Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What Do You Want To Be?

     Today seems to have a theme. It kept popping up everywhere. From the radio show I listen to in the morning, to the podcast I listened to later in the day, to the TV show I was watching before coming in to write this. What is this underlying theme of the day? Do what you want to do most in this world. It was everywhere today. Go out and be the person you want to be. If you don't know how to do that, then find out how. If you don't think you are good enough to be that person, then get over it, and just do it.

     That is what I have been doing with this. It is my effort to write more, and learn from doing that. I don't do this for money, or notoriety, I do this for me. What I found out when I started the 365, is that I need this. It gets things out of my head, and keeps me balanced. If I did this for any of those other things, I would sensationalize this, and that isn't what this is about at all. My goal was to have honesty in writing, and that is what I am doing. It doesn't get me a whole lot of views, and that really doesn't matter to me. What matters, is that I write with honesty and hopefully you enjoy it, whoever you are. That is my goal, and in doing that, I am doing exactly what I want to do. I'm at a point now where I could monetize this, and try to make money off of it, but I'm not going to do this. Whenever I promote something on here, I do it because I like the product, and believe in it. I don't get anything for it, and I doubt  anyone evolved with anything I promote will ever see this. So know that when I say I like something and I recommend it, it is because I honestly thing it is a good thing.

      I could go into a long paragraph about how you should go out and do what you want to do, but I'm not going to do that, I think you get the point from the two paragraphs above, so I'm going to instead, go into the Favorite Song of the Week, which oddly enough, has a tie in with the theme of the day. The song is by an artist who has written songs for many well known artist, and not just songs, but hit songs. She has quietly released 3 albums and 1 EP, but I think her time has come to step out of the side stage and into the spotlight. Her voice is a mix between Miley Cyrus and Gwen Stefani, and the writes good songs. She is another one of those artists that has toiled for years  writing for others and seeing them have hits with her songs. For one reason or another, they didn't see themselves as the star, but it turns out, they maybe should have seen themselves as that all along. I know of a couple more songwriters that are going to be coming out with their own albums like this artist soon, and I will more than little feature them right her, but tonight belongs to LP. She was born in Long Island New York as Laura Pergolizzi, and picked up the nickname LP during her time at Walt Whitman High School. From what I can find, she has been performing since that time as well. She is incredibly talented, and guess what? She plays the ukulele, and you know how I have an affection for ukulele artists. I've been blabbering on enough, let's get to the song. Here is LP with "Lost On You".

     While I have been writing this, I have been listening to the EP, It's titled Death Valley and it's really good. If you are in the mood for some new music. Look it up and give it a listen. I think you will enjoy it. Ok, you can't tell this from just reading, but I stopped writing long enough to watch the live version of the song above, and It's really really good. It has a bit of tortured appeal to it. There is a part where she walks away from the mic, and sings from a distance that just breaks your heart, and tears into your soul. If the video above is anything like the one on Youtube, watch the next video that pops up when that one is done. That should be the live version, you won't regret it.

     Time for me to head off to be. It's going to be another 4 day work wee, so I better get to sleep and attack tomorrow like there is no other tomorrow. Peace in and goodnight.

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