Thursday, December 8, 2016

Will This Year Ever End?

     I woke up late Tuesday night, early Wednesday morning with my left ankle in pain. Every time I would move in bed, it would wake me up. Sharp pains tearing through my ankle with each movement. When I finally woke up, I could barely walk. I checked my ankle for bruising or swelling, and there was nothing. I dislocated that ankle around 10 years ago, and the pain was similar, so I checked that everything was in place, and it was. It's a complete mystery to me. After I moved around for a while, I could put weight on it, and walk with a limp. Wednesday night, after watching Arrow, I got up, and nearly fell down. All the mobility that I had during the day, was gone. I woke up this morning and the pain was worse. I needed to brace myself on door frames and walls in order to walk. Once again though, as I moved around more, the more mobility I gained.  It's still in a lot of pain now, but it isn't as bad as last night, so I'm hoping that the majority of pain is behind me now. The only thing I can come up with, is that I somehow dislocated the ankle again (this would be the 4th time), and popped back into place, all in my sleep. That is the best I can come up with. I'll let you know if it goes away, or gets any worse.

     I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow, because I'm getting stabbed with needles for a few hours, and pain on top of pain, doesn't lead to a fun day. And I already have a buddy that wants to go out tomorrow night. It's not 3W, but if he is in town, I expect that I will get a text from him at some point. I went and took a look at the stencil for my tattoo yesterday, with an idea to add a little something to it, but my idea was useless, I took one look at the stencil, and I was sold. This should come out looking really fantastic. My artist is the only person that has tattooed me, and if this comes of as good as I think it's going to come off. He is getting my "god arm". That is what I'm calling the plans I have for my right arm. It's going to be a sleeve of Greek Gods, and it's going to be in photo realism/black & white. I had a woman in mind to do that sleeve, because I have seen her work, and it is right in line with what I want done, but if my artist nails this, and I think he will, the arm is all his.

     As promised, I have another Mya-Moe update for you. Yesterday they applied the third coat of oil on the new ukulele, and it looks magnificent. I don't think they will do anymore to it until Sunday, but I could be wrong, that seems to be the schedule they have been going on lately. If that is the case, there is a good chance that my new ukulele will be done on Tuesday, or possibly Wednesday. As I said on this past Tuesday, that is far ahead of their planned schedule. If you want to take at the new picture that is up, and just a general look at everything that has been done, go here UkeTracker. The maple binding on the side really stands out in the most recent photo, and you can get a little peak at what the sides look like. Once the oil goes on, and you can't really see this in the photos, the wood gets this wavy iridescent look to it. It's really beautiful, and I'm not really sure that a photo can capture that. If you zoom in on the picture that shows the back of the ukulele, you can get a small sense of that in the lighter sections of the wood. It's looking far better than I could have imagined.

     Growing up on the Space Coast of Florida, one of the things that is engrained in us, is the space program. We see launches from our backyards, we run into astronauts at diners and restaurants, we see touristy spacemen everywhere. Every time I head to the beach over causeway, I see the Vehicle Assembly Building. It is as much a part of my life, as breathing is. My heart is heavy today, because of the lost of one of America's greatest heroes, and he was, in every sense of the word. John Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth, and the fifth man in space. He was part of the famed Mercury Seven, and the last remaining member of that historic group of heroes. His accomplishments range from war hero, to test pilot, to astronaut, to U.S. Senator. Glenn was a native son of Ohio, He took his first and last breath there. John Glenn has already touched the heavens in Friendship 7 and again on Space Shuttle Discovery. Tonight, he joined the rest of the Mercury Seven in the ether to form a constellation in the shape of a 7, in hopes that Perth Australia will once again turn on all their lights to become "City of Light" in his honor.

     This has been a really crappy year. We have lost so many, an so many terrible things have happened. As much as I look forward to this year being over because of that, I will also miss this year, for the strength it has given me to deal with these very same things. With the upcoming year, I will strive to bring a little more joy when and where I can, and I implore you to do the same. Peace in and goodnight.

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