Sunday, November 3, 2019

Bandage Free, And A Goal Is Met

     This weekend was rough. Maybe one of the lowest rough weekends ever for my mom. She is fighting eating, and I have to bribe her with one of my keto cookies for dessert. Her mental capacity was at a low this weekend, with a few bright moments. It's almost as if she is caught in between knowing and not knowing right now. I somehow managed to keep her fed, but it wasn't the cleanest diet. When I couldn't get her to eat whole food meals, I had to resort to processed options. She got her nutrients, but now the way I would have wanted her to get them. Her sleep pattern has been all over the place as well. I wake up a few times during the night, this is something I have come to accept over several years now. I notice her sometimes sitting up in bed wondering what is going on. When I tell her it is too early to get up, she is usually ok for the remainder of the night, but sometimes she is up an hour later. I"m hoping this is a short term thing, but we will see.

     I have done some work in the garden. I still have along way to go, but I got a new plant, and switched it with the one that was in the corner. I put that one in a hanging pot. It was just sprawling so I think it is more of a hanging type plant, and am going to give that a try. The grow bags in the front are the brussel sprouts. I have 4 of those. Morty did some damage. He trounced the Velvet Limbo which was the bright purple flower. It's there behind the Mona Lavender, but its been flattened. He also jumped through and uprooted two of the brussel sprouts. I was able to replant those, and I am now keeping a very close eye on Morty whenever he goes out. I also bought a blackberry bush, but I haven't planted it yet. I have an idea of where to put it, but I have to get some fencing to go around it, so doggies can't destroy it. I really want some fresh blackberries when it produces fruit in the spring.

     I also began cutting down some limbs, so that I can start putting up the pull-up station. I have it all planned out. I'm going to clear out the overhanging limbs, and then dig a pit, which is where I'll put the posts for the pull-up station. Once I have the first post in place, I will mount the bar to that side, and then dig the hole fore the second post and use the first to stabilize it for when I pour the concrete to hold it in place. Once it is all together and stable, I'm going to lay down some kind of mulch. I haven't decided which kind yet, but it is going to be in a squared out area. It's going to be pretty cool when it's all done.

     I'm also considering building a garden box, to plant everything in. I can see it all in my head. The reason I'm thinking about a grow box, is so that Morty and Baby Girl, can't go trampling through it. They still may crawl up into it if I don't build it tall enough. I need to find a place that sells straw, so that I can line the bottom of it with it. The reason for that, is so that it will work as a sponge for water, and allow me to only have to water once every couple of weeks. This is the kind of knowledge you can find on the internet. Anyway, speaking of Baby Girl. She had her bandages fully removed. They want her incisions to breath, and heal naturally. She is still on antibiotics for the time being, and she is doing really well.

     She did come out of it without her hearing, so she is fully deaf now, and since she has that droopy right side, she is partially blind. I'm hoping that sag will eventually correct herself and her eyesight will return to full, but it isn't bothering her too much. She does have some moments of surprise, now, when something comes up on that side, but she handles it well. She still has the dried out hematoma in her ears. They didn't get rid of those, but they aren't a problem, they just make her ears look funny. I love those scraggly little ears.

     72  fast update: I did maintain 150 or below for several weigh-ins, so I officially hit my goal, but that goal is now gone, and a new one is in place. This will be the final weight limit goal, and it is 145. Once I hit that, I will no longer strive for weight loss. I will be focusing on body fat and overall appearance. I'm still carrying body fat in unusual places. It's getting less and less every day, but I still have a long way to go. I'm reconsidering posting a current picture of myself. I put some thought into it. If I want to truly inspire people then I have to be fully transparent with what is going on with myself. That means, even though I'm not where I want to be, and find myself disgusting, others may see it for the results that they are. I can't deny, that I'm closer to that complete body, than I have ever been, and 18 year old me would truly be jealous over the body I have now, but I can't settle for just being ok. I have an idea in my head, and I will reach that ideal. I'll post the new picture up this Wednesday. I may post it earlier in the day on the website as part of a new article about consistency. Actually that is part of the reason I decided to post up a new picture. I can't rightfully write about consistency and expect people to do it, when I'm being inconsistent with my photos. 

     I have 11 days left on the 100 day challenge, and I'm so excited about it. I do plan on having that Mountain Dew VooDew on day 101. It's going to destroy my carb intake for the day, so it's just going to be a "cheat" day. I'll have it with my dinner and enjoy it. It will be the last sugary soda I have for a while. I'm planning on doing only 1 diet soda a day for the next 100 days. When I say 1, I mean that is the highest number I will have, I will more than likely have 1 every couple of days. I already thing I've cured myself of that addiction that I had, but in case I didn't, this will be a way of training me to appreciate the 1 occasionally one that I will have. No more multiple sodas a day. I also have some sodas that are sweetened with stevia, that are supposed to be better options than the giant soda companies diet sodas, that are filled with chemicals. These are called Zevia, and they have all natural ingredients. I got their version of Dr. Pepper, so I'll let you know how it goes in a little less than 2 weeks. 

     That's it for tonight. I'll see you on Tuesday. Peace in and goodnight.

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