Friday, February 9, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 15)

     I found myself in the waiting area once again. My father and Galdren were waiting for me in the corner.

     "You did well boy. That young man in the plate mail would have beaten a well trained calvary man with that performance."

     "Thank you Galdren. It felt better than I thought it would."

      "I told you that you had nothing to worry about. Now before you go back out there, I want to talk a little strategy with you." My father looked at me with a cunning eye.

     "Strategy, what is that?"

     "It's how you are going to have a chance to win. In melee fights like this, everyone rushes in without any concern for their wellbeing. They only want to make the first strike. All of you will be circled up to start the melee. When the call to begin fights sounds, instead of running in, I want you to take a step back and wait."

     "Why would I wait father? I want to win this as quickly as possible."

     "I'm sure that you do, but if you dash into the fray, then it will end quickly, for you. When they all run in and clash with one another, two maybe three boys will be out right from the start. They will get ahead of themselves and either get waylaid by multiple boys, or they will mistakenly thrust in with a stab. Sit back and wait for that to happen, and then measure who is left, and what you need to do. You con't have to beat all of them, you just have to stay in long enough to only beat one of them."

      I thought about what he was saying, and it began to make sense. If some of the boys were eliminated right from the start, it would make it easier for me. I would only have to fight through a few of them and not all of them. In the end, it would only come down to me and one other boy. The odds would get better with each boy that was eliminated.

     Sir Wallace walked back into the waiting area, and called for attention.

     "I want to go over the rules again, and let you know exactly how this will go. I've already sent the contestants that will not be competing in this event to the stands where they can watch the rest of the tournament."

     I wasn't paying attention and hadn't noticed, but the room was more, well roomy. There were only seven sets of people milling around now. That means that plate mail earned a spot in the melee.

      "As I said before, there are no thrusting stabs, only slashes, and flat blade smacks. If you stab another opponent, you will be deducted 5 points. You will begin with 5 points, if you fall below zero, you will be eliminated. Before you ask, if you start the melee by stabbing someone, it is possible for you to fight your way back to a win, but only if you don't get struck before you can get a point. Each strike will give you a point, and every time you are struck, you will lose a point. Simple right?"

     Everyone nodded.

     "When you go out into the arena this time, you will see a circle of Knights. I will direct you to go to a Knight and stand in front of them. These Knights will be watching your every move. They will know if you stab, strike, or get struck. They are your score keeper. If they tap you on your shoulder, you are to drop your sword immediately and retreat from the ring of Knights. That tap means you have been eliminated. Lastly, an opponent may ask you to yield, but only when you are in no position to protect yourself any further. If you yield, you are eliminated. You will drop your sword and retreat from the circle of Knights. All swords will be returned to you after the conclusion of the melee, so that you can return it to your sponsor. Ah, I can hear the trumpets call. If you need water, now is the time to get it, because we will be heading back to the arena in a few moments. Good luck to each and every one of you."

     A few of the boys ran over to the water barrel and began gulping water down. After a few big gulps of water, one of the boys vomited it all back up. He looked around embarrassed and ran back to his father and sponsor. They began talking to him in hushed tones, but it appeared that they were scolding him. The other boys that were by the barrel slowly made their way back to their fathers holding their noses from the smell of the vomit. One boy was practicing with his sword, but he appeared to be untrained with the weapon. He was making large looping swings that threw him slightly off balance. He wouldn't stab his way out of the tournament, but he wouldn't be blocking much either. I would keep an eye out for him. No need to get hit with an errant swing. The trumpets began sounding again, and Sir Wallace walked in and told us to line up. I took my spot at the end of the line, and followed them all into the daylight.

     Eight Knights stood in the center of the arena like statues. Their hands were resting behind their backs, chins up, and a hard stare at an unseen foe. Plate mail was standing in front of one of the Knights on the farthest side. As each boy passed Sir Wallace, he would point to a Knight, and the boy would make his way to that Knight. It appeared that he was directing each boy to a different side of plate mail. That would put me at the exact opposite of him.

    It was as I thought. I was looking directly across at plate mail. He stood just as still as the Knight behind him. He wasn't very big, but he was a bit intimidating with that plate mail armor on. He had already proven himself quite well in both the run and the horsemanship portion of the tournament. He would be another one to watch, but for a far different reason than the big slashing boy. He would be a challenge. Sir Wallace took his place in the center of the ring of Knights, and addressed the crowd.

     "These are your finalists. Only one will win, but please give a rousing cheer for these boys who made it to the final event. They have earned their spot, and soon one of them will earn their spot in the Knights Academy. When the King drops a scarf, the melee will begin. Your Highness, the stage is yours." And with that Sir Wallace quickly walked out of the ring and off to the side.

