Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Stress Is Over. For Now.

     It has been a nice end to a stressful week. I have been in full stress mode over the PR. This whole having things done and then sitting on them for a lengthy period of time is for the birds. I finally got my partner to write his bit. He still left something out, so I had to get the info from him, and then add it in myself, but it all got done. The video went live as I expected it to, and then I could finally embed it and write the final wrap on the piece. About 30 minutes later, it was all live, and then it was just a matter of sharing it on all the social media platforms. From what I saw earlier, the only media platform that hasn't been utilized was Facebook of course. It doesn't matter though. I think people are beginning to bail on Facebook after everything came out this past week about them selling private information for profit. Glad I left when I did.

     While I was waiting for the video to go live, because I was at a standstill on the piece until I could have that embedded part put it, I went out and made a video for the good ol' Counterfeit Squirrel. I wanted to go to this new neighborhood that is being built, but it's a gated community with real expensive houses, and it looked like there was a guard there checking people in, so I just decided to go to my second location. The second location was for flying the drone, and it worked out pretty well, with the exception of a few hiccups. I only brought the drone and what I needed for it, and left all my other GoPro stuff at home. I knew I wouldn't be out that long, so the battery I had int he GoPro should have been enough. I was wrong. When I got to the site, I put the GoPro into the drone, and it was reading a dead battery. I had to pack everything back up, head for the house, and get the batteries so that I could fly. The good news is, that the location for the flight wasn't that far from my house. I was there and back in about 20 minutes. I was worried the whole time that the drone was in the air, that I would do something wrong and the drone would crash off in the distance somewhere. If that did happen, the drone has a GPS locator on it, so that I could track it down, but I really didn't want to go traipsing through the woods to find it. I tried to keep it relatively close to where I was, so that I wouldn't have to go that far. I should just show you the video. I think it came out pretty good, and it will only get better the more I practice with it, an shoot more footage.

     I did have some issues with my wifi again, but I managed to get everything uploaded and posted on Saturday. That did interfere with the PR as well. It took my about 4 hours to upload the video above, which it should have taken about an hour. I really need to replace my desktop, so that I can use a hardwired link to upload things. That is the next stop I think. I can get everything filmed pretty well by just using the GoPros. They seem to be working out great. The quality is good, the sound is good, and it's all pretty easy to manipulate with edits. I can stick with that for a good while before I need to upgrade some equipment.

     Speaking of the PR, yes I know I'm always speaking of the PR lately. I may as well share the video with you. I was able to cut this one down to just under the 6 minute mark. I still see some things that we need to work on, but we are almost there, at least I think we are. I like where this is headed, and if we make something big out of it, then that is fantastic, but if nothing comes of it, it is fun to do, and I want to keep doing it for a while. So here is the latest review from The Pepperoni Report with Two Guys and a Pie.

     I know that is a lot of videos for you to watch, and quite a bit of your time, but I do appreciate every view that I/we get from it. I put a lot of work into these, so when I get a comment or a like, it really goes a long way for me. As for the work I put it, I must reiterate that it isn't hard work, but it is work, and it does take a toll on my stress levels. Thank you again for watching any of the videos that you watch. I do have one question for you. What did you think of the Dancing Pepperoni as our rating system? Believe it or not, that took over two hours to create. I'm talking about the entire process, making the pepperoni, and making sure each one was different, and then filming it. I had to do far more takes than I imagined I would. I'm hoping it comes of as, yes pun intended, cheesy. What do you think?

     It's update time. I have a couple of them for you. It's been a while since I've done a update, so here it goes. Nothing has happened. I have had  few views of my profile, but no messages, and no responses from messages that I have sent. I signed up for 6 months, that was probably a mistake, so I'll stick it out until that time is up. I think I've already been on there for 3 months now. I'm half way through then. I can't find anywhere on there that tells me just how long I have left, and maybe that is all part of their masterplan so that I don't cancel it before they can bill me again with some kind of recurring payment thing. I'll have to set a date that I think is far before that time, and cancel the whole thing. I think they will honor the rest of the time I've already paid for, but that should be it.

     The second update is of course, how are my ears doing with the new stretch. I can say that it is going rather well. There is a little pain this time, but it is just from stretching them up past a point that they have never been at. I might run into some trouble though. I was measuring out my plugs, and they are just short of hitting that one inch mark. That means that I'm going to have to be creative, to be able to get to the one inch mark. I found a way, to boost things along. I went out today during my normal errands and bought two padlocks. Yes, I have two padlocks in my ears right now. I might get a picture for you at some point, but for now, you will just have to image how stupid I look. The idea, is that the extra weight will make up for the difference of not having plugs or tunnels that actually reach one inch. I can feel the padlocks in there, but they aren't uncomfortable, they are just there. It is loosening the lobe, so that it should stretch easier. I'm not leaving them in all the time, I will simply put them in for a couple of hours each night, until I think they are ready for me to fit the one inch tunnels in. Once that happens, I am good to go. I'm predicting that I should be able to get those new tunnels in some time late this week. That would put it right on the schedule I wanted. I still have plenty of time to make the late May time table which is when the new Star Wars film Solo comes out, but I really want to be at one inch this time next week. It's a personal thing, I really can't explain more than that.

     I finished Jessica Jones season 2 on Friday night, and I have to say, that I was left a little disappointed. I won't say anything about what happens, but it ended almost like they could leave it as a series finale, and that is a big bummer for me. It took them two years to get this season out, because they put other shows in front of it, and then they leave it like it is done. I'm hoping I'm wrong about that feeling, and it was just them creating a new direction for Jessica or something. I really like that series.

     I have to go finish my clothes, and then ready myself for The Walking Dead. I think things are going to go down tonight, and I need to be prepared for it. Peace in and goodnight.

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