Sunday, February 25, 2018

Did I Take A Drink This Weekend?

     I have a few things to talk about tonight. The first thing should be the tardiness of The Patchwork Knight. I was exhausted on Thursday night. Unusually so. I couldn't keep my eyes open at 8:30, so I went to be with the idea, that I would write in the morning directly after breakfast. That is what I did which put it late by about 12 hours, but then the email didn't go out until the next morning. I really need to figure out if there is a way that I can control when the subscriber emails go out. On here, it is daily at around 7:30 AM, for the PR it is daily at around 5 PM. There is no reason for why they go out when they do, at least none that I have found. The email going out when it did, put it an entire other day behind, so it wasn't in mailboxes until Saturday morning.

     I think part of the problem for why I was so exhausted is, that I have been waking up at 3 AM everyday. I don't want to wake up at that time, but my body has been waking me up then, and leaving me having a very hard time to get back to sleep. I usually just lay there until I either pass out, or my alarm goes off. I'm pretty sure that lack of sleep has left me completely drained. I only needed that night of sleep with no work on Friday to catch up, because this weekend I've been fine. Oh, I've still woken up at 3, but I had plenty of time to fall back to sleep before Morty would force me out of bed at 7.

     Friday was a day of exploration. I went out on Saki and just rode around exploring roads I'd never been down. I found a couple of roads that look like they cold be rather vacant on the weekends, which would give me a place to practice wheelies. I'm still not good at them, and would like to find a quiet place where I won't bother anyone, or be bothered to practice them. I'll check up on those places from time to time, to see just how vacant they can get. I went yesterday, and they were pretty quiet, but there were still people working in the buildings around there, so I didn't do any practicing yesterday.

     I also received my new plugs, well tunnels for when I stretch up to an inch. I was a little shocked when I opened them up, at just how big they are. The look enormous. To give you an idea of just how big they are, I got a couple of pictures of them next to other tunnels of different sizes.

     I got two different angles so you can get a better view of them. The one on the far left is 3/4ths of an inch. That is the size I was when my right ear blew out. The one in the middle is the 7/8th inch that I am currently getting my right ear up to. When that happens I will be even all around. Of course the one on the far right is the full inch. It is massive. I have probably another day before I can get a 7/8ths in my right ear. Once that happens, I'm going to leave it in for a month, and then I will stretch them both up to that final inch mark. I got some really great looking tunnels in this order, and I have two sets of plugs on the way. Once I get everything in, I'll get a picture of all them together for you to see. I might have to take a separate picture for one set, because it would be difficult to see the detail in them in a group shot. I'll figure it all out when the time comes.

     Yesterday was video creation day, and also, I ordered that gimbal for the GoPro. I'll be testing it out a few times before I put any video up from it. I'm doubting I will get it right the first time I use it, but maybe posting that footage will show you the learning experience I go through. It should come in some time this week. Real quick, before I get to the video and what it's about, and what it caused, I wanted to mention that I have a date for the next pizza review for the PR. It's going to be on March 9th, and I also wanted to mention that my partner came through. He got it going and got our business cards ordered. They should be here a few days before we do the next review. If you want one, let me know and I will get your information and send one out to you when they come in. They look pretty good.

     Now to the video. I've been wanting to do this video for a while. It is a one take video, and doesn't have any of the stuff I normally do. It is also the first time I second guessed myself on whether or not I should finish it up and post it. It gets rather personal. Even though this is all stuff that I've talked about here, I've never actually put it all together and spoke about it, and speaking about it takes it to a whole other level. It doesn't go into all the dark stuff, but it is more about where I am now and how I got there. While I was editing it, I had to take a break from it. I decided to get some food since I was hungry, and I also really put serious thought to having a drink again. I went to my old favorite watering hole, sat down, and ordered a Sprite and a pizza. I didn't take that drink, and I think because of that, I decided to finish up the video and post it. It went up first thing this morning. It took quite a while to upload, since it is over 19 minutes long, and it is all me talking. I put in a few other things, but my voice is still over it. This is the first time you get to see all of my ukuleles in one place. The Gibson Les Paul is there too. After I finished the video, I felt really good about it. I was happy with how it turned out, and in all honesty, it's the favorite video that I've done. 19+ minutes is a long time for anyone to sit and watch a video, so I doubt anyone will watch it all the way through, but it tells my story and does have a happy ending. Here is the video if you want to check it out.

     I would usually make a little promo video for Instagram, but I've noticed that no traffic comes from there. It's weird, I get a decent number of likes on each video, but no traffic comes from that or the MotoAmino app. I share it there as well. Most view, few that they are, come from either this blog or YouTube itself.

     Well, I need to get my clothes washed and folded before The Walking Dead comes on. The second half of the season starts tonight, and I'm not going to miss it. I'll see you on Tuesday. Peace in and goodnight.

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