Sunday, February 11, 2018

We Got The First Review Up On The Pepperoni Report.

     For the past month or so, I've been putting the bulk of my free time into The Pepperoni Report. We finally got our first review up, and I could sit back and relax. That was until today. Before I get to that, I need to go through the first part of the story, that will lead to my current frustration.

     I have been doing the bulk of the work on the PR despite the fact that it is supposed to be a collaborative effort between myself and the creator. I say creator, because it was his idea. I set up the blog, I set up the Instagram, I set up the YouTube channel. I wrote the first and third post, while editing the second post and doing some rewriting on it. I've filmed the channel trailer, and I filmed some pieces that will be an addition into the videos in the future (we forgot about it for the first video, so it will come in with the next one). I've supplied the camera equipment, and access to the music used in the videos. As you can see, I've put a great deal of work into this, with very little help from the creator. In all honesty, I don't mind doing the bulk of the work, but here is where today's frustration comes into existence. I would like to see something done, when I ask for it to be done. All I've asked of him so far, beside the few little things I've talked about in the past, is to look into business cards, so that we can hand them out to people that are interested in what we are doing, and to make sure to share the blog and video on his social media outlets.

     I have heard nothing about the business cards, and when I asked him about sharing it on his social media, he said that he had been too busy.

     When I saw that it was National Pizza Day on Friday, which was the day we were doing the tasting for the review, I decided that I wanted to get everything done that night. It only made sense. As soon as I got home, I began editing the video. It took my two and a half hours to get it completed, and ready for upload. I began the upload and while that was going on, I began writing the blog post. My plan was to write the intro, my part of the review, and then post the video and a what pictures I had. His part was to write his take on the place and then let me know when he was done, so that I could write the wrap up. I finished my part of the blog, but still was waiting on the video to load. I told him that he needed to write his part, and have it ready by the time the video was ready. That way, I could have everything published right around the same time. I gave him a deadline of two hours. With in a half hour he told me that he was done. I went to check, and he had begun a whole new post. I went in and say a single paragraph, that had much of what I had already covered in the bulk of the blog. I cut and pasted that paragraph into the blog that I had already started, deleted his, and then told him to take a look at it and add or omit to his portion as he saw fit.

     He read through it, and asked me to delete his portion, he was going to rewrite it and send it to me when he was done. In about ten minutes he sent me a text with his portion of the blog. Let me reiterate that, he sent me a text. I asked him if that is what he wanted as his portion and he said yes. I had to pull up the text and then add it to the blog myself. As I did that, I corrected some errors, changed the voice of what he had written to match it up with everything else. I used plural terms for him and I, while he used singular terms only referring to himself. The problem with that, is that we weren't making any distinction between who was writing what. The goal was for it to be seamless. I also pretty much did a full rewrite on what he sent me. I added a few sentences and thew out a few, that weren't necessary. I gave him final say on if it was ready, so I shot him a text to read it for final approval. He sent me back a text saying there were a few misspells but other than that it was ready. The question that immediately formed in my head, was why didn't he correct the spelling errors, but it was a waste of time to ask that. I did a proofread on it to get everything tightened up. I finally hit publish a little before 10 o'clock that night.

     Am I wrong in assuming that since this is a collaboration, that I should be seeing more of an effort from my partner? We've already monetized the blog, and the YouTube channel will come along in due time (or not), so when any money starts coming in from these things, what am I supposed to do? Do I split it 50/50 since we are partners, or do a make the split reflect with the amount of work each of us has put into it? My nature is to just split it 50/50. If I don't see a change in his efforts, I may have to scale back my own until he starts carrying more weight. The only problem with that is, that I want it to succeed. That means I have to give it my maximum effort, which is what I will end up doing, even if that means that I end up doing everything except the banter in the video. He will have no choice but to be there for that.

     Enough of that little rant. In the meantime, if you haven't checked it out yet. Here is a link to our first review. Pappagallos, that is the name of the place that we went, and it's real good. Well I'll let the review speak for itself. See that link right there? That is more than he has shared it on social media of any kind to this point. I really hope that changes.

     I don't have any pictures or anything like that for you tonight, because all of that is in the PR. I was hoping to get another video for the CS, but I really just wanted to relax after all the craziness of putting together the PR. I will sit back for a week and not worry anymore about it, but then I will start getting on him to pick the next location and a date for it. He has to do something. I suppose that I will start looking into the business cards around that time as well. Here's an idea, should I reimburse myself from the put of money we make before splitting it?

     A little update on my right ear. I have begun actively stretching it now. The way I'm doing that, is with plumbers tape. This is an actual trick to stretching your ears. You simply take one of your plugs, and wrap plumbers tape around it, and add to it as the lobe opens up. I should be up to 3/4 of an inch in another week or so, then I begin stretching up to 7/8ths of an inch, which is where my left ear is. I will finally be even up. That's when I will start thinking about whether or not to move up to a full inch. I'm pretty sure, that is where I'm going with this.

     Please let me know what you think I should do about this whole partnership thing. Also, let me know what you think of the PR. I put a lot of work into getting it to be something I can be proud of. Is it perfect? No, but it's a start, and it will get better. Oh, and if you can, please go subscribe to the YouTube channel for the PR. You should be able to get to it by just clicking on the video on the PR. Every subscriber helps us get to where we hope to be. I got ideas for this in the future, and I think it's going to be a fun ride, but also a bumpy one as well. Here's to the adventure. Peace in and goodnight.

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