Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I Got Flowers

     Today was a good day. It seems that lately, my mom's mental capabilities were going downhill. Today she was a little more herself again. I'm not completely unsure that my carb weekend had a say in that happening to her. Since I was carb friendly for a couple of days, I gave her a few more than normal, as well. It could be the difference, but she started a spiral downward a few days before that. She did get more sleep last night than she had been getting, and that could be because of our day at the lake yesterday. Got a lot of walking in, and it wore her out a bit, so that she did have a good nights sleep. Never underestimate the power of a good nights sleep. Anyway, with her being in better spirits, I got a lot done today, but I guess I should share the lake with you first.

     That little guy was at the final dock that we went to. The lake has three small docks and a boat dock. I took my mom around to each one, since she didn't get to go by the river this weekend. It was a much further walk than I remember it being. Oh, and my step tracker didn't measure any of them, since I was going so slow. That cut into my 10000 steps for a day, but more on that later. It was a little chilly yesterday, so I didn't expect to see any wildlife, but when we got to that final dock, there was a turtle hanging out in the water. You can see him at the tail of that gator. Out of nowhere, that guy popped up and hung out just for us. When he finally went under, another turtle showed up and both of them started swimming towards the dock. I'm guessing people feed them, so when they see people there, they think they can get fed. We didn't have anything for them. Needless to say, my mom had a great time out there.

     Before we hit the lake I had to spend some time in the garden. I water the garden each morning, shortly after sunrise. I noticed that one of my Orange Habaneros was flowering. I was freaking happy about that. I didn't expect that to happen for at least another month or so.

     That just gave me more hope that I'm going to get these little suckers to fruit. I planted the Scotch Bonnet and the Cherokee Purple tomatoes, and they are doing really good already.

     You can get a slight glimpse of the Brussel sprouts there on the right side. They are growing fast, and are looking really good. They might be the best growers in the bunch. I did move the strawberries over with the blackberries for the time being. Oh, I was getting my hopes up today, that I could take those bamboo stakes out soon. Morty and Baby Girl Gauge hadn't even bothered to look towards the garden in a few days, so I was thinking that by next week, they would be so used to not going into it, that I could take those down, and they would just simply avoid it, but as I was holding the door for my mom to come out to see the new addition to the garden, I looked over and Baby Girl was half in the garden stepping all over my Dwarf Tibouchina. So much for my idea of being able to take out the stakes. Oh well.

     As I said, I did make an addition to the garden today. I had some solar rope lights that I have been holding off on, putting out in the yard. I was saving them for the right thing, and I got to thinking. The garden is perfect for them. I took them out and weaved them through the little fencing all the way around. I kept my mom up, so that she could see them, and she loved them. I was a little worried, but now we have a disco garden, and that is so rad. I shot a little short video of it for you to see.

     I also did a little more work around the pull-up station. I added some earth and packed it down. I don't have a picture of that for you, but trust me, it's looking better. I came up with a pretty interesting idea for it today too. I'm going to get a climbing vine type of plant, so that I can have them growing up each beam. It will make it look like part of the garden, and blend in really well. I'm leaning heavily towards putting in pavers underneath it, but that won't be for some time. I still have to extend our patio area around to the front side of the garden before I can do that. I have to know what kind of area I have to work with first, and then it's game on. I know I'm going to have to come up with a creative way to set the pavers. I might have to find some 4 inch thick bricks to put in the middle and then pavers in the front and back, It should make it look really cool.

     Ok, I tried uploading the video several times, and it keeps having some kind of error. I'll skip the video tonight, and maybe I can post it up on Thursday, so no disco garden for you yet. Giving it one last time, and if it works, this paragraph is completely useless. I'm going to leave it in for transparency.

     So far, I've gotten everything done in the new 100 day challenge. I'm worried about today though. I decided to sleep in a bit, and I didn't do any morning cardio, so I'm down by about 2000 steps, so I have a lot to go before bed. Part of the reason I didn't do morning cardio, was that my calves felt sore, so I wanted to give them a slight rest. At this point with 5 hours left to go in the day, I have about 6500 steps to go. This could be disaster. I still have to draw tonight as well. Even though that one isn't officially in the challenge, I want to give it my best attempt to do it daily. I better quit writing this right now, and get on with some serious cardio and get my steps up, and over 10000. I can do this. I knew this was going to be the hardest part, I just need to suck it up and get it done. Peace in and goodnight.


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