Sunday, March 18, 2018

Yep, I Crashed It.

     It's been a strange weekend. I've been exhausted and tired. Yes I know they mean the same thing, but as I said, I've been exhausted and tired, so I don't have the energy for being creative. I had fully planned on getting out and making a video the would feature the new drone, but it was not to be. The meeting on Wednesday with my partner went well, but he said he would have time on Saturday so that we could get a review in the vault, more on that later. I chose a time, but he refuted it and said that he had tentative plans, and he would let me know when we could do it on that day.

     When we do these reviews, I like to do them in a non-dining hour. Avoid the lunch and dinner crowd, that way we have the place most to ourselves. That keeps people from asking questions and what not. Since I made it through Thursday, and then Friday without hearing from him. I assumed that we weren't' going to do it at all. I like schedules. I like the structure of schedules and keeping to time frames. I don't like spur of the moment when it comes to things like this. It's annoying, and ties up my time. Since I hadn't heard from him. I decided to take the drone on it's maiden flight. I went in the backyard, got it all ready, and launched it into the air. I made a fatal error. Morty was out in the backyard with me and he thought the drone was a toy. That meant I had two things to do. Keep Morty under control and concentrate on flying the drone, which I am very very new at. I got it flying around the backyard, and even directed the camera at Morty for a little while. I took it up over the house, and as was bringing it back to the backyard, Morty began bouncing around. I took my full attention off the drone, and put it on Morty. I hit the wrong control lever and sped the drone directly into a tree. It took some damage, and will be down for a little while. The good news is, that I have that footage, and as soon as I can get out on the bike to make a video, I will add that in, so that you can see it. It's pretty fantastic. I learned a lesson though, and that is to never fly with even the slightest distraction around. I also learned that I need to go to a wide open area for the time being, so as not to crash into a tree.

     The damage was to two of the propellers. The way that the Karma is set up, you have two different sets of props that are color coded. It comes with two extra props, one of each color. I broke two props, easy fix right? Wrong. I broke two of the same props. I already ordered a grand total of 4 pairs each, so I will have some backups. They should arrive this week, and I'll get back to the wide blue yonder this weekend, at a wide open area to practice.

     I also decided to catch up on some work around the garage/lounge. While I was doing that, I got the text that my partner's plans had fallen through, which they always seem to do, and we were on to do the review in an hour. I was a mess, covered in dirt and sweat, and now I had to get ready, check all the gear, and get to his place to pick him up. I hurried as best as I could, and I managed to get to his house 20 minutes late, but I had told him that I was going to be late. This is why I want these thing scheduled. I don't like running around to get things ready. It can lead to bad footage and reviews, and I don't want that. Fortunately I got my stuff together and we pulled it off.

     Now for the review. We went to the Southern end of the county for this one. It was good pizza, but you're going to have to wait for the review. I want to try to get to a two week schedule on these, in order to retain an audience. If you go to long, you lose audience because they forget about you. You do it too often and you inundate them with material. Two weeks seems like a really good schedule. This review will go live on Saturday the 24th. I have the video going live at 11 am New York time, with the blog going live soon after. I have to wait for the video to go live so that I can embed it into the blog, and then I have to write the final wrap up on the blog. It should go up about a half hour later. In the meantime, you can gaze at the picture I posted to The PR Instagram.

     On top of all of that, I had some trouble with my wifi, so it took a tremendous amount of time to upload the video, and I didn't finish getting it up until this morning. The blog that I was writing wouldn't save, so I finally broke down and copied it and saved it to a document on my computer. I was able to get it finally saved and in place this morning as well, so that it will be ready to go live on Saturday. It's been a train wreck. I worked way too hard for this one, and I'm still not completely done. Oh, I did create an Twitter account if you want to follow that. You can go to @pepperonireport and follow us there. You can also follow us on Facebook right here The Pepperoni Report My partner made that page, so the content is up to him. I will do my best to get pictures and video posts on the Twitter account, and announcements on when the next blog and video will go live, which reminds me, I'm going to have to go to that right after I'm done with this.

     With all that done I was finally able to sit back and relax and get a few more episodes of Jessica Jones in. I'm currently sitting at episode 11, so don't tell me anything that happens if you are further along or finished. I'm really loving it so far, and I will refrain from talking about it until I'm done, and even then I won't give anything away. I'll just stick to how much I liked it.

     I also caught up with an old friend. You know her as one of the women that saved my life a number of years ago. We have only been messaging back and forth, but it was so good to hear from her again. We have missed out on a lot of things with each other since we haven't kept in close contact. She has had many changes in her life, that I am so proud of. I'm looking forward to seeing her again and giving her a big hug. Not sure when that will happen, but I'll keep you posted.

     Time for me to go do my laundry, and try and relax a little more before work starts tomorrow. I promise I will have a video featuring the drone crash, and that bar wobble I've been telling you about on my bike. Plus I will also have the latest PR video for you to enjoy. I managed to get this one down to just over 5 minutes. I had to cut some rambling out, and I have some notes for both of us, to clean things up with the way we speak. We are getting better with each time out, and I expect the next review that we film will be even better. Peace in and goodnight.

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