Sunday, February 18, 2018

This One Is Kind Of Bipolar.

     Let's just get this started with the video I made yesterday. It was a beautiful day, and it was meant for riding. The bonus is that I had a little errand to run, that plays into the whole reason I was happy earlier this week.

     I will make an effort to go back to that little museum soon. I've been thinking about starting the Adventure Time Series back up, and that would be a good place to start again.

     All that happiness had to end, and it did. I'm not devastated or depressed, but I am bummed. The Prince tribute that I got tickets for is coming up this Saturday, and as is normal with me, I have not found anyone that will go with me. I knew when I bought the tickets that this would be the case, but I put a little faith into it, but faith didn't fall into place. Now I start the manic decisioning on whether I go or not. The tickets didn't cost me much at all, as a matter of fact, it's possible to spend more money on movie tickets now, so I won't be out much.

     I did get some good news this week, but that good news has put me in a bit of a quandary. I got my tax return in and that gave me a little bit of extra money. That is where the quandary begins. There are a few things that I would like to buy that would improve the whole video experience. The cheapest (cheap being relative to what I want to buy) could easily be bought and leave me with the majority of my money left over. Seems pretty simple right? Just buy that item. Well here is where it gets difficult. I like having that extra money around, and if I saved a little more, I could get one of the bigger ticket items. I would be able to use any of the items right away, but the cheaper one, would have the most immediate benefits. The cheap one is a gimbal for the GoPro. It would stabilize shots when I'm just taking footage walking around. It would stop that jagged up and down in my videos when I want to show something from my angle when I'm walking, or even running. It would keep the camera in a single line. The other two are of course, a new camera to shoot video of the places I got to (I would probably need a different gimbal for that eventually to get some of the shots I want), and the other is a drone, to get shots in the air. I think those would be really cool, especially with the one I want. It has a feature that will allow the drone to fall a subject. I could ride with the drone following me, not fast, but you would see a whole new perspective. All of that is keeping me from pulling the trigger on the gimbal. I'm sure I'm going to buy it, but I'm going to wait a little bit longer. Not too long though, because I could use it, for sure, on the next Pepperoni Report. Yeah, I'm probably going to only wait a couple more days. If I order by Wednesday, I think I could have it by next Saturday, which means I could use it in my next CS video.

     I'm still enjoying having my right earlobe at 3/4 of an inch. I won't keep enjoying that too long either. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on getting some plugs that are 1 inch. Yep, I'm moving on up. In a couple of days, I'll start the process I've been using of stretching that lobe up to where it is, and I'll get it at 7/8ths for a week or so, and then I'll start taking them both up to an inch. I've had this little thought in my head all along, that I would stop at 1 inch. I would say that I thought I would stop at other times, but that has always been in the back of my head. I won't say that I'm not going to stretch up any bigger, because, honestly, I don't know if I will truly stop at an inch. I think it will all come down to, just how much skin I have between my first and second piercing on my left ear. If that gets too thin, then I won't be able to go up any further, and that will clearly stop me, but if I see that there is still room to stretch, I probably will. Although and inch sounds like a really good obsessive compulsive place to start. It's a nice round number.

     One more thing to talk about tonight, and that is the movie I saw today. I've been waiting for this movie since I heard it was on it's way. The character first appeared in Captain America Civl War, and I wanted to see more. I'm talking of course about Black Panther. I would have gone Friday if I was off, but I actually had to work. Saturday was filled with video creating, so that left today. I could say that they best part was that I got to see it for free, but that would be a lie. This movie was fantastic. After Wonder Woman, I said that it was in my opinion, the best superhero movie that had been made. I think I have to change my mind on that. This movie was everything you want a superhero movie to be. Once again, they didn't bother with any origin story, they just filled you in with little facts to let you know how during the movie. As always, I won't spoil anything for you, because I want you to go see this movie and enjoy every part of it, but I will say that there are two end credit scenes. One that falls shortly after the credits start, and the second falling at the very end. Do you need to see these? Not really, but the first one has something in it that I think every person needs to see and hear. There is a line that is spoken, that is incredibly profound, and speaks of what we as a people should be doing right now. Even saying that I might have given away a little too much. Black Panther and Wonder Woman are the two best superhero movies I have seen, and not just as superhero movies, they are just great movies. Patty Jenkins should have, at the very least, been nominated for best director this year. Ryan Coogler, should be nominated for best director next year, but I'm sure that won't happen. Hollywood still sees superhero films as frivolous folly, but I'm telling you, this movie is as good if not better, than anything out there. Go see it. You will enjoy it.

     I'll leave you with one more urging to go see Black Panther, really, go see it. Peace in and goodnight.

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