Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Welcome Home.

     It's official, my left ear is at one inch. It kind of shocked me that I was able to get the one inch tunnel in yesterday. It's quite a bit ahead of schedule. The right ear is taking a little more work. It is on it's way though. I still think I will have it at one inch by this coming Sunday, which is still ahead of my desired schedule of the Sunday after that. That is the day that I definitely want both ears at one inch. I have my reasons.

     It's going to be a short work week again, but it's all going to work in my favor. I decided that I wasn't going to put the stress of being responsible for the PR this time. I was just going to sit back and see what got done. I shared it on all of my social media platforms, and the video is doing relatively well, but the blog views are way down. I did promote the video more than the blog, so that is part of it, the other part is that my partner is not sharing it on all of his platforms. I know this is true by the analytics of the blog. I can see where the traffic source originates, so I know if it comes from some site or google, or even Facebook. The view are distinctly down from Facebook, and that shows that he hasn't shared it yet. The numbers are on him this time, though.

     I was surprised when he contacted me today, to tell me about a new pizza place near us. We need to do one in the center of the county, since we have done; beachside, North, and South, that only leaves the Central area to have a review from. I wanted to do my favorite place as the next review, but he has been fighting me on it since I mentioned it. For some reason he doesn't want to do that one. I don't know why and he won't tell me, with the exception of saying that we have rules. We do, but we only have one rule, and that is, that if we haven't been to the place before, we only order a pepperoni pizza. That is the only rule. He thinks that we have some rule that says we can only go to places we haven't been before. There is compromise though, and it will be this new place. It appears that it opened in January or sometime shortly after that. It sounds like a cool little place, and we did get a recommendation from one of our followers. Friday we will be doing the review, and then I will have to sit on it for a week again and post it either the 6th or the 7th of April. Believe me, this isn't my favorite thing to do. I want to do the review, edit the video, and post the blog as soon as possible. I like everything fresh in my mind. That is the way I have done all my other videos, and that is what works for me. We will get this all straightened out at some point. Once we have a set schedule that is. Locking that down may be more difficult than me waiting to post something though. I may have mentioned that I like schedules, so I'm not going to go through that again.

     I watched the premier of Roseanne tonight. It is, how do you label it, I guess the reboot of the old show. It's not really a reboot though, that would imply that there are all new people taking over the roles, but this is all the original cast playing the same parts. It was really good, and really funny. It was kind of that feeling you get when you talk to an old friend after a very long time apart. You just pick up where you left off, as if nothing has ever been between you. That is how the show was. They did right, and it was just a natural progression of what they would be like had they just been a real family and the cameras turned off for 20 years. From what I've heard, they will have appearance from old regulars on the show as well. Most of the old favorites are going to be back. If you enjoyed the show in the past, you will enjoy it now. It has that same familiar feel to it. I think they only did 9 episodes for this season, so you better jump on them quick if you want to see them. They aired two fo them tonight, so that only leaves 7 more.

     I told you last week that Favorite Song of the Week was really two songs, but since I didn't want to post both of them, I would split them up, so this week is the other commercial inspired FWOTW. It is by the incomparable Spike Jonez, and the song being fantastic, is not the only reason that I like it. The video that goes along with it, has a great deal to do with it. It just melds with the song perfectly, and they used only a small portion of it for the commercial. Yes, they made the video for the commercial, but it also appears that Spike Jonez wrote the song solely for the commercial as well. You can't buy the track or download as far as I can tell. The video is available on YouTube to watch, as well as iTunes, but it isn't in the typical music section of iTunes. Which brings us to the commercial and what it is for. It is for the new Apple HomePod. It's Apple's version of the Echo, most widely known as ALEXA. I know you've seen the commercial too. It's the one where the woman comes home from a rough day, and asks Siri to play a song that she would like. The song moves her and in turn, she moves the dimensions of her apartment, as she dances around. The song, the woman, the video, all come together and make something wonderful. I'm really hoping that you enjoy the full version of Spike Jonez's "Welcome Home".

     I'm just going to throw this out there, if you know that woman, could you put her in contact with me, I'm completely smitten with her. Ok, I know no time was lost on this, but I did take the time to rewatch the video just now, and noticed that the woman is FKA Twigs, a singer/songwriter/dancer from the UK. You no longer have to put me in touch with her, I found her Instagram. I know it sounds creepy, but I will only admire from afar. I'm not one of those, "if she only met me" kind of people. I am planted firmly in reality. Although, now that I know who she is, I will definitely be looking up more of her own music and such. New experience, leads to new knowledge. I'll leave you with that little gem of wisdom, make of it what you will. Peace in and goodnight.

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