     I had a direct view of the King. Half of the other boys would have to turn their head in some way to see him drop the scarf. That would leave them vulnerable briefly, but my father told me to take a step back and wait. I would do as he said. I looked at each boy as they slowly turned their head towards the King, and then I saw plate mail. He was simply staring straight ahead. He was looking directly at me. I began staring back. I could still see the King, and I watched as the scarf fall. It was exactly as my father said. All the boys rushed in. All of them except plate mail. He continued to stare at me. I saw a Knight quickly dart into the drum and tap a boy on the shoulder. It was the boy who had vomited. His day had come to and end. I began to slowly walk around the outer edge of the fight, and plate mail did the same, but walking in the other direction from me. I saw the boy with the wide arcing slashes swing with all his might at another boy. He missed and the boy slashed across his open torso. The big swing took all of his balance, and spun him to the ground. Two other boys pounced on him and slashed as often as they could. His Knight ran in pushing the other boys away, and pulled him to his feet and out of the fight.

     Plate mail and I stalked each other form opposite sides of the ring. Two more boys were pulled from the fight. That left two fighting in the center with all they had, plate mail and myself. I made my move, and entered the combat. While the two boys were engaged, I quickly moved in, and did two quick slashes to each of them I had gained a point for each slash bringing me to 9 points. I spun and stepped back to avoid one of the boys blades. While he went after me, the other boy saw his opening and slashed across his unprotected chest. I saw his Knight come and tap him on his shoulder. That left plate mail, who still hadn't entered the fight, the last of the two boys and myself.

     The boy lunged at me with a quick jab of his blade. He wasn't trying to stab me, it was a feint to throw me off guard, but I was ready for it. I parried his blade and slashed across arm as he leaned in just a little two far. Another point for me. I stepped to the side, keeping one eye on him, and one on plate mail. who was patiently waiting for the winner. The boy must of saw plate mail out of the corner of his eye, because he suddenly turned his head, and jumped to the side. That gave me the perfect opening to give him a tap on the top of his head with the flat of my blade. I saw his Knight walk towards him. When he realized what had happened, he simply looked at me, and dropped his sword. He didn't even need his Knight to tap him on his shoulder.

     I now had 11 points, and only one opponent left. I stepped back and dropped my sword to mysids and took a deep breath. I could feel everything slow down, and I could only hear the beating of my own heart. Plate mail made his move, and stepped in, but it wasn't to strike. He was taking my measure. He was looking for a reaction. but I stood as calm as a tree on a windless night. He took a step back, and in a quick move, snapped his sword straight up in front of him. He nodded his head and then just stood there. He was showing me respect and offering a challenge. I raised my sword in a similar fashion and nodded my head back to him. Almost as if we were of the same mind, we both slashed our swords straight down to the ground. The dual was on.

     I felt a warmth pour into my body, and my energy peaked. The world had disappeared around us, and it was just me and plate mail. He feinted a jab. It was quick, much quicker than the other boys. I only was able to get out of the way of it. He followed it with a quick slash to my torso, but I jumped out of the way of that as well. I brought my sword up and over his, slashing towards his torso as a counter, but he flipped his blade up, knocking mine away. We both spun in opposite direction away from each other. He was better than I could have imagined. He fought with the Swordsman's Euphoria. You could see it in his grace and speed. I took another deep breath and made my move in. I took a move from the Third movement. I twirled my sword in front of me. I stepped with my follow leg so that I would spin, as I did, I spun my sword behind me to block any unwanted attack. When I came forward again, I lowered myself in another spin to sweep his leg. He jumped over it. I did a 360 spin and began to rise. He was landing, and in one fluid movement, he lowered himself and swung his back leg around and swept me to the ground. I hit with a thud, knocking the air from my lungs. I tried to raise my sword, but plate mail knocked it away. He stood over me and I heard him say in an unusually high pitched voice, "Do you yield?"  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, or what was happening. I just starred at him. He asked again, and then he tapped me on the head. I had just lost a point.

     "Do you yield?" He asked for a third time. I was still in shock. I couldn't do anything. He stood with his foot on my chest, and sword pointed at my face. He cocked his head, and then tapped me on mine again.

     "I can do this until you no longer have points. It doesn't matter to me, but I'm sure the crowd will get a little rowdy." It was then that the crowd noise came back to me. It was completely quite when I was in the heat of battle, but now the crowd was cheering for all they had. Plate mail asked again, "Do you yield?" I finally came to all fo my senses and with a heavy heart I said, "I yield."

