Thursday, December 22, 2016

It's A Good Day For A RAK.

     I have something that I would like you to watch. As you know, I am all about the RAK (Random Acts of Kindness), and this video is a prime example of the RAK. It's from a Motovlogger that I recently find out about. Most of the videos I've seen so far, have a similar feel to them, and it's him doing RAK's of some sort or the other. Yeah there are those videos where he is just riding around talking about things, but even those you can tell that he is genuinely about making people have a little bit brighter day. In this particular video, he is going around and randomly handing out candy canes to people on his motorcycle, oh and by the way, it's in sub freezing temperatures. He lives in Oklahoma, and he has one of the greatest helmets ever. You'll see it if you make it to the end of the video. With the helmet in mind, and a new found way to RAK people, I looked up helmet covers, and found a guy that makes funny muppet like helmet covers. Guess what I'll be getting in the future? Anyway, here is the video, please take some time and watch. It will put a smile on your face. Oh I do have to warn you that there will be some dirty language involved.

     That right there is the epitome of the RAK, and what this time of year should really be about. Keeping on this positive theme. I was made aware of an apparel company that happens to be by another Motovlogger that I follow called Ride Apparel Co. The idea behind it, is to represent riding motorcycles in a positive light. Let's face it, motorcycle riders get a bad reputation. Whether it be from biker gangs, to riders racing through traffic (lane splitting, and I won't go into why it should be legal right now, but I will eventually), or doing wheelies on crowded roadways. The video above is one way to combat that stereotype, and another is with Ride Apparel Co. I ordered a couple of things from them a couple days ago, and it arrived today, a day ahead of schedule. One of the things I got was a hoodie that has a great message on the back of it. it reads : Positive Rides, Positive Vibes, Positive Life. I'll be honest, I was buying it more for the message than it being actually useful as a way to keep me warm. I was very surprised when it arrived, and to find that it is a quality hoodie. I've seen hoodies that aren't as good as this hoodie for almost double the price. It is a fantastic hoodie. It's thick material, and well put together, and it has that great message on the back. They are sold out of the hoodie but I'm going to post a link to it anyway. When you show up to the site, there is a pop-up window for you to sign up for updates, I'm sure they will have more hoodies in soon. If you ride, do yourself and them a favor, and grab a hoodie, if not, look around at what else they have, and maybe pick up a shirt or sticker instead. Here is the link to check out the hoodie RIDE.

     They are very small right now, and the hoodies they had for sale, were funding entirely by the two owners of the company, so they could only do 100 of them in various sizes. So, buying something form them can serve two purposes. 1. You are helping a small business get going, and 2. You are spreading a positive message to the world about what you want to represent as a rider. That right there, is a win/win. I almost forgot, they also threw in a free sticker with my order. That makes it a win/win/win. Triple threat baby.

     I stopped in and talked to my tattoo artist tonight. I didn't mention this earlier, but his son was hit by a car skateboarding home last week. I wanted to see how everything was. His son is home and recovering. He managed to only get a fractured jaw, and a chewed up mouth. Apparently when he bounced off the SUV, he went far first into the ground, and his bottom lip was dragged across the asphalt. My artist was telling me about how he went to the spot that it happened and tried to figure out just what happened. He was driving himself crazy trying to figure it out. I told him that it was probably one of those things that you just had to let go. He will probably never get the answers he is looking for, and he should just focus on the fact that his boy is doing fine. He agreed with me. He will probably try a little longer to figure it out, but I think he's ready to move on. I can only image how scary something like that would be. I could tell that if it turned out worse, he would have been broken. He doesn't really need anything, but if you want to give him a smile, and you have an Instagram account, follow this link Jasonblanchart and give him a few likes on some of his work. you'll see my last tattoo of David Bowie on there as well. He is a really good guy, and right now, a like on his photo, can maybe bring a small smile to his face.

     Never underestimate the power of a smile. It can change someone's day. The little things you do, to help people add up, and after a while, you will see that you have made a difference in this world. It may seem small in comparison to the vastness of the world itself, but it does change things. Its very easy to destroy things, but lifting things up, that takes work, and that is why, every time you say hello to someone, or hold a door open for them, or give a dollar to someone in need, or even just smile and say Thank You, to someone who has done something for you, you help to build a foundation of positivity, and the world need more of that. I need more of that, and that is why I try to do something for someone every day. I may not succeed all the time, but I try. I want you to go out, and do one good deed tomorrow, and then comment below what it was you did. Get a little recognition of this one, and then just enjoy everything else you do. Peace in and goodnight.


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