Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Get Stupid.

     The stretching has begun. I started yesterday, with a small strip of the plumbers tape on my Batman plugs. Today I added another one, and I'll take a day off tomorrow, to let it settle in, before I add to it again. It's coming along exactly as I thought it would. The only down side of this, is that I will no longer be able to wear my favorite Batman plugs. I tried looking for a new set of them, but they have been discontinued, and I can't find any anywhere. There are other Batman plugs out there, but none like these, so I'm going to have to settle if I want other ones.

     I found out today, that I'm going to be off on Friday, and that is something to look forward too. I'm still exhausted, and it has a lot to do with Morty. Lately, he has been coming in to sleep with me in the middle of the night, and he has been rather obnoxious about it. When he climbs up in the bed, and when he changed positions, he always drops down right on top of me, and wakes me up. This happens several times during the night, and I'm getting very little sleep. It was better last night, because I closed him out of my room. I'm going to do the same tonight, so hopefully, i will eventually get caught up on sleep.

     The other good part of having Friday off, is that I should have the new propellers for the drone tomorrow, and I can take it to an open area and fly it on Friday. I'm still going to make that video with the crash footage in it, but now I should be able to add some of the new footage, where I don't crash. This is going to be real neat to play around with in the video. I also have an idea of a place to take you in the next video. I'll keep it a secret for now, but I'm going to show you a place that I'm not sure if I'm allowed to go. All will be revealed soon.

     I'm patiently waiting for Saturday to get here, so that I can finish the next blog post for the PR. I don't think I like this, having on on deck and ready to go. It's a lot of waiting for something to happen, that should be done, but isn't because I'm waiting on parts. I told my partner that he needed to add something to the post, and he still hasn't done it yet. It has to do with how the pizza is after it is reheated. He mentioned in what he had written that it is "very good", but I want him to expand on that, and I told him to put it in his portion. That was a few days ago, and there has been no update on his portion. To me, that is very frustrating. I needed to wait for the video to go live, so that I can embed it, and write the final wrap-up on the blog, where I will add what he has in. Most of what he wrote, I already have in the body of the post, so I'm worried that I'm going to be waiting on that final bit. This is the other problem that I thought would arise with a lose deadline. People get complacent when they have time to not do something. I like editing the video and writing the blog post when it is all fresh in my mind. This is on top of the fact that I take notes while I'm at the restaurant to remind me exactly what I was thinking at the time that I took that first bite. One day, I'll take a picture of my notes, so you can see the coded chicken scratch that is my handwriting, that all this pizza review magic comes from.

     Enough of that, let's get to something a little more fun. I'm out of credits on Audible, so instead of buying more, which you can at a kind of cheap price, I'm simply going back and listening to some books again. I had planned on only listening to one while I'm waiting for a new credit and then a book that is coming out soon, but I burned through the first book in the series, and am already on book 2. I'm talking about The Land series by Aleron Kong. I have the first 6 books on Audible, and I'm waiting for book 7 to be recorded and released on Audible. It should happen sometime in the early or middle part of April. Howard Stern is on vacation, so I only have the podcasts to listen to, and they are coming out sporadically right now, so it is all about the books. Here is the thing. You would think listening to a book for a second time would be rather boring, but it isn't. These books are so fun, and the guy who does the reading of it, is so entertaining, that even though I know what is going to happen next, it's like I'm listening to it for the first time. The voice talent is named Nick Podehl. He is amazing. He has a voice for each character, whether they be male or female, and it's like he is truly acting out each word of the book. I wish I could share a sample of it with you. Maybe go on Audible, type in his name, and listen to a sample of him. It think you will enjoy his talent as much as I do. I love these books so much, that I even got a kindle version of it to read read it. Aleron Kong is constantly putting up giveaways on his Twitter and Facebook page. I of course never see the Facebook ones, but I did manage to see a Twitter one the other day, and took a chance to see if I could win it, and I did. I will be actually reading a book that I have now listened to twice. That is the one downside to Aleron being an independent author. He goes through Amazon Publishing, so he only has his first 3 books in hardcopy, or at least that is how it appears. I have a friend reading the books as well, and he can't find book 4 in hardcopy yet. Aleron sent an email out a week ago saying that book 7 is too long for Amazon to publish. You can get it on Kindle, and soon on Audible, but they have limit on page length for printing books. He said he was going to look for another outlet to try and get it down, but in the meantime, where is book 4-6. I guess I could try and reach out to him and ask. He is pretty connected to his readers. it couldn't hurt.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. Actually I have two songs that are stuck in my head this week, and both of them I found through commercials. I can only pick one, so I'll pick the one that is more of an earworm. This is form the Samsung phone commercial. I can't remember which phone, and I really don't care. It is about the song for me, not the phone. I found out that the singer is from the UK and was in a boyband that won X Factor. I think I'm right on that. I'm too lazy to look it all up, but when you watch this video, you will instantly know why I like this song. It falls on the funky side of things, and the kid can dance. When I first heard it, I thought it might have been a song by Bruno Mars, but when I investigate, (looked it up online) I found that it was indeed someone else. His name is Aston Merrygold, and the song is Get Stupid. It's just a super fun, get off your butt and dance kind of songs. I now give to you, Aston Merrygold and his song "Get Stupid".

     Fun right? Just to keep you on the edge of your seat, I will share the other song with you next week. I like it for a while bunch of different reasons. I'm off to try and catch up on more of that sleep. Well, right after I finish listening to this song. Peace in and goodnight.

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