Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blast From The Past.

     I decided to write this a little early today. Well, actually very early today. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first being, that I was really considering writing last night, because something very unusual happened yesterday. The second being, that it's supposed to be a miserable rainy day, and I can't possibly see anything exciting happening for the rest of the day. I could be wrong though.

     Let's get started with, I was able to get back on Saki Friday. It was the first time since I injured my back on Tuesday. It felt good. I also got my new phone, and I'm being extremely careful with it, since my Lifeproof case doesn't arrive until Thursday. I love this new phone. Technology is great. I just went with the iCloud backup, and everything was back on my phone with very little interruption. I had to find a few passwords and such, and a game took be back to the very beginning, but that gave me a reason to get rid of it, and stop playing. The camera is lightyears better so then first picture I took was of Saki when we got back home. You really didn't think I wasn't going to post the picture did you?

     You can see Saki and Fred in all their glory. You can't even notice the scratches on Saki, and this is the side that took the damage. My back still isn't a hundred percent, but it was well enough to get back on for a ride, and it was fantastic. I wanted to get a shot at my new favorite place, and it would have been great. The sun was going down, and there were storms off in the distance. The sky was full of colors, but there was some guy in a truck parked there, and he was right where I would normally park Saki, so I had to settle for this one. Not bad if I do say so myself.

     Ok, let's get to yesterday already. The only thing I did Friday night was watch the rest of Sense 8. It was good, but their Christmas special was a bit odd, and they changed actors for the guy from Nairobi. Anyway, Saturday. I didn't do anything for all of the day. It was cold, and I didn't want that cold air on my back, so Saki stayed warm in the garage. Instead, I messaged a few women I have been talking to on OKCupid, to see how they were. While I was there, I started browsing "matches". I don't normally go on there, but idle hands and all. I came across a woman, that caught my attention. I looked at her profile, and something looked very familiar about her. I went through her pictures, and she looked like an old girlfriend of mine. I read through her profile, and then her stats, and her age and height fit. It couldn't be her though. It;s not possible that I would run across an old love. Even her screen name fit her personality, but it really couldn't be her, it was just all a coincidence.

     A little background now. I was desperately in love with this woman. She was everything that I ever wanted. She was smart, kind, beautiful, and had a rough background that she was rising above. I don't know if I mentioned here, how I have a constant desire and habit of finding women that I feel I can help to become better. I probably never help any of them, but it's there and I am attracted to those women. She broke up with me when she was having some really heavy things happening in her life. She was trying to go to school to be an EMT, and her mom was fighting colon cancer. All of it was a struggle, and trying to maintain a relationship on top of that, wasn't in the cards, so we went our separate ways. I think the last time I saw her and talked to her, was when I took her to visit her mothers grave. I wanted that moment as well, became her mother was a fantastic woman. She was where her daughter got all of her best traits. I thought I saw her one more time, while she was in a passing car at my bank. That was it. Our lives were never meant to cross paths again. Until yesterday?

     After I saw her profile, I just closed down the site. It couldn't be here, and if it was, what could I do about it? After a couple of minutes, I went back on and found her again. I messaged her saying that she looked like someone I knew, and just wanted to say hello. I didn't expect to hear from her. If it was her, why would she want to talk to me, and if it wasn't, there was no reason to talk to me. A few hours later, I got a message. I had named her correctly but it wasn't a confirmation that it was her. She asked me how I knew her, and I briefly told her. It was her.

     We messaged throughout the evening. I'm not sure if she remembers me or not, but it was a good conversation. She told me a few things about herself, and what was going on in her life. It made me happy that she was doing so well. She had overcome all of her adversities and was succeeding. When it was time to go to bed. I cut off the conversation with a good night, and hope that her daughter and her friend wouldn't keep her up all night.

    You're sitting there saying to yourself, "You blew it, why didn't you give her your number?" Well, you're right, I did blow it. I even went to be thinking that I blew it. I woke up this morning, still thinking that I blew it. There is good news though. I have a chance to fix that, and I did. I messaged her directly after breakfast and gave her my number. I don't know if she will ever contact me, and I don't know if I want to turn this into anything other than a possible friendship. The old saying goes, "You can never go home again.". I kind of feel this applies to this. How many times have people form an old relationship, found each other and then picked up where they left off, and made it successful? I don't know of too many. I've heard of a few, but only a few, and my luck isn't that good. If nothing comes of this, I did take the initiative and reach out to her, and that is something that gives me some pride.

     I know that I should be talking about John Hurt in this spot, but I want to save that for Tuesday night. I think this post needs to center on everything above. So, until Tuesday night, peace in, and have a great day.