Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Be The Weirdest You You Can Be.

   It's official. I now have both of my ears at 7/8ths of an inch. I was able to finally fit a 7/8ths tunnel in yesterday. Now begins the countdown for when I finally stretch up to a full inch. It feels good to finally be symmetrical again. Well, I'm not completely symmetrical, I do have that second hole in my left ear, but you know what I mean. I will begin stretching both of them in one month. I want to just let the left ear rest a little, since I have been pretty aggressive with stretching it up to this point. Aggressive, but smart. I got to tell you, if you have a desire to stretch your lobes, do it with the plumbers tape. It takes a little time, but it is well worth it, when you see the results. Take it from someone who did it the other way in the past. Tapers are faster, but they are a lot more painful, and they are risky. If you do have a desire, and want more information on how to do it, just let me know, and I will help you out, the best that I can.

     In the past week, two of the motovloggers I follow, were involved in accident's. Fortunately, neither of them were hurt to bad. One of them, is a somewhat new rider, and his accident was definitely a case of inexperience on the bike. He made a couple of mistakes which resulted in him going down, and totaling his bike. He had some injuries, but nothing too serious. The other one, only put a portion of the footage from the accident up. I'm going to share it with you in a second, because it is one of the most incredible accidents I've seen. Without seeing what happened right before the footage picks up, I can't say for certain what caused it. My guess would be that he hit something in the road, that caused him to get the speed wobbles, which turned into a full on tack slapper. What that is, is when the bars quickly go back and forth, in essence, slapping the gas tank. That caused him to go down, but the miraculous part, is what happened right after he went down. I'll let the video tell you that story.

     I have never seen a luckier rider that that right there. He blurred out the speedometer, but he was clearly going fast, and sometimes that can cause speed wobbles, but I still think he must have hit a rock or something in the road, to cause that. Oh, and as I was looking up this video, I saw that another rider that I follow went down. I'll watch that video tomorrow. The good news about seeing these videos being posted, is that you know the rider is doing ok. Since they can get the video up, that means they are moving around and healing well.

     I should be receiving the gimbal I ordered tomorrow. I'm toying with the idea of doing an unboxing video for you, but haven't fully committed to it yet. If you want to see the unboxing, and then maybe a couple of clips of it in action, let me know. If I get a good enough response, I'll do it. If not, I'll just open it up normal like, and then find a way to use it in a video this weekend. Either way, you will see it in action.

      I thought I would have more to talk about tonight, but sadly, I don't. I do have Favorite Song of the Week though. I've talked about this band many times before, so I really don't have to do a big background for theses guys. I can tell you, that the stand out line for me, and the one that has had me craving this song for the past week is, "I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.". I've been accused from time to time, of wearing too much black, so I guess I can start using that line from now on. Here is Fall Out Boy with "Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)".

     Fun and weird video. I also really like the line, "I became such a strange shape, from trying to fit in.". I don't know about you, but I can relate to that line. I used to try to fit in all the time, and it never felt right. I gave that all up quite a long time ago, but I still remember that feeling of trying to fit in and just failing. I wasn't being true to who I was, and that sucked. That goes along with the whole "Why be normal" thing. Be the weirdest you you can be. It's way more fun. Peace in and goodnight.

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