Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Sometimes You Have To Just Let Go.

     Let's start off with a little Mya-Moe news. As I thought, they have two new updates on the new ukulele. They put the first and second coats of oil on it, and it looks amazing. Like I said, the oil brings out depth and colors in the wood that just weren't there before oil went on it. At this point, they only have 2 more coats of oil, then they finish it up with a coat of lemon oil, at the same time they put the bridge on. Then it's all about stringing it and putting in the pick-up. If things go the way I think they might, the new ukulele will be completed next week, which would put it a full month ahead of schedule of what their projected schedule was. It will be a full two months ahead of their committed completion date. I'm really looking forward to getting this ukulele in my hands. Take a look at all the updates right here UkeTracker. I just have to say, that it's a beauty. I love the tiger strip look of the back, and how that red cedar came to life with the first coat of oil. You can really get a good look at the head of the ukulele on the picture that accompanies the first oil. That is their signature.. They don't put a name on the ukulele other than a sticker that has the model information that goes on the inside of the body. That head plate is their logo. It's a design that owner Char came up with, and it really makes it stand out. Don't forget, even though Mya-Moe are finishing up their final custom builds, they are still going to build ukuleles. They will be preconfigured by them, and you can go in with a configuration of your own, and they will see if there is anything that they are building that is similar to what you have chosen. If so, you too can own a Mya-Moe Ukulele. I highly recommend it, if you are a ukulele player as well.

     I guess another update is in order as well. I have still not heard from my bartender, so I guess it is time to admit, that nothing will ever come of this. I had hope, but sometimes you need more than that. Maybe I will hear from her again. I'm not going to pine away though. I have Saki to take up my time, and that is pretty damn enjoyable.

     Even though I'm only having a three day work week, because orders are low, I feel that this week is going exactly the way it should go. I went and talked to my tattoo artist last week, and told him that I was ready for some new ink. Seeing how things have been going at work, and the end of the year is always slow. I told him that there would be a good chance that I would have Friday off, and that would be a great day to get it done. My appointment is for 1PM on Friday afternoon, and I can't wait to get stung by that needle once again. What am I getting done you ask? That, I can't tell you. it must remain a secret until I unveil it to you on Sunday. I can tell you, that it is going on my right ribcage. Because the ribs were the most painful spot that I've had tattooed, I decided to do it again. I'm looking at it this way. Once the right side is done, I never have to get another rib tattoo again. I will have knocked both sides off the list.

     I have another link for you. This is for a chance to buy a t-shirt and help out the North Shore Animal League. Camren Bicondova, who plays Selina Kyle, AKA CatGirl in the TV show Gotham, has created a t-shirt with the proceeds from the sales going to help out the North Shore Animal League. I'm quite fond of North Shore because of Howard and Beth Stern, and because they are a "no kill" shelter. The put animals in homes and not graves. Howard and Beth have been big supporters of North Shore for many years now. They even foster kittens in their own home. If you just follow this link Camren & The North Shore, you can get your hands on a snazzy looking shirt that says "Don't Be a Copycat, Just Be a Cat", and you get the added bonus of helping orphaned animals. In my book, that is a win/win. I will be ordering mine tomorrow. As Camren said on her Instagram post when she launched the campaign, "Let's Help Some Animals".

     We have now made it to Favorite Song of the Week. I had a bunch of choices this week, but I heard this song today, and I knew that it made the cut. This is from an artist that is relatively new to me. I've heard a few of his songs in the past, and enjoyed them, but today I looked up his new album, which is pretty good. What spurred the interest in this artist was that he was on SNL last Saturday, and he once again did a great job. The artist in question is The Weeknd. Has a great way of mixing R&B, pop and urban sounds. It melds together and creates a very original sound, and this song is no exception. This song is off his new album, so sit back and enjoy "Party Monster".

     This was more of a slow groove for you tonight, or today, whenever you read this. I really hope you liked it. Let's look forward to another Mya-Moe update on Thursday, and maybe I'll have something interesting to talk about then as well. Peace in and goodnight.

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