Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Frustration And The Accomplishment.

     It's been a frustrating but also a restful weekend. I spend most of it recovering from my eye injury. I'm not real sure I can call it an eye injury, but I really have no idea what else to call it. The eye seems to be fully recovered at this point, but that doesn't mean that I'm out of the woods yet. I have an eye appointment scheduled for Wednesday. I'll find out what the doctor thinks at that point, and see where I go from there.

     I few years ago, I had to have some repairs on the body of my car. I had a steel grate fall on it, and I need to have the dents and paint repaired. When they fixed everything, they didn't attach some wires, and my rear door didn't work. It would open manually, but I couldn't roll down the window, nor could I use the door lock unless I manually locked and unlocked it. In essence, I lost the use of that door. I finally got off my butt and did something about it this weekend. I looked up the proper way to remove the door panel, and went to work. I opened up a small area on the arm rest to get to the screws, and found a small plug in there. It was attached. It seemed like that was where I had to be, so I wasn't going to take the whole panel off. I followed the wires down, and saw where they came out of the door, and into the door frame. When I tugged on those wires, they came completely free. That was the spot where they didn't connect them. I had to fish the male part of the plug out of the door frame. It was not easy to get to. The door was somewhat in the way, so I got on the outside of the door with a pair of needle nose pliers, and went to work.

     After a few minutes I was able to get the plug far enough out of the door frame so that I could try to plug it in. That proved a little more difficult than I thought. The female portion of the plug had a hard rubber gasket around it, that was nor very pliable. I finally worked it into a position so that I could plug the two ends together. I did a quick test by turning the car on and viola, everything worked again. I worked the gasket back into the door frame, so that it wouldn't be just sitting there hanging around, and closed things up. I'm pretty excited to have the full use of my rear door back.

     I found a little something last week, that made me smile. As you know, I like the Funko Pop Vinyl figures, and I came across one from one of my favorite Netflix shows, Trollhunters. I snatched it up as quick as I could and began looking for more of them. This might be the only set that I try to find all of them. I had no luck there that day, or today. I did find them online, but the prices are vastly greater than what I paid at the local Target. Most of them seem to be running 2 to 3 times as much as what I paid. I'll have to rethink getting the whole set. In the meantime, here is a picture of AAARRRGGHH!!!.

     More from the accomplishment category for this weekend. I finished Horizon Zero Dawn Friday night, or maybe you could say Saturday morning. I was up playing until 6 in the morning, but it was well worth it to finish it. It is truly the singe best game that I've ever played. The story is out of this world good, and the game play is flawless. Everything about this game was top notch to me. I fear that I will be disappointed by other games in the future, but I have heard that they are working on a Horizon 2, so I have that to look forward to. I still have plenty of time to go back and explore that world that I didn't get to during the normal game play. They reset me with all of my equipment and skills, but at the moment right before the final quest, so I can just roam around and find things, and do all the side quests that go along with the game.

     The final bit of frustration from this weekend. I did my normal errands today, and as part of that, got my groceries for the week. One item was a gallon of ice cream. I was really looking forward to having that ice cream, but it is not to be. Someone stopped by my house today, and when they left, they went out through the lounge, and snagged my brand new gallon of ice cream. I keep it in a freezer out there, and they snuck off with it. Needless to say, I'm pretty bummed about it. Could I go out and buy more? Sure I could, but It isn't in the budget I set for myself. I need to stick to that budget if I want to get the camera equipment that I want, so I'm ice dreamless for the week. I'll suck it up, and then beat the snot out of them when I see them again.

     This coming Friday is going to be when we do our tasting for The Pepperoni Report. There has been a slight change of plans. As my partner was researching the place that we are going, he realized that he had been there before. That doesn't line up with what we want to do for our first few places. We want to hit places that we haven't been to before, so that we have no bias. It will be a pure first tasting, so he looked around and found another place, so we should have a place lined up for Friday, and then I can get to work on the video edit and more than likely, the writing of the blog post for a Sunday release. If you took the time to go over there and subscribe to the PR, then you should get it in your email either Sunday afternoon, or Monday afternoon. It all depends on when I can get it completed and posted. It seems that the email is sent out at 5:30 or so in the afternoon. It's not like this one which for some reason goes out at 7 in the morning. I have no idea why they are different or how I can change that. It is what it is. If I'm able to get it completed and up before that 5:30 send out, It will go out to you on Sunday. Please remember though, if you read it in the email, you will miss out on the video feature we put together. For some reason that doesn't show up in the emails. The site will always be the best experience for you.

     There you go, another Sunday in the books. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. I made a decision a few weeks ago, but it took until this week to start the habit. I decided that I would play Powerball once a week, and only play one set of numbers. Yes, that keeps my chances of winning the big money pretty low, but it also keeps my cost very low. It's only going to cost me $2 a week. The do two drawings a week, I will only be playing for the Saturday drawing. Now I said habit earlier, because that is what it is going to have to be for me to remember to play. My plan is to hit up 7-11 every Friday evening and play my numbers. I nearly forgot to check the ticket this morning. I didn't win. If I did though, I would still be here writing this, I would just have much better news for you. I have been putting thought into what I would do with a big money prize, and it really would't be much different than what I do now. Depending on the prize, I would quit my job, so that would be the biggest difference. I would pay off all my bills, and I would by a truck, so that I could transport Saki to anywhere I wanted to go and ride. That is pretty much the extent of it. I would of course by the camera gear and probably a new higher powered computer to do better edits for you, but that wouldn't come to a huge expense.

     Something else I've been thinking I could do with the money, is based on something I saw on twitter. I saw a post from someone that had just received an inheritance. They were going to take $5000 of that inheritance, and split it up between 10 people. That's $500 a person, the catch? They had to submit a project that they were working on. The only stipulation is, that it had to do something that would benefit the world at large. It could be an invention, or even a work of art. Just something that would be a positive. I really liked that idea, and if I won, I could do that as well. I would go for the annuity rather than the one time payout, so each year, I could set aside an amount of money that I could do that very same thing with. That right there, is an exciting prospect. Oh yeah, and I might buy a couple more motorcycles. I got to have some fun right?

     That's it for me, peace in and goodnight.

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