Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Attack Of Godzilla And Rodan.

     I've been busy in the garden today. I extended it by about 6 inches, with plans to extend it another 3-4 feet. I put in a few more plants, and it was looking great, until Godzilla and Rodan went trampling through it. I have a before shot, so you can see that. I was able to put it back in place, but one of the new plants was partially obliterated.

     See the yellow African Marigold in the back, that's the one that was crushed. and there were telltale signs of tracks leading towards it. The fencing was knocked over, the only plus is, that there was no digging involved. One of the main branches was broken on the marigold, and I stood it back up and supported it, so I'm hoping it will take and not die off. This is so frustrating with these dogs. They know they aren't supposed to go in there, but they still do. I have it looking nearly like that photo right now, but I'm still a little bummed. 

     I put the mulch in to protect the soil, and it also looks nice. In the extended section are 4 habanero pepper plants. Habanero Orange to be exact. If these grow, I will more than likely die. I'm a light weight when it comes to spicy pepper, so these will probably kill me. I had the chance to get some scotch bonnets and ghost peppers, but I chose to prolong my death. I could have also gone with some cayenne and jalapeños as well, but since I knew I could stomach those, there was no real challenge.
The grow bag in the fencing has cherry tomatoes in it, and the rest of the line-up is the strawberry plant, with the brussel sprouts. I have the blackberry bush in it's own little space, and it looks o tiny in the area a set aside for it.

     The dogs haven't figure out how to get in there yet, but they have tried. This little area gets the right amount of sun, so it's perfect for the blackberry bush. I have room for maybe another one, or some other fruit bearing plant. I could put the strawberries in there, but I've learned that they will take over an area and choke it out, if you leave it to it's own doing. It grow runners that will root themselves and starve off the area. That is why I'm keeping it in the grow bag, I will take the runners off and plant them in their own bag as the pop up. Keeping them safely above ground so they can't take off and sprawl. I have another photo so you can see the pepper plants.

     You can also see the marigold pre-destruction. I'm pretty excited about all of this, I just have to keep the dogs out. Is there such thing as a Dogcrow? I need that.

     I'm hoping you all checked out yesterdays post on the website, so you could see me in all my embarrassing glory. The featured photo isn't the only photo there. I also put a side by side by side by side comparison from 175 all the way to 151.2. It does show a definite progression. It is hard to believe that that is a 24.8 lbs difference, but it is. You would think that much weight loss would have bigger results, but that is what people need to understand, and that is why I post the pictures. It takes time and it won't happen over night. Do I wish it were another way? Of course I do, but anything worth having is worth weighting for. See what I did there? It is also worth working for, and that is what I do every day.

     I have my three new affirmations for when the 100 day challenge starts up again. I'm currently on day 92, and I'm just a day over a week away from 100. This has been a fun and worthwhile challenge and that is why I'm doing it again. The three new ones are, to get in 10000 steps every day. Meditate for 20 minutes daily, and no refined sugar. The last one seems like a breeze doesn't it, since I took sugar out of my diet. I do have the occasional sweet treat from time to time. usually it is once a month or something along those time lines, but when I start this challenge, no refined sugar at all. I will only get my sugar from berries, and that is it. I'm also going to throw a bonus one in, but I will announce that on the website when I post the final update for this round of the 100 days. I really do suggest that you give the 100 day challenge a try. It is a true learning experience, and it creates some healthy long lasting habits. I won't be doing cardio every morning, but it is a lot easier for me to do it 5 days a week for sure now. I'll probably only take break when I feel run down, which I do feel now, but still strong. I have developed a sprain in the arch of my foot, and I do need to rest in it order for it to heal, but I still have 8 more days to go. Don't worry, it isn't so bad that I should stop what I'm doing, but I will take a couple days off after day 100, just so that it can get some rest.

     Speaking of my body and health. For the first time ever, I can see the vein in my biceps. That is a huge deal for me, and it began happening when I stopped weighing myself constantly. I last weighed in for when I wrote that post for consistency, and took the photos. That was at 151.2 I have no idea what my weight is now. I would believe that it is higher, more than likely in the 155 range, but I don't know. The thing about that vein popping now, means that even if my weight has increased, my body fat has gone down, and that is the goal really at this point. I still want to hit 145, just to say that I did, but really, I'm already in the maintain and grow mindset. Beside that vein, my vascularity has exploded, in my forearms and legs. The vascularity in my legs is insane to me. I've never seen that many veins popping in my legs, and they are huge. I'm loving it, since that is my goal, to be shredded with veins everywhere. Yes, I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but that is how I want to look, and my opinion is the only one that matters in this case. This all goes back to that woman who told me that if I lost anymore weight I would begin to look unhealthy. I told her that if I did it wrong I would. You have to remember, one of the things that derailed me before, beside the fact that I was doing it all wrong, was when someone told me that I was getting to thin. It hit me pretty hard, and I rebounded to fat old me. This time I dare someone to tell me I look unhealthy. I'm not only at the thinnest weight I've been since my 20's, but I look better and feel way healthier than I ever have. I've told you about how my resent pulse is in the upper 50's lower 60's. I have forgotten to tell you that my arthritis has completely disappeared, If you don't know about that. I was beginning to get arthritis in my index fingers of both hands. At night they would begin to look up and when I would straighten them, they would hitch and then pop. It was an unusual pain that accompanied all of this, and that is complete gone. Another thing, is my nightly snoring, is no more as well. Hey all of you that are using a CPAP, you can get rid of that thing. Deep down, I always knew that my snoring was a side affect of being overweight, I was right, and it is gone. The health benefits just keep coming, and it is all due to how I eat.

     Ok, enough of my bully pulpit. I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.

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