Sunday, November 24, 2019

It's Been A Long Weekend

     This weekend has been extremely long. My mom is still on her downward trend, and has lately decided that she doesn't want to eat. Today she had a couple bites of bacon, a couple bites of eggs, a piece of toast, three strawberries for breakfast. I knew she was going to have a rough day when she woke up last night as I was going to bed, and it appears that she woke up during the night at some point as well. When she gets a full night of sleep, everything goes much better. I can't say what she had for lunch because she was out with a family member, as for dinner, she had a few spoonfuls of ground beef and fried brussel sprouts, and refuse to even try the prosciutto wrapped asparagus. It's super frustrating. I managed to get another family member to call her and take her mind off of things, because she was trying to start a fight with me. All I can do in those situations is walk away, and let her cool off and forget about what was going on.

     The other problem is that she has been ultra fixated on two things. Saturday, which is the day she goes out with that one family member, and lately they have been putting it off until Sunday. That really messes with her, and plummets her into a depression. She has also been fixated on visiting an old friend of hers. I made sure to set it up with my neighbor for her to go with them to see this old friend. She is going tomorrow, but she of course forgets when she is going, and only knows that she is going. That leads to her either asking when she is going or telling me that she is ready to go, and she is going to walk next door so that she can get the neighbor to take her. I've managed to talk her down each time, but it has been getting increasingly harder. Tomorrow is the day though, and she is in bed now. I only have to get through tomorrow morning, and then I will see what new set of problems this visit creates.

     I have been rehabbing my shoulder. It is still sore, but a little different this time around. I was able to work it yesterday and relive the pain for most of the night, but it was back by the morning. I'm resting it today, since I had a pretty hard workout last evening. Been working with the resistant bands, and learned and came up with a few new ways to use them to hit natural body movements with resistance. It was an awesome workout. I need more bands. In time though. Oh, when I say I need more bands, I mean I need stronger bands with more resistance. I'm out growing these pretty fast. Who says you can't gain strength and size doing keto? There was a point late last week that I couldn't raise my arm over my head without help from my other arm. That's why this isn't the usually pain I thought it was. I'll get through it, and It isn't slowing down my plan for losing weight. I'm still on track. I weigh in tomorrow, and will do a write up for the website that will be up when I'm done with it. No schedule for these.

     I did falter on my 10000 steps. I had one day where I only hit 8400. I don't think I will make it tonight either. The tendons in my knees feel very strained lately when I hit my cardio, so I'm taking the day off for recovery. The end goal of 100 days is to create new healthy habits, and I'm hoping that I will still do that, even not hitting my daily goal. I do feel bad about it. Oh, and the drawing is definitely being added to the next round, since I missed back to back days on that. I have two already picked out for the next round. I think I'm going creative outlet for the next one, so drawing and the other one. I'm not going to reveal it this early. I'm only a week in on the 2nd round.

     I'm going to be working in the garden most of the day tomorrow. I got the rest of the pavers, to put down, and my car was dragging tail. I don't know how much each one weighs, but It has to be at the very minimum 35 lbs. I had 18 of them in the back of my car, so I had that Cali sag going on big time.

     The top one is them all stacked up on the cart, which was a bear to push. The second is half of them in my car. I was surprised they fit so well. Little Honda Fit came through again. This is still the best car I've ever owned. It will be a sad day when I give it up. The last picture is them stacked up under the pull-up bar. I put them there for two reasons. The first being that they are out of the way there for where I have to clear the area and level the land near the garden. The second reason is, that I wanted to see how they fit there. I'm thinking of sticking with the 16 in., which are there now, or going to a 12 in. The 12 in. are $2 cheaper per slab, so it is a very appealing idea. I would of course need more 12 in. to fit in the area, but they will fit. The down side is that it would be a smaller area of coverage. The downside of the 16 in. is that I couldn't do a checkerboard pattern with them. in the 12 in. the red and white ones are the same price, but the 16 in. I believe are more for the red stone. I'll have to check to be sure. Technically I could just add more 12 in. to the area to expand it out to the same dimensions as the 16 in., but that would defeat the purpose of saving money. Regardless of which way I go, It doesn't matter if the 16 in. don't fit in properly once I have the pavers down for around the garden. The corners will overlap a bit in that area, so it really all depends on how much room I have to work with. I do want it to be balanced, and the beams sitting right in the middle of the width. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you when it's all done. It's going to be a great little workout area. Yes it is a workout area. With the resistant bands I can do much more than simple pull-ups with that one apparatus. I may eventually do a video about the whole thing, but I have to have that area looking up to par when I do it. Can't have it looking like rubbish now.

