Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Rockets, Bowie, And Pickle Rick.

     I'm really looking forward to my eye appointment tomorrow. I'm also hoping that there is nothing seriously wrong with my eyes. I've been wearing my contacts the past two days, and nothing has gone wrong, but they still don't feel comfortable. It would be a bummer if I couldn't wear contacts anymore, but if that is what it takes to preserve my eyesight than so be it.

     I got to see a historic event today. I honestly didn't think I would see it though. It was scheduled for when I was at work, but it was delayed just long enough that I was at home when it happened. What is this historic event? It was the launch of the Space X Falcon Heavy. The most powerful rocket in history was launched in my backyard. I wanted to get footage of it going off, but I would have had to ride closer to the launch site to get it, and I didn't have that much time, from when I got off work to the launch. I had to settle with watching it from my backyard. I have to say, that although impressed with the launch, I was a little underwhelmed by the sound. Living where I do, and watching rockets launch my entire life, I've heard some crazy rumblings from the Cape. Launches that would shake the house and rattle the windows. I know that most of that has to do with the thrusting power of the rockets, but there is an element of the weather that comes into play as well, and it's possible that today wasn't favorable for the sound to head my direction.

     There is something about the Falcon launches that I should have talked about already, but have neglected to do so. These launches are amazing in the fact that the rocket boosters come back to earth and land for reuse. Today was no exception. A tandem landing occurred with two sonic booms. When the boosters come back to the Space Coast, they make these massive booms that sound like explosions. Not just an explosion like if you threw a paint can in a fire, but like, catch you off guard and scare the bejesus out of you. Every time it happens when I'm not expecting it, I run outside and look for the light of a fire, but then I remember that it is just those boosters coming back to the ground. I mentioned above that there was a tandem landing, but that isn't entirely true. Two of them landed back near the launch site, while the third landed safely on the drone barge out at sea. That last one took a few more minutes to make it's landing, and since it was out at sea, I couldn't hear the boom from it.

     The last little bit of info from this launch, apparently Elon Musk had a Tesla Roadster put onboard and it is now in orbit above the earth. It's the first earth based vehicle to orbit the planet, and apparently there is a stamp on the circuit board that reads Made on Earth by humans. Go check out Elon's Instagram account if you want to see pictures of it all. You can get to his page right here.

     I got some incredible news today, and it will give em a solid plan for what I'm doing Friday night. Oh, I'm still doing the pizza tasting, but this won't effect that. This is going to be happening later in the night. On Howard Stern today, he announced a tribute to David Bowie, that has been a year in the making. Collaborating with Tony Visconti, the longtime friend and producer to David Bowie, the put an album together. It won't be for sale and the only way you can hear it, is if you are a subscriber to Sirius XM. They got 25 artist to cover some of the most iconic songs of Bowie. Howard played a few clips of some of the songs today, and they sound incredible. I will be listening on Friday night to hear those clips in their entirety and all the other songs that he didn't preview. Here are some of the artist that are involved in this whole affair. Peter Frampton, he was the first person to sign up for the tribute. Daryl Hall of Hall & Oats, Corey Taylor of Slipknot and Stoned Sour, Lisa Loeb, William Patrick Corrigan (better known as Billy Corrigan of the Smashing Pumpkins), Huey Lewis, and a whole many more. I am so looking forward to this. One other one that really got to me when Howard played the clip, was Shawn Colvin doing Heroes. It was in credible. It was just her and a guitar, and she did it right in Howard's own studio. The segment producer Steve Brandano, told Howard that Tony said that her performance was the best vocal performance of the whole project. Hearing her and Lisa Loeb's version of All The Young Dudes made me remember Aurora and her version of Life On Mars, and it made me come to one conclusion. Despite the fact that the male singers I heard that did an equally great job, I think that only women should cover Bowie. It seems like when a woman sings his songs, that he meant for that to be the case all along. Go look up the Aurora version of Life On Mars, and see if you don't agree.

     Last but not least, is the Favorite Song of the Week, and it ties into the whole Bowie tribute. One of the clips that Howard played was from a band called Greta Van Fleet. I had never heard of them before, and I'm saddened that I haven't. There chose The Jean Genie as their song, and it sounds remarkable. Now, to say that these kids, and I say kids because they are all 21 and under, were influenced by Led Zeppelin, would be an understatement. I'm not going to make comparisons, despite the fact that I just did, but they even say their influence comes from the father letting them listen to his favorite bands. One of which was none other than Led. They have only released two EP's and are working on a full length album, but in todays music scene I don't know if you need a full album. Of course they will need to build their catalogue in order to be successful touring, but that will come with time. The thing is, they are this weeks FSOTW. I had to look them up after hearing the small clip that played today, and I was impressed. I think you will be too. Here is Greta Van Fleet with their song "Highway Tune".

     If you don't hear Led Zeppelin in there somewhere, then you have never heard Led Zeppelin. Ok enough of the comparisons. I nearly forgot something. If you want the full list of artist in the Bowie Tribute follow this link and it will take you to all the information about the tribute and a little background on each artist.

     I know I said that was the last thing, but I just remembered that I had one more thing for you. You know my love of Funko, well I finally got one in that I pre-ordered several months ago. It is in line with my fandom of Rick & Morty, and it comes from my favorite episode. I give you, Pickle Rick.

     In the episode Rick turns himself into a pickle to avoid going to family therapy. He avoids the therapy, but mayhem ensues as he finds himself stuck in the sewers, and he had to battle his way back to the surface in order to change himself back to human. Go search it out and watch it if you can.

     Ok, that really is all that I have tonight, so I'll be taking my leave now. Peace in and goodnight.

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