Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Pain Is Killing Me

     My shoulder is killing me. I don't remember if I ever mentioned it before, but a very long time ago, I partially tore my anterior Deltoid in my left shoulder. It never healed properly and when the weather gets colder, like it has this week, my shoulder screams in pain. I have trouble even lifting that arm, and it is getting in the way of my workouts. That means I have to just take it easy for a little while. I'm bummed about it, because it not only affects push-ups, which isn't too big of a deal since I can still do dips, but it's killing me on pull-ups. This is a bit of a set back that I hadn't anticipated, since it has been a while since my shoulder felt this way. I will get through this though, and end up stronger on the other side of this.

     I did finish a 24 hour fast today, and it felt great. This was the first time fasting since my 72 hour fast last month. I had my normal Wednesday meal which is my breakfast salad with my Sun Warrior Warrior Blend, and Collagen mix. I really love that meal more than any other.

     I did order some new Warrior Blend, and it came in today. I got the vanilla and the natural flavor, so it's going to be a new experience for me. I'm sure the vanilla is going to be good, but I have no idea what the natural flavor will taste like. I'm going to find out tomorrow morning. The great thing about the natural flavor is, that it has 0 net carbs, and 18 grams of protein per serving. That is incredible. Just to give you an example of how great that is. The Chocolate, which I love has 2 net carbs, and only 16 grams of protein per serving. 2 grams my not sound like a huge difference, but in the protein and muscle building game, it's a big deal. Protein absorbs at different rates depending on the source. Some is more soluble than others, and when you are active and trying to build muscle, you need about .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. That means that based on the weight I started this latest push for 145, which was 153, I need 122 grams of protein. There will be people that will tell you that you don't need that much protein, those people are wrong. They base protein needs off a sedentary person which only needs .35 grams per pound of body weight. Big difference. That would put my protein needs around 65 grams, and that isn't enough. Don't believe the fairy tales about proteins. They will also tell you that you can't digest that much protein, and that is why you should limit protein consumption. The human body can process 50 grams of protein per meal. Since I spread my protein over 3 meals, I'm far below that 50 gram mark. There is also the fact that I use pea protein as a major source of my protein, and it is highly digestible and is slow absorbing. It takes more time and utilizes more of the protein than most sources. Make sure you know the facts when it comes to health.

     Time to get off my high horse now, and back to earth with some gardening news. I made a few additions to the garden today. I planted a little herb garden area.

     I got some ordinary and not so ordinary herbs. Starting at the bottom right and going clockwise; Thyme, hot & spicy Oregano, Chamomile, Spearmint, and Chocolate Mint. I tried the Chocolate Mint and it actually tastes like Chocolate mint. It has that wonderful minty flavor with a slight hint of cocoa. I can't wait to use it in some drinks. Don't get carried away, it will be water or tea. I also got an everbearing strawberry plant. Did I mention that the runner on the junebearing is beginning to root. I should be able to replant it in a few days, and have me 3 strawberry plants. It also looks like a runner is beginning on the new plant. I did pull some fruit off the new one. It wasn't going to ripen or even grow any bigger, plus I don't want it fruiting just yet, I want it to grow. It's not a very clear photo, but that's a tiny strawberry right there. I'm really looking forward to having some fresh home grown strawberries. I'm actually looking forward to eating all of the home grown fruit and vegetables. The Brussel sprouts are growing like bonkers. They aren't anywhere close to producing yet, but I think we are going to have a good haul when they do.

     Thats the current layout of the garden. The grow bags in the fencing are the Brussel sprouts. There were the size of those little pepper plants next to them when I got them. They have quadrupled in size since I planted them. Oh, the everbearing strawberries are in the garden cart on the left. They are in there with the Cherry tomatoes. I have them in there for now, so that I can move them around to get more sun during the day. I'm planning on getting more pavers for where the wagon is, and when I get those, all the grow bags will go down on the pavers around the garden. That will open up about a 4 square foot area of the garden for planning. The herbs are right in front of the Brussel Sprouts. The large plant in the back is the Scotch Bonnet, and if you can zoom in on it, you will see 4 good size peppers on it, that would be ripe in a week or two. There are two other tiny ones that are growing as well. My mom is looking forward to them, because she likes hot peppers, but she has never had peppers that hot before, so this should be an adventure. I told her I would only give her a tiny piece before letting her get at it. She went a little bonkers from that yellow jalapeño my buddy gave us. Granted it was hotter than your normal jalapeño, but it wasn't the hottest I've had, and she used to love Sriracha, so I was a little baffled by her reaction. 

     I got to tell you. I'm in love with that little garden. It brings me so much joy watching it grow. I love that it is fully biodiverse, with vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowering plants. There have been recent studies, that gardens that have biodiversity grow better than specialized growing, so I'm all about that biodiversity. Think about it. Flowers bring bees, bees pollinate plants, pollinated plants grow better, that means bigger and more fruitful growing plants. What about the herbs? I'm glad you asked. The herbs are there to detract plant eating bugs. Those bugs don't really like herbs and tend to stay away from gardens that have them in them, hence the reason for the tiny herb garden in the overall garden.

     While we were at the nursery picking up the herb plants, we took some time to look for some vines. I found  few that I liked and thought they would be really pretty growing up the posts for the pull-up bar, but then we went to look at the fruit bearing trees, and came across grapes. They had three different types of grapes that could climb the posts, so we are leaning towards growing some grapes on the posts. True, grapes aren't keto friendly, but a few a week wouldn't hurt, and I can give a bunch of them away. Just the thought of growing grapes is pretty exciting to me. We are going to get them in a couple of weeks, so you will see some grape vine pictures soon. Once more, biodiversity. We don't discriminate on what we plant in our garden.

     I guess the video of the disco garden never loaded up. Too bad. I could try again, but I'm pretty sure it won't work again. I don't know why. Full disclosure, I just tried to upload it again, and it failed. I don't get it, it's only a 4 second clip.  I could upload it to YouTube and then embed it here. I'll have that up and ready by Sunday. Seems like a long way to go, just to show you a stupid little video of lights going around the garden. Oh well, the things I do for you.

     Ok, I should just stop writing, because I realize this has gone on for a while, and you need your time, and I need to get to drawing. I've been keeping up with everything, and the drawing has a long way to go, to get back to where I was, but I'm on top of it. Oh, and 10000 steps is crazy hard, but I'm doing it so far. Peace in and goodnight.

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