Sunday, March 11, 2018

Things Are Moving Fast.

     Apparently I have a brand manager now. I'll get to all that soon enough, but we have to tell the story before the story first.

     I got all of my plugs and tunnels in, for when I stretch up to a full inch. I didn't get the pictures I want yet, so I will get those for Tuesday's post. They are really cool, and I'm happy with the choices that I made.

     Let's just get to what you are waiting for, well the long way anyway. As you saw, I was so consumed with the PR, that I couldn't focus enough to get a new chapter of The Patchwork Knight up. I was stressing, and it turns out, it was for a very good reason. Friday came, and plans got turned a little upside down early in the morning. I of course had to work, but I had planned and adjusted for that. I got a text from my partner saying that all of a sudden, he was working as well. He was supposed to be off. He said he would be ready, but he wasn't, which kind of worked out, because I was running just a bit behind.

     We got in the car, and I had to hit the bank on the way to our location for the tasting. I set up the cameras when I was done in the bank and that is when I found out, that we were no longer going to the location I had planned to go. We were going to another location that he mentioned but we had discussed putting it on the list for the future. He promised a friend of ours that we would do that one, so I had to adjust again.

     We did a first take on the way there, and I had to scrap it, because we started doing some of the things in the first video that we talked about not doing. Ok, he started doing those things, I had to reign him in a bit. Second take was perfect, so we called that one good. One of the things I learned form the first review, was that I had to have a planned route to get to the place. I had left it up to my partner, and he didn't have exact information. I had a plan and the route mapped out, but since he changed locations on us, we of course had trouble finding the new place.

     I got to use the new Karma Grip, and I really liked the shots I got with it. The shot showing the outside looked almost like a drone shot, and I loved it. So much so that I did something yesterday. We'll get to that in just a bit as well. It actually comes right before the whole brand manager thing. Anyway, this place was not as good as the last. As I said on Thursday, pizza is pizza, so you can never really go wrong. It was good for what it was, but I wouldn't go out of my way to have it again. I'll share the video with you so you can check out what it was like.

     There you have it. We managed to self edit ourselves a bit, and I was able to get the video down to a respectable 8:13. If we didn't ramble so much on the review part, I think we could have had it closer to the 6 minute mark. I really want them to be 6-8 minutes, but I'm not sure if that will stick. Still getting to that brand manager part. Almost there.

     Ok, so I liked that one shot that looked like it was done with a drone so much, that I went on GoPro's site to check something out. That Karma Grip that I bought is part of their drone, and it turns out, that they discontinued make the Karma Drone, so they discounted the price of it to get rid of them drastically. Since I already have a GoPro Hero 5 and the Karma Grip, all I needed was the flight kit, to make it all work, and that was marked way down. It isn't the one that I want, but since it was literally a third of the price of the one I want. I ordered it. I saw some pretty good reviews on it. Saying it is limited, but a great starter drone, and that is what I need. I'll continue to save my money for that Mavic Pro that I want, but for the time being, I can have a capable drone for a fraction for a fraction of the cost, and get some killer shots for you to look at. I already have ideas for how to use this with the PR. Speaking of the PR, I know, I've been speaking about it the whole time, here is the link to the blog post from our review of Humpavelli's. Go check it out and see why we have a brand manager.

     Finally to the part you have been waiting for. On Saturday I got a text from my partner, saying that someone had taken interest in what we were doing, and had some ideas that he wanted to discuss with us. He happens to be connected to my partners family, and that is how he found out about the PR. He also happened to be an actual brand manager. He works with high paying client to create their brand and get them out in the media industry to make money. He saw potential in what we are doing, and had some suggestions for us, and also wanted to help us create and develop our brand. Somehow I am the point of contact for the PR now, and have been emailing him last night and today. He got some headshots from us, and sent them out to an illustrating firm to create some images to create a brand around. I saw the completely images, and they are fantastic. It is very odd seeing yourself in cartoon form. I would love to share the image with you, but I really have no idea if I can right now. I'm not sure if the images are our property yet, so until I do, I'd rather keep them away from anything that would put them out there right now. When I ave confirmation that we can use them, I'll share them with you.

     With all the discussion last night, we had to make sure or brand was our brand. We did searches to confirm that it isn't out there, and we created a Facebook page, and a Twitter account to go with the YouTube and Instagram accounts. I did have to make a slight change to the Instagram. I had to change the name to @thepepperonireport from @pepperonireport. It was incredibly simple to do. I had to do it when I changed things over to Counterfeit Squirrel, so I had prior knowledge on how to do it. I was going to give you a link to the Twitter, but there is a bit of a snafu. I'll get that link and one for Facebook on Tuesday. Also, it would help us out a great deal if you could follow us on YouTube. Only if you have an account though. Don't create an account just to follow us. I will always put the videos up here, and they will always be a part of the PR blog. That is until we move everything potentially to a website. I don't know if that will happen, but it is kind of in the works. Here of course it the link to the Instagram The Pepperoni Report. If you have an Instagram, give us a follow there. We always post a picture of the pizza we are eating for the review, as we are eating it, and I think I will start doing some Instagram Stories as part of our whole experience during the review. You can get the first glimpse of what the video will look like. Minus all the camera work we are doing with the GoPro's, but you can get an idea.

     I don't know. This is moving so much faster than I expected it to. I knew there was a potential for this to be something bigger, but I thought it would take a long time. We would slowly build our brand, and gather a following, with the hopes that maybe someday we could travel do different cities for reviews. There is also the fact that I don't really like being on camera, and now my likeness is going to be part of the brand.  This is a whole other adventure that I was anticipating, but I'm going to see where it goes. Our brand manager was even talking about this going from a social media thing to an unscripted TV show. As thrilling as that sounds, I don't know if I want to do that. I think I could, but I really don't know if I want to be a TV personality. I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes.

     I have a lot to think about, I'm going to have a meeting with my partner on Wednesday evening, so I will fill you in on any updates on Sunday. Oh yeah, I don't know if I mentioned it above, but the brand manage is doing this without charge, he only wants us to remember him if this goes big. I see no problem with doing that. I just remembered, I do have one picture for you. I got my supply of the business cards.

     Pretty snappy right? Well, we already have one thing wrong with them, and that is because our brand manager convinced us to have everything as The Pepperoni Report, so the Instagram is different now, but I already explained all of that. The good news is, that even if you type that in, the other one will pop up, so it still works, but when we run through all of these cards, we will have to get new ones with all the updated social media links on them. Man, this is way more work than I had intended for this. I really do hope that it continues to be a fun hobby, and not a job. That might ruin the whole experience. I guess we will see. I'll document the ups and downs right here, so keep an eye out for what is going to be my new life from now on. Peace in and goodnight.