From there I jumped over to the Banana River ride heading south and back to the main road I hit the Trail on. I decided on my way back, I would hit the South end of Tropical Trail, and follow it all the way down to Mather's Bridge. It's a tiny little draw bridge at the end of the Trail, that leads over to A1A. From there, I headed home, because it was getting time for me to hit the watering hole and get that lasagna.

     I got to the watering hole, and apparently, everyone was sick, and it appears to be the flu. This would normally freak me out. I'm a bit of a germaphobe and don't like being anywhere near sick people, but given my current dance with depression, it didn't bother me in the slightest. I just figured I would drink more whiskey to kill off any germs that might be lingering in my area. The lasagna came, and it was everything I hoped it would be. They went heavy on the mozzarella, which really made it for me. After a few more drinks, and when I say a few more, I mean a lot more, I went home and went to sleep with aspirations of waking up before dawn and riding over to then beach for that sunrise photo I wanted. That didn't happen.

     The alarm went off, but I wasn't interested in getting up, so I turned it off, and went back to sleep. I was still up by 7:30, so I made breakfast and planned for an early showing of Rogue One. I managed to get tied up, and missed the first showing at 9:45, but I was able to make the 10:30 showing. The movie was great, but it really isn't a movie I should watch at this time. I won't give anything away, but I will say, that it isn't a happy ending. They did pull off some pretty neat tricks in the movie, and even added a few new ships, but made them look like older models of ships, so that they fit in very well. The story was exciting and well done, but I don't know if I can go see it again. I'm getting to let it sink in a bit before I make final judgement on that. I do think my current state of mind has a lot to do with that idea, so I need to revisit the multiple viewing option at a later date. I pretty much called it a day after that. I sat around and caught up on some recorded TV, and then went to sleep. I participated enough that day.

     Today was good though. I went on a long ride with Saki. I decided to head north on US1 and see where I ended up. The answer to that question was, New Smyrna Beach. I hit an area and saw a sign that read A1A with an arrow pointing East, so I went that way, and I'm glad I did. There is a large bridge right after turning on that road, that goes over the Intracoastal Waterway, and it was gorgeous. I always have these ideas of living somewhere else, but I really love Florida. There is so much beauty here that I haven't seen yet, and Saki is taking me to all of it. After crossing that bridge I rode by this amazing looking restaurant. It had an enormous deck on the upper level, that had  bridge that ran across the parking lot to a deck that went around a tree, like a treehouse. I wanted to stop, but it looked a little too fancy for what I was wearing, so I'll save it for another time. I looked it up online when I got home, and I probably could have stopped in and had a bite to eat. The menu looks really good. I want to be in the treehouse area though, when I go. Here is a link to their site so you can take a look at it yourself. Norwoods, the front page shows a shot of the place from across the road. It's kind of fantastic. I rode along the beach after seeing that. It was a little on the hot side today, so the faster I went the better it felt, so on the way back, I laid on the tank and just opened it up. I kept it reasonable, only hitting triple digits once. I felt like I needed that, and it felt good.

     After the ride, I cleaned up Saki, and my helmet, both were covered in dead bugs. Then I just washed my clothes, I feel content right now. I know that it won't last, as a matter of fact, I'm sure it will last until tomorrow morning. I won't be riding Saki to work, because there is a heavy chance of rain tomorrow, which means no Saki. That will be the end of my contentment. I was hoping to ride Saki in all three days that I will work this week, but that isn't the case now. I din't even bother to look at the rest of the weeks forecast, I'm only going to go, day by day. It fits in with my thinking right now. Day by day, is the only way to take it.

     Before I go, there is one more thing that happened on Friday, that I forgot to mention earlier. Mya- Moe finished my ukulele. The final photos are up, and it looks incredible. They are shipping it out tomorrow (Monday) and it should be here sometime the following week. I don't expect it to get here before Christmas. UPS has a handful delivering packages as is, and the last time it took 10 days for my ukulele to get into my hands. Anyway here is the link to the completed page UkeTracker make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom, so you can see what the wood on the back looked like before they started, and how it changed with the oil treatments. It's almost mesmerizing. I get the tracking info tomorrow as well, which should have a projected delivery date. I'll update you on that date on Tuesday. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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