Sunday, March 4, 2018

I Tried Out My Karma Grip.

     It has been a both a fun and relaxing weekend. I actually had a normal work week for a change, and worked Friday. That is a good thing. I enjoy working, even though it is just a job and not a passion. I save the passion for my hobbies, keeps them fun. I got the call Friday, that more of my contacts had come in, but they would have to wait.

     I downloaded a new game for the PS4 and hadn't gotten a chance to play it yet, so this weekend was going to be that chance. I signed up for Playstation Plus when I got the PS4, with that I get a free game each month. The game this past month was called Knack. I think it is a year old or so, but I'm not sure on that. It looked like it might be fun, so I gave it a try. It is very cartooning in the animation, almost like a Disney film. The scenery is beautiful and the game play is rather easy. How easy you ask? Well, I managed to finish the game last night after only two nights of play time. If I can finish a game that fast, it is very easy. Easy doesn't mean that it isn't fun. It is. There isn't a whole lot to the controls, and when you die in the game, the game does make it a little easier for you to get through that level. I had it on normal difficulty, so I'm kind of wanting to go back through it in hard. Should make me pull what little hair I have left out, or maybe not. I think there is a second one coming out soon, and they had a little piece at the end to let you know that they could do it, so I'm looking forward to it.

     The bigger news is, that I got that gimbal in for my GoPro. It's called the Karma Grip and it's made by GoPro. It looks super cool, and does really snazzy automated stuff when you turn it on, but that doesn't mean it's going to work, but GoPro knows what they are doing, so it does work. I'm not sure completely how I can use it yet. I know the basic idea of using it as my handheld to get smoother tracking on my videos. It eliminates that bounce when you walk. I decided to test it out yesterday, and make a little motovlog to see what I can get it to do. I have a lot to learn about it's capabilities, but I like what footage I got from it. I only wish I had more of a sample for the video. it only takes up about maybe 30 seconds if that, in the whole thing. It's a short video, so you should be able to make it through the end of it. Take a look and see what you think of the shots I got with it.

     The thumbnail on the video is from the footage I shot with the Karma Grip. Please don't judge it from that. They always use a grainy looking photo for that image. The video is much clearer than that. I kind of used it as if it were a drone, with that final flyover the bike. It worked out as good as I would hope for it to, so I love it. Next week is the next review from The Pepperoni Report, so I'll get a good chance to see how well it works for that.  I do have a bit of some learning to do with it. The camera wants to stay fixed in one place, that is after all the purpose of it. There is a small angle lock button on the grip that allows you to fix the position of the camera, so that it will still have that steady affect, but the camera will stay on what you want it to. That is where I'm going to have to do the most study with this. I played a bit with it, and I think I have a good idea. I don't have it down yet, but I am getting there. I guess we will all see how well I got it next week.

     Speaking of the PR. We do the next tasting on the 9th, which is this coming Friday. I'm hoping for a short week so that we can get it done early, and I have more time to try and get the whole thing completed by the late evening, to have it posted. I'm going to try my best to have the video chopped down to less than 10 minutes, so I have my work cut out for me. I have learned a few lessons with the motovlog thing, and we will have to do quite a bit of self editing during the recording process, that will make my job a lot easier. I think we can do it. With the first one, we needed to lay down the rules and other things. Those are thing we don't have to repeat for this one, so that will chop a couple of minutes off right there. If we stay on point and don't repeat things, then we should be able to get it in the 6-8 minute range. That is what I'm shooting for. You will see when the post is live, whether I hit that mark or not.

     I guess I should give you a Match update. There isn't anything to update. I have written a few more messages to which I have had no replies. They let you know if they have been read or not, and the majority of them haven't even been read. I think that is a Match thing, where they only lead you read and respond if you are a member. I get that they have to make money, but come one, maybe one read and response cold be permitted for free. If they only put an icon or something on the user profile that said whether or not they were members would help this process out a little. Although, if they didd that, then members would only try to contact members, and they wouldn't get any push for non-members to sign up. Either way, it looks like this is going to be an abysmal failure. Oh well, I'm not upset about it, just a little fed up.

     I posted a picture on Instagram just a little while ago. It's a picture of Saki's cockpit, but more importantly, it is a picture of something being put back where it belongs. If you have been watching the videos, you may have noticed something missing and a GoPro Session 5 in it's place. Well, I wasn't thrilled with using the Session 5 there, so I'm getting rid of that and putting a little bit of fun back on Saki. I'll have a picture for you on Tuesday, with a full explanation on why I took the Session off, and why I needed that little bit of glam back on Saki.

     I got clothes washing and a whole bunch of shows to catch up on, before The Walking Dead. By the way, great episode last week. It was an episode you don't always get on TWD, and it was a nice change. I won't say anything about what happened, no spoilers and all, but I gots to go. Peace in and goodnight.

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