Tuesday, March 13, 2018

We May Have A Problem.

     Yep, you read that right, we may have a problem. My partner in the PR, may be suffering from grandiose cranium. Better known as, getting a big head. I told you how this brand manager is doing all of this work for us for free. Well, my partner is beginning to make requests, and demands. He was texting me tonight from a pizza place telling me his thoughts on it. Needless to say, this place is one of our favorites, and now he is trying to find fault with it. I came up with a little saying to counteract his little bout with mania. I'd tell you, but I do really want to save it for the right time on the PR. You'll just have to trust me when I say that it is good. I started a little gimmick with the PR, where I wear a pizza related shirt, hat, and sunglasses. He scoffed, and thought it was cheesy. That was what I was going for. It's part of the idea of not taking myself to seriously with this, and that is where I think he is going, but counter to that. He ordered a bunch of pizza related shirts, so I'm hoping he is trying to take the piss out of himself, or he may just be messing up the gimmick. Me the cheesy one, and him the serious reviewer one. Only time will tell, and I called a meeting with him tomorrow to talk about the direction of the PR, and maybe to just get him to take a step or two back.

     The dream is nice, and I mentioned my concerns for it on Sunday, but we don't have anywhere near the audience that his head should be floating in the clouds yet. Reality is, that right now we are nothing, but an idea. An idea that can go somewhere, but only if we take our time and do it right.

     The brand manager sent us the first concepts for a logo, with the caricatured versions of us. I still don't know if I can show you those yet, so I will hold out. I'm sure once we get things up and on our media sources, I can share it then. I'll even show you the original concept drawings, which are very similar, with one glaring oddity. I'll let you see if you can pick it out. The concepts look great, with a whimsical nature, which I really like. I like where this brand managers head is at. I think He and I are on the same page, with what it is going to take to make this successful, I just have to get my partner in line.

     On to a different matter, but still slightly related to the PR. I should be getting the drone in tomorrow. That means that I will try to make a video this weekend, getting some footage from it. That is assuming that I can figure out how to fly that thing, of course. I'm hoping for Friday off, so I can get some good quality time with it before I try to make a video on Saturday.

     I got a few pictures for you. I wanted to give you a look at the new plugs and tunnels that I got for the whole 1 inch stretch. I was going to get them all together, but you would miss out on some of the detail, even with the individual shots, it is tough on a couple to get all the little highlights, that make them groovy.

     I'll explain all of them. The first ones at the top, are acrylic tunnels with a rainbow zebra pattern on the interior. It's hard to see, but it's there. The second ones, are one of the two pair that I was waiting for, because they were hand made. Those are opalite, with the Eye of Horus etched into them. I had a pair similar to these at a smaller size, and always liked them. The two pairs of tunnels are dark purple and rainbow. It's hard to see the rainbow pattern in them, and they just look mostly gold. I'll try to get a better picture some other time. The next ones, are the second pair I was waiting on. I think they are arang wood with the Rebel Alliance symbol cut into them. If you were wondering, yes I do plan on wearing those when I go to see the new Star Wars movie, Solo. The final ones, are steel with a red chrome convex inlay. I really like these and can't wait to wear them. It won't be too long. I think I will start stretching again in another week. I have a date in mind that I want them to be done, but I'll keep that to myself for now.

     One last thing on the agenda tonight, and that is of course, the Favorite Song of the Week. I have been listening to this song every morning for the past week, and it just gets me going, and in a good mood. It belongs to an American Icon. He was born in a small wooden shack in South Carolina in 1933, and from the meager beginnings, he became the progenitor of funk music. When he was on stage, it was rumored that he would point out mistakes to his band, he knew every note that should be played. If he pointed to you, that meant you made a mistake and you were going to have to pay a fine out of your pocket after the show. He was Prince's inspiration for all of his dance moves. He was the epitome of the frontman on stage. He commanded your attention, and you would be repaid in more than you were worth with his music. He is non other than the Godfather of Soul, the one and only, James Brown. I give you James Brown with his song "Soul Power".

     If that didn't make you get up and move, than you need to go to a doctor and get your heart checked, because it clearly stopped beating. With that, I muse bid you farewell. I need to go to sleep, so that I can wake up and get ALEXA to play that song in the morning. Peace in and goodnight.

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