Sunday, November 10, 2019

I'm An Idiot, And I'm Surprised I Lived To Write This

     Before we get to the tittle, oh, we will get there. It's been an up and down weekend. Did I mentioned that I developed a sprain in the arch of my foot? Well, I think it is a Planter's Wart. I noticed that it is slightly raised and more like a callus then a strain. The good news, is that I only have a week of doing cardio every morning. I will be going to a 5 day a week schedule with morning cardio. It's small but painful.

      I've been dog proofing the garden, with little affect. They still try to get in there and trample around.

     I put bamboo rods all around it. I'm hoping that they will see it and think, "oh I can't get in there, I'll just leave that alone.". Yeah, it hasn't really worked that way. Baby Girl Gauge, sees it as an obstacle that she can overcome. I have kept her out so far, but it's a challenge.

     You can see that I extended it out and planted the habaneros, which I'm still trying to figure out why I planted those, considering, I'm a wuss when it comes to hot peppers. I'm never going to be able to tolerate them, unless I eat them, plus I want all the health benefits that come with spicy peppers. 

     Let's get to that Idiot part of the title. A buddy of mine dropped by, to help me pick up the rest of the items for the pull-up station, and he brought some seeds and plants with him, for my garden. He also brought a bag of peppers as well. One was a Chocolate Habanero. I told him I would try it tonight. He managed to convince me that it would be a good idea, to cut it in half, and only eat the bottom half. That is what I did.

     It was freaking hot, and It think I only had 1 seed. The top half has to be hotter. My buddy just sent me a video of himself eating a Scotch Brain, which is hotter than the habanero that I ate, and now I feel like I need to eat the other half of the pepper. Ok, it's 10 minutes since I wrote that last sentence, and my mouth is still on fire. The heat from the top half of that pepper, was twice as intense as the bottom half, and it turns out that a chocolate Habanero is not like other habaneros. It hits between 425,,000 - 577,000 scoville heat units. That really freaking hot. The hottest peppers I've been able to tolerate before were ancho chiles, and those are nothing. They are right around a jalapeño. The pepper I just ate is 40 times that. I'm a freaking idiot, and I'd do it again. One of the plants he gave me is a Chocolate Ghost Pepper, which is like a million on the scoville scale. If I can grow it, I'll eat it.

     That is what pure evil looks like, but it was fun. Hey, want some peppers? I'm going to have plenty of them in the future. He also gave me to crazy tomatoes. One was a Sunrise Bumblebee. It was grape tomatoes sized and had yellow streaks through it. It was really good, full of flavor with a zing at the bite. Completely fresh tasting. The other was a, I think a Yellow Zebra. It was a larger version of the bumblebee, but it didn't have that little zing when you bit into it, but it was really good as well. I can't wait to be eating my own fruit and vegetables. 

     I weighed in on Friday, as you may remember, I thought I was in the 155 range. I haven't been tracking my macros lately, and have just been eating healthy, in my keto way. That is the reason I thought I would be at that 155 mark. Guess what I weighed in at? Ok, I'll tell you. I weighed in at 151.6. I was only .4 lbs heavier than my last weigh in. That's freaking incredible. Starting next week or the week after, I will be hitting it hard and serious again, tracking everything, so that I can hit that 145 mark. I will hit it, and I will do it faster than It took me to hit 150, for sure.

     I'm going to call it tonight, I'm watching a series of videos my buddy sent me about home gardening. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Can you grow in the winter there ? All those things would have to go in the spring here.Maybe youll eventually get to be the gardner grandpa was but you might need more space.Good luck gardening is so very rewarding.