     More garden news. The runner on my Junebearing strawberry plant has a runner from it. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. I'm going to get 3 plants from that one in no time.

     What I'm holding is the runner. That is a whole new plant attached with an umbilical cord. The whiter part is the root growth. That little shoot coming off of it, is the umbilical cord for the other runner. I have a matching one on the everbearing that I got the other day. I could have 5 strawberry plants by the end of the year. That's insane considering I started with 1 and only bought another one recently. I'm seeing a lot of strawberries in my future.

     Oh, a little bit of a rant about one of my neighbors. Not the one right next door, but it has to do with him. This morning I was outside around 9 am with Morty and Baby Girl. The neighbor dog Libby was out, and I always enjoy that, because she barks at Morty, and he eggs her on. She is wagging her tail the whole time, and clearly likes him, and he does her. Baby Girl has even shown signs of affection towards Little Libby. Anyway, I noticed a police officer over at the hose this morning, and as she left, Morty of course barked at her, and then my neighbor called Libby in. He proclaimed, as he was getting her in, "My dog is in the house now.". I immediately knew that it was because someone called with a noise complaint about Little Libby. That had me perturbed, but when I found out what the call was, I was genuinely pissed. The complainant told dispatch that the dog had been out and barking for 3 days straight. They were trying to claim animal neglect and abuse on my neighbor. I can tell you, that he loves that little dog, just as much as I love Morty and Baby Girl. I was furious about that. It's one thing to complain about noise. I can understand that, but to outright lie about it is egregious. I really want to find out who it was and just scream in their face. Maybe for 3 days straight. I can tell you, that Libby is never out before 8 am, and is always in by 8 pm. She is not left outside all day. The 8 am is before my neighbor takes their grandkids to school, and Libby comes in before they leave. She is back out around noon, and then later in the evening. So she is generally only outside 3 times a days and maybe an hour at a time. She is a barker, there is no doubt about that, but she generally only barks when Morty or Baby Girl is close to the fence. There are a few times when she will see a person out not the sidewalk the will get her barking but that is it. I just can't believe some people.

     One last thing before I go. I made those alternate plans for my mom, and took her to the Farmer's Market at the plant nursery that I go to. it was quaint. They didn't have all the veggies available that are in their email, but that had some good stuff. There was one woman that was selling homemade sausage and sauerkraut. I let my mom taste a sample of each. I didn't because I don't eat between meals. I don't want to spike insulin, so I had to go on my mom's recommendation. She really liked the sauerkraut. I'm always on the look for good sauerkraut, because it is great on Keto. I'm not a fan of it, but I eat it. I tried this sauerkraut with dinner last night, and it was out of this world good. If I had known sauerkraut could taste like this, I would have been a big fan. I will only ever by this fresh homemade sauerkraut ever again. This was a dill flavored one, and it is all natural with minimal ingredients. That means no sugars or preservatives.

     This is a very good example of why you should support local business. This is better than any store bought sauerkraut, and it was a little more than what I would pay at the store, but it is 10x better for you. I will be polishing this off during the week. We just got our meat shipment, and I went back to the beef and pork box, so I have two big pork loins, and a rack of baby back ribs, that will pair nicely with this kraut. Oh, I guess I should say why it is great on Keto. Here is the thing, not only is it cabbage, which is low in net carbs, it is fermented which is exceptional at creating good gut bacteria. Goo gut bacteria means better digestion, better digestion means more absorption of the macro and micro nutrients in your food. It is all about good and proper digestion. I don't just eat for fuel, I eat for a healthy gut biome as well, and it has made a huge difference in my health. A healthy guy biome is imperative to good health. It has recently been found that your gut biome is greatly linked to not only your bodies health, but your brains health as well. Healthy gut, healthy brain. It's a real thing. Eating healthy leads to good things, but none more than keeping you from degenerative brain diseases. This is part of why I'm feeding my mom the way that I am. It is all about giving her a little piece of her mind back. This all goes back to the phrase I picked up a while ago about fixing your health so that you can lose weight. You don't lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy so that you can lose weight, and that all starts with the gut. Well it all starts with the choices you make for what you put in your gut, but then it is all up to the gut. Please have a healthy gut.

     I believe I've rambled on too long tonight, so I'm calling it. Peace in and goodnight.

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