Tuesday, November 12, 2019

It's Getting Bigger

     This is what the garden looked like yesterday, before Morty got in it, and began digging around. I was only planing on extending the garden by another 6 inches, so that I could plant the pepper plants that my buddy gave me. Since I already had the fencing I decided to just take it all the way out, and it works out great. I can put the grow bags in the fence, and as you can see, I got more bamboo stakes to use as pooch deterrent, which failed. Morty just pushed his way through, got in and roughed it up a bit. He didn't uproot anything this time, which is good, but it doesn't look very nice now. I only put a thin layer of mulch down as a cover layer. That is there to protect the soil more than to look good, although it does look better than drying soil.

     I was asked a question about being able to grow during winter, but since Blogger will no longer let me comment on my own posts, I'll answer it here. Since Florida has such a mild climate, growing is possible most of the year. The plants I have are all hearty winter plants that will survive the winter, and produce in the spring. The ones that I bought were all mid to late fall planters, so they are just perfect for growing this time of year, and as you can see, the brussel sprouts are taking off. I"m pretty sure the Habaneros that I planted are taking off as well. The strawberry, which is June bearing is a slow grower, as is the blackberry bush. It is still very tiny.

     I have the first beam up for the pull-up bar. I cleared an area of land, and flattened it out, so that it was level before I began digging the two foot hole for the beam. I mixed the concrete and got it poured in, and it is stable. I'm going to keep it with supports until Thursday, when I'm going to put the other beam up.

     I made sure that the beam was level on all four sides, and it is holding steady. I do think I'm going to need to lower where I'm putting the bar. I put in the floor flange before putting it up, and I placed it 6 inches from the top. That makes it 7 and a half feet above ground. When I finally got the beam in and looked up, I knew I was going to have trouble. Either I need to make a box, so that I can reach it, or I got to get some mad hops. The real choice is to lower it another 6-10 inches, I can always move it back up later after I'm better at pull-ups.

     I had another person recently tell me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight. I fell for that once before, and it ruined me. I will never let anyone else dictate how my appearance should be. People tend to believe that if you get to a point, where they are happy with your appearance, that you shouldn't change, because then you will become emaciated. That happens when you don't know what you are doing, and as I've said on here, my final number is 145. That number is for two reasons, the first being, that I really do think that is where I need to be, before I begin a maintenance and build phase. The other is the good old, "I want to see if I can get there.", which will turn into  really did get there. I'm stable right now, and I haven't been tracking macros. I finish up my 100 days in 3 days, and I'm going on a bit of a carb binge on day 101. I'm having a full on sugar loaded soda, and a candy bar as a bit of a celebration for never stumbling during this 100 days. I'm beyond proud of myself for that. I nearly messed up today though, but waking up late. Late for me is 5 am. I still got the cardio and reading in, and the water isn't even a second thought at this point. These three things have become habit now. Although I will no longer be doing cardio every morning, I will be doing it 5 days a week. I was doing that before, but my days were all over the place, I will have a 5 day schedule, where I will make sure that I do no less than 5 days during a week. I'm thinking I may even go as far as setting days, such as Wednesday, and Saturday as my days off, but I haven't truly decided that yet. I will still wake up and read every morning though, and as far as soda goes. I will set a 1 diet soda a day rule, but I will more than likely be doing a soda every other, or every couple of days. I'm really enjoying the way I feel right now, and I don't want to mess with that. It will also be interesting to see how I react to soda after not having it for so long.

     That brings me to my foot. I'm at a loss now, and to what it is. I know it's not Planter's faciatis, I'm almost positive that it isn't a Planter's wart. I noticed today that it was developing a head on it, like a pimple. So I did what any normal idiot would do, and grabbed a needled and lanced it. It did have a discharged, that was somewhat solid. The lump got instantly smaller and the pain was minimized. I cleaned it real good, point some Aquaphor on it, and a bandaid over it. It feels pretty good now, but there is still some mild pain. I'll know a little later how it feels doing cardio. Should be fun, but since I managed to do it when it was at it's worst, I think it will feel like I'm walking on clouds now. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, back to the weight loss. I put my first photo next to my latest photo to show you, that I am not emaciated, and very healthy looking. Not only that, but my body looks better than it ever has, and is only going to get better.

     Even though I am much leaner, I see nothing but my flaws in those pictures, and just what I need to work on. Hence the reason why I will drop all the way to 145. At that point, I will adjust my macros and carb intake for building muscle. My carb intake will go from less than 30 to around 50 per day. Still very low carb, and I should stay in ketosis. The goal is to burn body fat, and gain muscle, which I do believe I've been doing for the last couple of months, but when I change my macros and increase my daily calories, It will take it to a whole new level. I want to be at under 15% body fat. I'm right around 19% now, that is down from 39% where I started from. That was before that picture on the left. I was around 29% there. I can't emphasis enough how great this Mediterranean Keto type of eating really is. I eat more leafy green veggies than I ever have, I eat leaner meat, and get my fats mostly from nuts and oils. The best part is, that my energy and overall feeling is way up. I do think that when I finally get to where I want to be, my weight will be closer to 160 than 145, but I need to hit that mark so that I can build myself back up. The reason I say 160, is that I have a lot of muscle to put on my back, chest, and legs. That will add up to quite a bit. The three largest muscles will take up some pounds. 15 pounds of muscle with 15% body fat will look like a huge difference, and that is what I'm planning on.

     There is no Favorite Song of the Week this week, and my garden is my Favorite Thing of the Week, so just take a look at the picture above, and this one below. Pre Morty of course, but it still goes as my FTOTW.

Peace in and goodnight.

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