Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I Am So Happy.

     I am a happy camper, for a few reasons, one of which I'm going to keep secret just a little while longer. I can tell you about the other two though. First up, is how my ear is doing with the stretching. You may or may not know, or remember, that it was about this time last year, that I tried to stretch up to 7/8ths of an inch. I did it rather aggressively, and it didn't take in my right ear. I had a blow out, and when I took everything out, to let my ear heal up, it closed up entirely. Something that isn't supposed to happen. Back in November I decided it was time to open that hole up and try again, because I just couldn't deal with being lopsided. I figured that it was going to take a very long time to get back to where I had left off, but after a few weeks, my ear began stretching from the weight of the curved barbell that was in. It was stretching on it's own, without any help by me. That was, until two weeks ago. I had to nudge it a little, but this time I took a less aggressive approach. I began using plumbers tape on the plug that I could fit in, so that it would slowly stretch my lobe to the next size. Today I was able to get a 3/4ths inch plug in my ear. That is the last complete gauge that I had before the blowout. I'm only a few steps away from finally being even again. I'm going to wait a week though, and then I'll start the tape method to get it up to that 7/8ths mark. You don't know how happy that actually makes me.

     The second reason for my happiness, is that The Pepperoni Report is doing better than I thought it would at this point. It isn't ground shaking numbers, but it's numbers that I didn't think I would see yet. There are no comments on it yet, so I can't gauge how the readers are liking it or not. I'll just have to wait until we do the next one, and see if there are similar numbers, but we are off to a pretty good start.

     Oh, I guess you can count this towards my happiness, although it kind of happened yesterday. I found another Trollhunters Funko Pop Vinyl figure at a reasonable price. It turns out that it is a limited edition one from New York Comic Con 2017. I should probably get a better picture of it, to show you, but I went with red because the character is wearing red armor. It's the main character Jim and he is wearing his Eclipse armor. If you watch the show, you will understand everything about why this is cool, or it could be that I'm just a nerd.

     I think it was last year, when I mentioned that I must have a type, because there are two particular women that I think are truly the most beautiful. Do you remember that? I said that they were Brooke Shields, and Jennifer Garner. They both have a similar look about them, and I find it very attractive. Well, I have an update, and I believe that this woman is this generation equivalent to them. Her name is Victoria Justice, she is an actress/singer, and she also has that same look to her. There is a difference though, and I think that she is on the shorter side of things, where Brooke and Jennifer are both rather tall. Here is a picture of Victoria, judge for yourself and see what you think of how they all have a similar look to them.

     What do you think? Before we go on though, I just want to point out, that this is not me saying that I would date all of them. I wouldn't have a chance in hell with any one of them, I'm just saying, that for me, they are the most attractive women I have seen, and they all seem to have a similar look. The real oddity though, about all of this. I have never dated a woman that has that look. I have dated very attractive women, but none of them have looked like those three. Maybe it's not odd, maybe they are all a perceived fantasy. Who knows.

     For this weeks Favorite Song of the Week, it's not just my FSOTW, but it is also my favorite David Bowie song of all time. I know, I spilled the beans on the artist much sooner than I usually do, but since Howard Stern had the David Bowie tribute last Friday, I figured now would be a good time to put this one up, and let's face it, there is no holding back a mention of David Bowie. When David Bowie died, I was still doing the 365, and I wrote a tribute to him, and mentioned my favorite song of his. The strange thing about my favorite Bowie song, is that it's not on my favorite Bowie album. You would think that the favorite album would also own the favorite song, but that's not how it works with Bowie. He did things differently, and that translated in you listening to him differently. My favorite album was Diamond Dogs. I think his voices sounds so pure on that album. It was more motown and 50's rock inspired than any other album of his, and his vocals are the best they ever were on that album. Now my favorite song, came a few years later, and it has a much funkier sound, so much so that the video I chose for it, is an appearance he did on Soul Train. I was a big fan of Soul Train when I was a kid. I watched it all the time, and that is where I first found my love for funk music. Bowie transcended everything, and so did his music. He mixed and matched genres as he did his sexuality. He was as gender bender and an genre bender. There wasn't a label you could slap on him, and this song for me, is the epitome of that. It is a peppy happy song, with some very strange dark undertones. Just listen to it and see for yourself. You'll hear it. That mixture is why I love it so much. It is both light and dark, order and chaos. It's the definition of him. I give you, David Bowie with "Golden Years".

     I really love that song. I would love to do a video with that song in it, but there is that whole royalties thing, so I won't be able to. I'll live. Unfulfilled, but I'll live.

     I'm going to put together a motovlog video this week and have it ready for you by Sunday. The video will fill you in on the other reason for my happiness. All will be revealed in due time.

     I did something a little different with The Patchwork Knight last week. When I finished the last chapter, I kept going, and wrote the beginning of the next chapter, so I'm already a little ahead of the game this week. A little mystery and intrigue will be revealed this week. I hope you liked the little twist in that last action packed chapter. I've had that plan since I began writing it. I have some big points that I want to hit in the storyline, and that was the first of them. I really have a lot of fun writing The Patchwork Knight. When I would write stories in the past, it was a little taxing on me. I would live out the emotions that the characters would go through, and it would drain me. So far, it is much different writing The Patchwork Knight. I don't know if it is my mental state, or if I feel some sort of detachment because the main character is a young boy, but it's a very pleasant change. Not that I didn't enjoy writing those other stories and those characters, but it was different. I'm very ready for Thursday to come, and I can finish writing that chapter. A little behind the scenes, this new little wrinkle in it, is something I came up with as I was writing. This was not planned, but I saw a path it could follow that would line it up with everything else, and actually enhance the story. I love it when things like that happen.

     Ok, I'm out of here. It's getting late, and I got to wake up early. Peace in and goodnight.

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