     The crowd erupted in it's loudest cheer yer. I was broken. I had lost. Plate mail was better than I was, better than I would ever hope to be. Plate mail reached down and offered his hand to help me to my feet. I stood up, and bowed to him out of respect. I had lost, and only had myself to blame. Plate mail bowed back and then reached up and took his helmet off.

     The face of a girl was starring back at me once the helmet was removed. She smiled, "You are skilled with that sword. You've been well trained." I didn't know what to say. I once again found myself in shock. Sir Wallace broke the spell when he walked up.

     "Here lad, take your sword back, you fought valiantly. There aren't many that can stand against Princess Alma."

     Princess Alma? Did he just say Princess Alma? I looked up at him. He nodded at me, and then looked down at my sword that he held hilt first to me. I looked down at it, and then back up at him. He nodded again, for me to take it. As I did I looked at the Princess, and then back to him again. Once again, he nodded and this time he had a big smile on his face. I was finally making the connection of what he was saying. I had just fought the Princess, I immediately dropped to my knee and bowed my head to her.

    "Oh no you don't. Don't bow to me. You don't need to do that." She reached down once again and offered her hand to help me up. I stood up again, and Sir Wallace quickly stood between us. He had us face the crowd.

     "I present to you, the winner of the tournament and the Princess of the Targen realm. Princess Alma. A has fell over the crowd. A clap came from a single source. It was the King. When everyone realized that only the King was applauding, they burst into cheer. Sir Wallace was holding the Princess's hand high above her head, and she waved to the crowd. He let her hand down and then began waving his arms in an up and down motion to quiet the crowd. "All of the contestants did their best today, and none more than these two, both of which are the winners of the two previous events. The both were first and second in each event."

     I didn't know until he said it, that I was second in horsemanship. Not that it mattered now.

     "The Princess is due all of your applause, but please spare some for." Sir Wallace looked down at me. "What is your name boy?" "Pitre." "Please spare some of your applause for young lad Pitre. He fought as valiant as any boy that I've seen in this tournament. Now, both of them will take a victory lap around the arena and then greet the King himself." Sir Wallace looked down at both of us now. "Alright you two, all you have to do now, is take a slow stroll around the edge of the arena and you will then meet the King at the far end of the arena." He looked at Princess Alma, "I believe you've met him before?" Princess Alma let out a little "Pshht" and winked at Sir Wallace.

     Before I knew what was happening, the Princess took my hand and led me to the edge of the arena. people were clamoring to reach down and touch us. Their were shouts of praise to the Princess for being a fierce warrior. I even heard a few cheers about my ability with a sword.

     The Princess turned to me. "How long have you been training?" I was surprised that she would talk to me with such ease.

     "I've been training for a year. I guess I should have began training earlier." I held my head down again. My one chance to become a Knight had flittered away.

     "You have only been training for a year? That is remarkable. I've been training for as long as I can remember anything. My father told me, that he put a sword in my hand, the moment that I took my first step."

     "So that is why you are so good. What was that move that you did to sweep my leg?"

     "The Sir Wallace showed me that move. He learned it from a Captain during the Blind War. Time to meet my father."

     I looked from her to straight ahead, and the King was waiting for us at the tunnel that she had always appeared from.

     "Ah, my darling daughter. You did well today. I don't think you expected to run into someone with such skill as, Pitre was it?"

     "Yes my lord."

     "Indeed father. It is even more impressive. He has only bee training for a year."

     "Is this true? Only a year?"

     "Yes my lord."

     "I must know, who trained you to such a level in only a year?"

     "It was my father, my lord."

     "Your father? Who is this man? Have I ever heard of him?"

     "He is just my father my lord. We live in the mountain village of outer edge. He is the blacksmith of our village."

     "He has to be more than a simple village blacksmith. Is he here? Did he come with you?"

     "Yes my lord. he is in the waiting are with Galdren."

     "Galdren? My Galdren?"

     "Yes, my lord, they were friends during the Blind War. He taught my father everything about blacksmithing."

     "Your father fought alongside Galdren during the Blind War?"

     "Father, leave him alone. Why are you asking him so many questions."

     "I'm sorry, my daughter is right. I would love to meet your father though. Let's go see him now."

     The King led the way, and we walked back to the tunnel that led to the waiting area. My father and Galdren were sitting in the corner that they had first went to when we arrived.

     "So you are the father of this fine young man are you?" My father had a shocked look on his face as he rose to greet the King.

     "Yes my lord."

     "Falren? Is that you?"

     "Yes, my lord, it's me."


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