Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Princess Is Gone.

     Ok, let's get right to it. Once again, today proved just how much this year sucks. I awoke to good news, which I will get to later, but that was soon ruined upon hearing of the passing of Carrie Fisher. I, like anyone my age, loved Carrie Fisher, because of her role as Princess Leia Organa in Star Wars, and that love affair was made anew with the latest Star Wars films that had her in them. Leia was a bold and brash character. She was a strong opinionated female, that took no guff from anyone or anything, and Carrie Fisher by all accounts, was the same way. Not only was she a talented actress, but she was a fantastic writer as well, in both screenplays and novels. She did it all, and always with a smile, or maybe it was that sly Princess Leia smirk, that charmed millions.

     I found a couple of pictures that I want to share with you. The first is from Warwick Davis's twitter feed. He was Wicket W. Warwick the ewok, as well as many other characters including another role in the Star Wars prequel movies, and a recurring role in the Harry Potter films. He posted this picture in memorium of Carrie's passing. I think it simply shows her spirit and love for people.

     A rather beautiful and touching picture. Another was from Clark Gregg, who plays Agent Colson in the Avenger movies and on Agents of Shield. I thought this one was fantastic and heartbreaking because it takes you all the way back to the beginning of this year, with one of the first legendary icons to pass this year, and that was non other than the Thin White Duke himself, David Bowie. Here is the photo that he posted.

     It takes the iconic image from the Aladdin Sane album with the title to one of his most recognizable songs, and throwing the Star Wars rebel logo in there to boot. This one is very tattoo worthy, and I'm going to have to give it a lot of thought before I turn down the idea. The last photo is one of my favorites. I posted as my picture of the day on Instagram, even though I've posted it before. it just made sense for today.

     She loved to have fun, and if you look for them, there are several pictures of her and Peter Mayhew, (Chewbacca) in all kinds of fun shots. She will be missed by all in the Star Wars realm. Carrie Fisher isn't swirling in the ether tonight, she has become one with the Force. May the Force be with you, and the end of this year come sooner than the date will allow.

     Whew, I made it though that without bawling my eyes out, so now we can get to some more fun matters. I woke up and checked my email, and while I was doing that, I checked the tracking on one very important package. I was pleasantly surprised to see, that the Mya-Moe was on the truck for delivery. That meant that the ukulele was going to arrive on time, which technically made it early, so it was both early and on time. Don't try to follow my logic, it hurts my own head. Anyway, I was planning on hopping on Saki today, and just heading south, and see how far I got before I got tired and decided to go home. I was doing that today, because I knew I was going to have to stay home tomorrow to wait for the Mya-Moe based on the tracking info. I switched it up, and as I was making lunch the ukulele arrived.

     I contained myself. I brought the package in, and sat it on the dining room table, and finished making lunch and then ate it. When I was done eating, I cleaned all the dishes and pans, and put everything away, and then got out my trusty box cutter, and made forth on the delicate task of opening the box. I got it open and saw nothing but packing peanuts. I had to fish around in the box to find the case. I picked the right end, and found the narrow end of the case, and began gently lifting it out of the box, so that I wouldn't fling packing peanuts everywhere. The case was beautiful just like Cindy Lou's case. I pulled the plastic bag that was covering it off, and opened  it up. As I knew I would be, I lost my breath, it was simply taken from me, by the beauty of this instrument. Pictures really don't do it justice, but I have one for you anyway. I would like to introduce to you, the one, the only, Claude.
     I really wish you could see it in person, so that you can see how truly impressive this little instrument is. if I remember, I will get a picture of Cindy Lou and Claude together for Thursday. I tuned Claude up, and sat down and commenced to playing. It is quite marvelous. I have my original Lanaki that I put a low G string on, so that I could get those lower tones, and that is how I had this one strung. If I played the two of them for you one after the other, you would notice how amazing Claude sounds, and here is the kicker, It will take about a month before Claude reaches his true potential. The wood still needs to open up, and that comes from daily playing, good thing I now a lot of songs. One of the things my teacher made sure that I knew about when I got Cindy Lou, was to play through each fret every day as well. Ukuleles can get dull spots if the areas aren't played often, so I make sure to always go through from time to time, and play each fret up and down each string. I do need to get a picture of me with both Cindy Lou and Claude for the Mya-Moe website. They like to post pictures of their owners for the site, and they even post a quote if you allow it, and of course I did. So one last time, here is the link for my UkeTracker page so that you can see the quote as they put it up. I said one last time, but once the post the picture that I get taken, by the way, I need someone to take the picture for me, I could set up a camera and do it myself, but I think that ends up being far too impersonal, so if there are any volunteers out there, hit me up. Back to what I was saying. I will probably post the link one more time, when the picture is posted.

