Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Misery Behind The Screen.

     Today was just miserable. It started out fine, and it is ending fine, but in between was just a mess. The first thing that happened, was the Sirius app on my phone crashing. I'm fortunate enough to be able to listen to music or whatever I want while I work. I spend Monday - Wednesday, listening to the Howard Stern Show. Today, they were going to reveal the results of an IQ test between two of the staffers on the show. Right when the reveal was to take place, the app crashes, and it was all on Sirius' end. They had numerous complaints about it. I'll get to how I know about that in a minute.

     The next thing that happened, was about 20 minutes later. This is still before 8 in the morning. One of the employees called because they were having a problem. I went down to check it out. We have these things called hopper feeders on the machines. What they are, are vacuum material feeders. They sit on the top of where the material goes, with a long hose that leads down to a barrel of material. This one was not working and the material had run out of the machine. In my hurry, I had to get a bucket to get some material in the hopper of the machine before it opened it. That meant that I had to climb up some stairs onto the machine and bucket it in. In my haste, I didn't notice that the stairs had been moved from where they normally are, so when I went to step back down, I missed the stairs completely, and fell 4 feet to the floor. There is some good news from this. Somehow I managed not to break anything. I scraped up one of my legs on the metal stairs, and I bruised a good portion of my right side, where I landed, and I also injured my ankle.

     I'm sure that I'm going to be sore tomorrow from all of this. I felt nauseous most of the day after that, and real tired. I don't think I hit my head, and I didn't have any pain other than a headache, but it kind of felt like I had a concussion. It could have been from the sudden stop from a 4 foot fall, but I'm not sure. I didn't notice my eyes dilating, so I really have no reason for why I felt that way. Needless to say, I had to walk around like that for the next 7 hours, before I got off work. I think I will feel much better after a good nights sleep. Let's hope I get one of those.

     After all that happened, things started to get a little bit better. The Sirius app finally started working again, and it started where I left off with the show, so I didn't miss anything, but I was an hour behind, and no longer listening live. During the show, a caller mentioned that the app was down, and people were going crazy. I did finally get to hear the results, and I didn't miss any of the show, so maybe my day was turning around.

     There was only one minor thing after that, and that was after I got home. My partner from the PR contacted me. He was talking to a friend of ours, and she invited us to go out on Friday night. A nice gesture, and I appreciated it, but Friday I will be tied up with everything PR, and right now it is looking like we might work on Friday, so I won't have nearly the amount of time I would like to have to get everything done by that night. It seemed like he was pushing to go hang out, but he doesn't seem to understand that we have already posted a blog about when we are doing the next review, and that we were going to try our best to get it posted that night. If we go out and have a good time, then we are neglecting our duty to the readers of the PR, so I told him that I would be to busy editing and writing to go. My only hope is that he gets his portion of the review done before he heads out. I only need a paragraph or two from him, and I will do all the rest of it, but I need his input. It makes no sense for me to do all of the review when it is supposed to be a collaboration.

     More important than missing a night out, I'm going to be delaying the start of my watching Jessica Jones season 2. If you have bee reading this for any length of time, you know that I have been waiting patiently for this season since I finished the last episode of season 1. That was a couple of days after it premiered, so I've been waiting about 2 years I think. I will get the PR done and posted before I watch a single episode of season 2, so for me, that is giving up quite a bit. By the way, if you hadn't guessed by now, season 2 of Jessica Jones is being released at midnight on the 8th, which means the earliest I can watch it is Friday night, but I will be busy with making some movie magic and writing the review of reviews for the PR. I know this sounds like a gripe, but it is just what it is. I really enjoyed doing the last one, and I'm looking forward to this one that is coming up. I really wish we were doing them more often than just once a month. I like the whole creative process of it all. That being said though, this is my partner's idea, and I wouldn't do it at all if he wasn't involved in some way. That is why I push him to get things done. He did the business cards, and they are in. As soon as I get my hands on one, I'll post a picture of it. He wrote the update on the next date for the review. I merely went in and proofread, and edited it, before publish. So he is getting things done, but I worry about his commitment to this. If he wants to go out on Friday, I won't stop him, but I can't be part of it. I made a commitment to do this, and try to make it the best that I can, so that is what I intend to do. I just need his portion of the review, and his read through for approval for publish. It's not a lot to ask for.

     Enough of that. I got some pictures for you. The first one is something I talked about on Sunday, and it had to do with Saki. I'll get that picture here, before we discuss the why.

     If you've been paying attention to the videos. You may have noticed that I had a GoPrp Session 5 mounted to the under of my windscreen. I added some of the footage from that in recent videos, but in reality, I didn't like it. I don't really like having the camera pointing at me. I like being behind the camera. That is my biggest problem with the PR. I am on camera, and I kind of hate it. It needs to be done though, so I do it, and I play the host of the so called show. With the motovlog, I thought might enhance the whole thing, but it just didn't do it for me. I prefer it to be a POV type of shot, and mixing in that other camera, just took all that away. it was no longer your POV, it was just another goofball on camera, talking to you. So, I got rid of that camera mount and put my old friend the disco ball back up. I always missed having it there, but I didn't really know exactly how much, until I had it back on there. It was like an old friend sitting down for a conversation. It just made me happy. The disco ball is here to stay. I might find another place for the Session, but in the meantime, that is my primary camera for the PR, so don't worry about it being used. It has a full workload ahead of it.

     The second picture, is of something I've been wanting for years. The problem I had, was this item was impossible to get. It was only released once, and for a very limited time. What is the item. Well, it's a Twenty One Pilots hoodie, but not just any hoodie. This hoodie represents the original members of the Clique. The Clique are the fans of TOP. It's all part of the "We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you" thing. On a whim, I went on their website last week, just looking around to see what new items they had, and if there was anything interesting, that is when I saw it. They had rereleased this hoodie. Tyler Joseph and Josh Dunn wear these during the shows, and they are not your typical run of the mill hoodies. Let me just show you so you can see for yourself. It is the coolest thing ever.

     Yes, the hood zips over the face to create a skull. I couldn't be happier that I finally got my hands on one. Oh, and I will wear it to the next show I go to, you can count on it.

     Let's keep with this TOP theme and roll right into Favorite Song of the Week. This isn't just any FSOTW though, this is my favorite TOP song, and it was one of the first ones I learned on ukulele. Here is Twenty One Pilots, with my favorite song of theirs "Screen".

     You know I had to find a live version for you. Hear that crowd, that is what it is like for every song, at every show. It's one of the most incredible things I've seen at a live show. Everyone is singing, dancing and having a good time. Everyone is there to be a part of everything that is TOP. That is why at the end of every show, Tyler finishes the show with what I wrote up above, "We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you.". Peace in and goodnight.

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