Sunday, November 17, 2019

Pull-ups, Peppers, And Perspective.

     I got to test out the pull-up bar, and it is a true success. I even managed to surprise myself by doing two very clean pull-ups. I honestly thought I would be able to do 1 very awkward one at most. It just goes to show you, that you can only know your fitness level by testing it. I also saw a video that came out this weekend, that gave me a way to improve my pull-ups. It was timely in deed. The guy mentioned using resistance bands to aid you in the early going so that you can do more full reps, that were controlled and clean. I this morning and it worked like a charm. I have 3 different bands, so I can scale it down as my progress improves. I'll start with the 35-50 lbs resistance band then move down to the 20-35, then finally to the 5-15. Then it will be all me from there on out. That is until I can add my weighted vest into the mix. I'm still working out exactly how to dress the floor of the pull-up area, but until then I have some dirt packed to have it level and an old clay put to stand on, so that I can put my foot in the resistance band. Oh, I guess I should explain how to use the bands with a pull-up. You simply tie off the band and stretch it down and put one of your feet into it, so that it will aid you. Simple right?

     Tomorrow starts a new round of 100 days. It will also be the beginning of my final push to 145. I will once again track my macros and go very strict on what I eat. This weekend was kind of a last blast, so I had pizza yesterday and today, (leftovers from yesterday), and I also had that Mountain Dew VooDew, that I was saving. It was good, but I doubt highly that I will ever have a sugary soda again, and I'm definitely limiting the diet ones. It was instant bloat city when I drank it, and I was in pain for about an hour until it calmed down. I had the Zevia, today, and although it didn't fully bloat me, I could feel the carbonation working its way through myself stomach. I much prefer the way I felt on water and tea. It's amazing how you can try something you used to abuse, and it simply wrecks havoc on you. I used to be able to drink 4 or more sodas in a day, and now 1 is a struggle. Believe me, that is a good thing. This has made me wonder what an alcoholic beverage would do to me at this point, and when I put any real thought into it, I realize that I really don't want to know. I won't drink beer, because it will defiantly kill ketone production, and hard liquor will do the same, but it will hit me so much harder than it ever did. Once again, healthy habits are fully ingrained in me.

     I will be weighing in tomorrow morning, to see just how much weight I have to lose to get to 145. I'm planning on documenting everything on a weekly basis. I will also test my GKI before my morning meal, and then check that each week as well. Truthfully I'm not that concerned with my ketone or GKI level at all. I'm sure that I'm out of it right now. I tested last night, and my GKI was over 13 which put me well out of ketosis. My guess is, that I will be back in by tomorrow evening, but I'm not going to bother to test. I'll know by the tasted in my mouth. You get a sweet metallic taste in your mouth when you are breathing ketones.

     Back to the 100 days. I've been doing a test run today. I woke up, and did my cardio, Yeah I only lasted one day of not doing morning cardio. By the way, it felt really weird not to do it, which once again is a great thing. I meditated for 20 minutes, and it was insane how relaxed I got. I will do it each morning this week, and then switch it to evenings for the second week. I'll decide then which one is going to work better for me. I'm sitting at just below 4000 steps for the day, and I will get to 10000 before I go to sleep tonight. I'm sure that I had refined sugar in the pizza that I ate, but I went out and picked up some good uncured bacon. Aldi has a really great price on uncured bacon that used evaporated sugar cane. That is from a natural source, so I'm okaying it. Plus the level of sugar that is used is minimal and fried off when you cook it. You do have to check that the carb reading on the package is a 0 though. When you get that smoked cured bacon, it is loaded with carbs, and sugar, so be careful. I haven't drawn today, which is going to be my bonus affirmation. I do have to get my sketch book out, and have it near the chair I sit in, so that I can sketch a little during the day. I do thing that the most difficult things are going to be the 10000 steps, and the drawing. I have said that the drawing doesn't count on the 100 days, but if I fail, I will be adding it to the next round for sure. I'm going to have to really keep on myself to hit that 10000 mark each day. It's going to be tough when I am in the house most of the day, and really don't get a chance to walk around, so I will be sneaking off to do random ten minute cardio sessions all day.

     This is going to be epic regardless of what happens. What I got out of the last 100 days was astonishing. I really did miss doing my cardio yesterday, and I have decided that there is no set day off, but there will be a minimum of 5 days a week. The plan is to just go until I feel I need a break, and then I will take a day off, and then get back on it. I crave drinking only water and tea, and the reading I haven't stopped yet. I still woke up incredibly early yesterday and read, as well as this morning. I'm truly excited about the next 100 days.

     I'm adding two new plants to the garden tomorrow. I have them sitting in the garden right now, but they aren't planted yet. Today was a dreary miserable day, and not good for planting. I went out and got a Cherokee Purple which is a tomato plant that looks like a regular tomato but is purple on the top and it looks like it is leaking down over a red tomato. That came in a 4 pack, so I'm planting all 4 in the ground tomorrow. The other one that I got was this little gem right here.

     That's a Scotch Bonnet, that is already flowering and producing some peppers. They won't be ready for a couple of weeks, but there are 4 good pods right now. These are some hot peppers, ranging from 100,000-350,000 on the scoville heat unit scale. That means they are 10-35 times hotter than a jalapeño. I'll be an idiot and will eat those raw when I can harvest them. There are at least 4 other tiny pods that should grow in the next couple of weeks. If you want some Scotch Bonnets, let me know. I'l share if you dare. That one will go in the ground tomorrow as well.

     Oh, the plant I thought was dying is actually doing really well. The only one that seems in jeopardy is the African marigold. It has seen better days, which were before Morty trampled it. I'm going to fight for it though. The leaves are wilting a bit, but there is new growth on it as well, so it may just be suffering from the trauma and transplanting.

     Since I have been going to my local plant nursery so much, the woman at the check out knows how I am now. This of course spurs my brain into that weird area, that since she noticed me, she must like me to some extent. This of course has me setting myself up for a miserable time, thinking that I should ask her out. She did go out of her way to ask me about my gauges and told me that she has been thinking about stretching her lobes. There was a customer behind me, so I couldn't stop and chat with her, but I gave her some advice on a cheap and very easy way of doing it. She was thankful for the advice and even said that it was really great advice, which once again gives me that false sense of hope that I have a chance. This is when I get into dangerous territory and set myself up for failure. Maybe thinking this way is why I fail. I'll just play it by ear. I do find her very attractive, and would love to get to know her, but are interactions of all been the length of time it takes me to check out. Today would have been a great day to sit and talk for a little while, if it wasn't for that customer behind me. I was finally there alone and didn't have to worry about my mom. It's not that I can't talk to a woman when I'm with my mom, it's just that my focus is always on my mom. Watching to see if there are any signs of her getting tired, or anything going wrong. When we are there, that is a lot of walking for her, even though she has her walker with her when we are there. She had her walker the last time she passed out, so I'm always on alert, and talking to a woman that I find attractive would take away from that focus, so I don't do it. Thus is my life now.

     Well, I have a few calisthenic videos to watch, so I have a better understanding of what I can do without weights, and I may do a final meal before tomorrow. It won't be anything crazy, since I don't have anything in the house that isn't healthy at this point, that I would want to have. I'll probably just have a cup of berries and nuts. Oddly enough, it is still keto, but isn't going to fit into the plan come tomorrow, so I may as well, go nuts (yes pun is intended) while I can. Peace in and goodnight.

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