     I also received a new pair of riding gloves in the mail that I ordered last week. These are gloves that I have been wanting for some time now, and finally pulled the trigger on. They are full leather gloves, so they are better for riding in cooler temperatures. They are the Icon Hypersport gloves. I got the short cuff, because I really can't justify a gauntlet style glove. The protection on these gloves is top notch. Floating knuckles armor, and even protection on the pink in case of a low side crash. I don't have a picture of them for you, but if you really want to see them, go to Revzilla or some other motorcycle supply site, and you can find them easily. I went with the red and black, because everything with Saki is red and black. 

     Now for a short review of the new gloves. I need a little time to get used to them. They are a bit more bulky than my textile gloves, and the fingers are a tad bit longer. Both of these make for a different handlebar feel. I went riding tonight, and after about 10 minutes I began to notice things getting a bit easier for me with the controls, so it shouldn't take too long to get used to. One thing I don't think I will get used to though, is that with the longer fingers on the thumb especially, I can't use the monkey paw feature on my Icon jacket. I just can't work the fingers well enough to get the loop over the extended thumb. I can just ride without the loop over my thumb. It's there to keep the jacket sleeves down, and not blowing up, but the cuff is really sturdy and I shouldn't have that problem anyway.

     That brings us to Favorite Song of the Week, and since I didn't do George Michael justice on Sunday night when I wrote about his death, he gets the honor of FSOTW. I've been running this song through my head every since he rose up to swirl in the ether, with all the other amazing musicians that we have lost this year. Man that has got to be one hell of a jam session. Although you could take your pick of fantastic songs be him as both a part of WHAM or  his solo albums, I chose one from the solo effort. Outside of "Careless Whisper" this is my favorite song by him. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Here is George Michael with "Freedom".

     When I was younger, I couldn't read unless I had noise, and the way I would make that happen, was to play the radio, and this song always reminds me of Stephen King's "It". When I was reading that book, this song was huge on the radio, so I heard it a great number of times while I was reading.

     There is one last thing tonight, and I've been debating whether or not to bring this up at all. It is rather personal, and maybe even one of those things, that people shouldn't talk about in public settings, but since I said that this would always be honest and without censor, my less than better judgment has won out. I'm not even sure that I know where to begin with this, so I guess I should just dive in. I finally did something I thought I would never do, no matter how lonely I would get. What is it you ask? Did you hire a prostitute? An Escort? I can answer no to both of those. I don't think I will ever do that. There is too much of a threat of disease with that, and I don't like disease. No, I did something that might be even more cringe worthy. I ordered a Fleshlight. Make sure you read that properly so that the humiliation can truly be engrained in me. It does read as Fleshlight. If you don't know what that is, and can't guess by the name, it is a product that looks like a flashlight, but it hides a silicone sleeve inside that, well, it's shaped like one of three orifices, and it's used for masturbation. If you want to know anymore about it, you can look it up. Why did you order one of those? Well, in a short answer, I can't even get a woman to go on a date with me at this point, so, I spend a lot of time alone. Sometimes to pass that lonely time, you have a little self love, and by sometimes, I mean pretty much all the time you are free and alone, so why not bring something that can enhance that time.

      I havne't gotten a shipping notification on it yet, and it was on sale  for the holidays, so I got a deal, other than that , I can't answer any question on it right now. Now, if you want a review of that once I get it, I'll gladly and with no shame do so, but you have to let me know if you want that.

     Well, that was exciting. I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow (insert fleshlight joke here). I will either head south like I planned to do today, or I will head over to St. Pete to see the Frida Kahlo exhibit and the Dali Museum. I may just hold off on that until Thursday, so riding south is looking pretty good tomorrow.

     If you made it past the Fleshlight stuff to get to this point, I finish up with what I always finish up with, and that is, peace in and goodnight.

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